RT @Napoleonlegal
Is a forensic expert EVER permitted to share hard data on patterns of violence? Well, here it is anyway. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE DATA, blame the facts underlying the data and not the person kind enough to clue you in on things you would have never known https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2013/09/21/black-women-at-greater-risk-of-becoming-victims-of-homicidal-domestic-violence
RT @Napoleonlegal
Just put "it" on the stage, write the most outlandish script you can imagine and I guarantee you the masses will consume it and be influenced by it. #DOOMED
RT @Napoleonlegal
You know how unfeeling humans who make their living off this feel about it? THEY DON'T. What they think is "man, it is a good thing we got insurance." When asked about the sentient beings killed, they say: "Hell, they were gonna be butchered alive anyway. What's the big deal https://twitter.com/ARCrusade/status/1042236828529516544
RT @Napoleonlegal
Once upon a time boys and girls men and women had something called shame. Shame, like guilt, remorse, dignity and self respect were thrown into the garbage by my former employers and replaced with psychopathy and CONFIDENT STUPIDITY. #DOOMED
RT @GodinezSr
Heart breaking...
#animalcruelty #AnimalRights #vegan #Pigs #cows #chickens #HurricaneFlorence #networking
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