My very last dahlias of the season. I have seldom been successful growing anything but I seem to have found my stride with these beauties. Time to put them into their cosy pots until spring. 💤 #dahlias
Beautiful blog post reviewing the cognitive capacity of multiple animal species. Their work focuses on #animalwelfare and #cognition. #cognitivescience #behavior #physiology
I'm trying #SixonSaturday here for the first time. Post 6 things from the garden, on a Saturday. And look at blogs. Here's mine: and here's blog of the person in charge, Jim:
#gardeningmastodon #FlowersOfMastodon #flowers #plants #NatureMastodon
My mum works in student mental health at a really big university. She says one of the best things about this time of year is being able to get people help fast: the wait lists are small or non-existent. If you are a student who wants to talk, please reach out: your university want to help. #MentalHealth #AcademicMastodon
📰 "Muscles that move the retina augment compound eye vision in Drosophila"
by 🔬 Lisa M Fenk, Sofia C Avritzer, Jazz L Weisman, Aditya Nair, Lucas D Randt, Thomas L Mohren, Igor Siwanowicz, Gaby Maimon #Drosophila