@Cmastication will do. thanks! I look forward to part 2… hope it drops soon.
For all my new financial services analytics students, this episode is a fantastic window into data science in your world. It is so good. @Cmastication is a fascinating human being with gift for storytelling. Make sure you LISTEN!
@ericmjl has great content all over YouTube. However, it is this blog post that has proved most helpful to me while wrestling with shape dimensions in NumPyro : "Reasoning about Shapes and Probability Distributions". So good! https://ericmjl.github.io/blog/2019/5/29/reasoning-about-shapes-and-probability-distributions/
@radehi There is no agreed upon definition of data science. To me, data science is statistics + some other math/computational tools that help make value out of data. I use data science to imply more than just statistical tests... things like data cleaning, visualization, decision theory, software engineering, etc.
I have this notion that the power of data science comes from unifying narrative, math, and code. (narrative is a proxy for real-world issues and phenomena). Expertise in just two of the three is very limiting. Been working on a #Python book to explore this more thoroughly. If you want to take a peek, here is the link:
Let me know what you think. Three new chapters will be released on Thursday.
People and data compelling action. Author of "Intro to Bayesian Business Analytics in the R Eco-system" (see https:://causact.com) and "Persuasive Python: Unifying Narrative, Math, and Code" (forthcoming).