I wrote a piece for the New York Times about how scientists used Twitter during the Covid pandemic and about what comes next.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity
Let's take a look. Galactica can generate wikipedia articles, supposedly.
So let's see what they look like. Here's one for Brandolini's law, the principle that bullshit takes another of magnitude less effort create than to clean up.
Left: Galactica's attempt at creating a wikipedia entry
Right: The actual wikipedia entry
Coping with climate change: Advice for kids — from kids.
#climate #climatechange
In its way, this is the most important election story: All of the election-denying secretaries of state in swing states lost. That means an attempt to repeat Jan 6 and steal the 2024 election will be a lot more difficult https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/12/us/politics/jim-marchant-nevada.html
@FlorianTFW @johncarlosbaez Thanks for the reference! Already learned something new…
@hgreer @War_Kittens For me, LaTeX has been rendering with “[Math Processing Error]”, and producing giant malformed images. For instance, your post appears like this. (I’m using Safari on iOS.)
Engineer and dad. Interests include: ASIC design, network protocols, math, drums, California native plants, climate change (against), democracy (for).