RT @DeptVetAffairs
Purina is helping rescue dogs find homes with troubled #Veterans https://www.wearethemighty.com/military-culture/animal-rescue-foundation-service-dog via @WeAreTheMighty
RT @LeeWolfX
Someone Cut Claude's Ears Off and Left Him Suffering in an Empty Lot #care2 https://www.thepetitionsite.com/tell-a-friend/59040527
RT @CeciRoars
I never understand why idiots think this is cute. Yhis is anything but cute this is horrible No animal should ever have to live behind a glass cage like this. When will people understand what these animals had to go through to get to these horrible... https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=8nBPno38IbQ&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiUg1HsBl-gE%26feature%3Dshare
RT @PeterAskin1
Astounding news! Lovely 19 year old NH tabby kitty "Tigger" has been adopted! Thank you dear adopter and bless the seniors! https://www.facebook.com/NewHampshireSPCA/photos/a.104122173797/10156544582858798/?type=3&theater
RT @PeterAskin1
Astounding news! Lovely 19 year old NH tabby kitty "Tigger" has been adopted! Thank you dear adopter and bless the seniors! https://www.facebook.com/NewHampshireSPCA/photos/a.104122173797/10156544582858798/?type=3&theater
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