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The Penn Neuroscience Public Lecture committee is excited to announce our fall public lecture: NeuroSciFi. Join us on Thursday, December 8th from 6-8p for a fun evening of TED-style neuroscience talks as three Philadelphia-based neuroscientists talk about some things the brain does that are so amazing you might think it's science fiction.
For those of you in Philadelphia, please join us in person! For those who can’t be in Philadelphia or are more comfortable online, we will be live-streaming the event on Crowdcast. Register at the link below to get the link or put your name on the list to attend in-person.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all there!
#neuroscience #neuro #sciComm #scienceCommunication #public #lecture #philadelphia #science #brain
Excited for an #introduction 👋!
📝 We are Penn NeuroKnow, a #neuroscience blog run by PhD students in the University of Pennsylvania’s Neuroscience Graduate Group.
👩🔬 👨🔬 Our goal is to share our love of neuroscience with you all. Each post breaks down a different topic in neuroscience, ranging from general neuroscience knowledge to summaries of exciting new studies that are changing how we think about the brain.
🧠 Recent topics have included why we get the hiccups, how the octopus controls its arms, and how neuroscientists are starting to realize that what they thought was noise might not actually be so noisy.
⏰ We’ll be sharing links to our latest posts with short summaries every Tuesday when they go live. We’re looking forward to sharing our posts and engaging with the community here!
#sciComm #scienceCommunication #writing #blog #neuro #PhDStudent
Breaking down the brain for everyone to understand.
We're a neuroscience blog run by PhD students in the University of Pennsylvania's Neuroscience Graduate Group.