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Hello fediverse! We are a nonprofit organization that protects, defends, and empowers public-interest journalism in the 21st century.

Our work includes:

- Advocating for press freedom rights:

- The US Press Freedom Tracker:

- Digital security trainings and guides:

- @securedrop, to empower journalists and whistleblowers

- @dangerzone, to help journalists (and others) handle electronic documents safely


If you're interested in the present and future of fusion energy then I recommend this 30-minute video. Really in-depth look at Helion's process for generating electricity.

I learned how to use the vim text editor in 2002 and haven't used anything else to write text on any computer since.

20 years later, Microsoft has made something actually good called VS Code. The editor has a vim mode and it connects to Linux (via WSL) to do real work.

If you work for a corporation or university that requires you use Windows, VS Code with WSL will make that computer actually useful.

@ev I'm gonna set one up next week for invite-only accounts. On GCP it's $25 for a low end VM in their compute platform. I don't know the additional costs but I still need to set up

* A Static IP address
* Object storage for images and video (S3 type thing)
* Outgoing emails for password resets and user notifications (??? Why is email hard again?)

Then there's the cost of a relational database, which is 4x the cost of a server if Google manages it.

Add a load balancer in front of the VM for a future time when a single low-end VM stops serving requests...

You can probably see where I'm going with this.

Woah, a public SF Bay Area Mastodon server is $1000 a month to operate.

@paulg because it's funny to make fascists and psychopaths feel bad.

Twitter suspends accounts of journalists who cover Elon Musk, including WaPo's Drew Harwell, NYT's Ryan Mac, CNN's Donie O'Sullivan, and Aaron Rupar.

There's been reporting that Twitter hasn't been paying rent and severance packages. At this point, I'm starting to think the CEO knows the site is going down soon and just enacting petty revenge on everyone he doesn't like.

A lot of people tell me Gentoo was their first Linux distro as a flex. But when I ask them what they learned from that experience when they maintained their own custom operating system...crickets.

@magicaltrout (HI! I think we're working on very similar things) I "solved" this by requiring the security people to also use an EKS Terraform module, which does the OIDC bits automatically.

@magicaltrout WSL Linux guests get GPU passthrough with the latest version. Planning to roll this out to my team.

Tesla wants to solve the electricity problem in Texas by making Tesla branded electricity available to Tesla electrical product subscribers.

Where is a good start to read about the history of the US Air Force from a leftist perspective?

@elijah I feel like I know less after reading half of that than before I began. Did the author imply the Soviet Union was part of the Axis power in WWII?

@vitriolix it took a couple of days but I found an Android client named Tusky that works like I'd expect. The firehouse feed is very funny tho. Almost seems like a joke feature.

@fyodorg My version is that I'm socially Anarchist but fiscally Communist

🔖 Bridgy Fed

»Bridgy Fed turns your web site into its own #fediverse account, visible in #Mastodon and beyond. You can post, reply, like, repost, and follow […] by posting on your site with #microformats2 and sending #webmentions. Bridgy Fed translates those posts to fediverse protocols like #ActivityPub and OStatus, and sends fediverse interactions back to your site as webmentions.«

»[It] takes some technical know-how to set up« — true, but still: Wow 😮 & nice 👍

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.