RT @Napoleonlegal
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-congo-democratic-witchcraft/lynchings-in-congo-as-penis-theft-panic-hits-capital-idUSL2290323220080422 Rev. Sharpton may have 2 revise his revision of Congo's history. Is he up 2 it? No. Here is an editorial from the NYT. I think now we have the answer to the ? asked in the opinion piece. Answer: "NO, unless U want penis theft 2 flood the USA/Europe
RT @Napoleonlegal
Sometimes we forget about the animals given the horrors the beautiful people of Syria have had to endure over the past decade. Let's all help this angel who helps the animals ravaged by the tormenters of Syria and its people and animals https://twitter.com/theAleppoCatman/status/1040832259111170048
RT @NamiKim_DogsSK
UPDATE 16 LIVES SAVED FROM A BUTCHER with Jess Abella Gilroy & Sylvia
"Pulled out by Jess, spent 2 months with me, Diamond is flying out early next week. The name Heather picked was perfect for her, she is a gem" https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1207523886064336&id=425073497642716
RT @chortletown
I’M FINALLY HOME & SAFE AGAIN @WynneGuglielmo paid my pet deposit for my Mom & I’m getting my HW treatment
Twitter does save lives
via https://ripl.com/
RT @RealJamesWoods
Good question. I’m not, but I see the inherent hypocrisy you are addressing. Let me say I wish I had the will power to be #vegan. I simply don’t. https://twitter.com/a_truthsayer/status/1041019600400535553
RT @sheilakolla
Thank you @MrsMeyersClean for making a product safe and cruelty free! We used your soap to help this little gopher snake, who is now recovering safely. @BuzzFeedAnimals @beaglefreedom #crueltyfree #kindness
RT @Napoleonlegal
the collective CORRUPTS a person's mind.....I should write on this but I have so many projects ongoing I don't have the time. https://twitter.com/BelleRedux/status/1041068556056702976
RT @Napoleonlegal
It is so true. We've been able to help those feeling folks who had been brainwashed by a culture and social conformity that had separated them from their true self, which always was "to love all animals." https://twitter.com/ARCrusade/status/1041067669456207872
RT @Napoleonlegal
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-congo-democratic-witchcraft/lynchings-in-congo-as-penis-theft-panic-hits-capital-idUSL2290323220080422 Rev. Sharpton may have 2 revise his revision of Congo's history. Is he up 2 it? No. Here is an editorial from the NYT. I think now we have the answer to the ? asked in the opinion piece. Answer: "NO, unless U want penis theft 2 flood the USA/Europe
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