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News from the Council of Europe, which includes the European Court of Human Rights: "As a result, it is virtually unimaginable that the use of Pegasus or equivalent spyware could ever be considered in accordance with the law and the necessary safeguards as outlined by the Court."


The Atlantic is getting wider at about the same rate that your fingernails grow.


I can see why the EU's AI Act has a section that mandates you disclose if media was generated by AI.

They will likely need to add a disclaimer upfront in the video or a discrete mark/barcode on the frames that were generated?

(Especially if you're not editing yourself.)


Backed by, is wild | Paid partnership


In Berdyansk, reportedly a car with collaborator Valentina Mamai was blown up. As claimed she is now in the hospital.
She is a former deputy from the now banned pro-Russian party. She collaborated with the Russians including helping to organize a "referendum"


The vision is that students will burn a bunch of energy to generate their assignments and teachers will consume some more energy to check whether they did so.


Rheinmetall says it can deliver ~ 140 Leopards in 2023.

With 100 pledged from other nations at Ramstein, Kyiv quickly approaching requested 300 modern MBTs.



The German arms maker is ready to give #Ukraine 22 Leopard tanks now + 29 in April-May, and 88 more during 2023. Total number: 139.


RT Yes, and because of that, I think human expertise will be more important than ever — since it will be easy to create deceptively well-written texts with lower effort:

(Stay tuned for my new book which involves ChatGPT with an interesting twist.)


One day around 32,000 years ago, an arctic ground squirrel ate parts of a plant, silene stenophylla, including its seed. The squirrel was digesting it when its life ended.

Its body was recovered from permafrost and examined. Scientists germinated this plant seed. This silene stenophylla just bloomed.

It is 32,000 years old.

The strength, the vitality and stamina of living things — of life itself — is incredible.

The Globus INK (1967) is a remarkable piece of Soviet spacecraft equipment. Its rotating globe showed cosmonauts the position of their Soyuz spacecraft. An electromechanical analog computer, it used gears, cams, and differentials to compute the position. Let's look inside 🧵

End-2021, the Netherlands had more solar PV capacity than 14 countries in the Middle East together :)
By @bm_visser

"This technology democratizes the achievement of end-result." "The creativity is the journey, it's not the destination." "Creativity and communication is bound into our species, so it needs more forethought than we're giving it."
— Dave McKean

RT For similar thoughts, I found this lengthy conversation with Dave McKean illuminating


You know it’s going well when Russia’s embassy in Estonia suddenly, without explanation, and indefinitely suspends the receipt of renunciations of Russian citizenship.

The time we take to read a word depends on its predictability, i.e. its surprisal. However, we only know how surprising a word is after we see it. Our new paper investigates whether we anticipate words' surprisals to allocate reading times in advance :)

Joint work with Clara Meister, Ethan Wilcox, @roger_p_levy , @rdc


Dutch news reports that JWST took its first picture of an exoplanet (LHS475b), with a cute artist impression of a planet. The actual measurement is a (feature-less) transit spectrum...🤦 #badjournalism


@vukosi "Furthermore, we find significantly fewer overtreatment recommendations for patients with higher socio-economic status compared with lower socio-economic status for standard visits."

... Well, that escalated unexpectedly in the opposite direction ;-)

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