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10 Gründe um Mitglied bei Digitalcourage zu werden:

1. Digitalcourage kämpft für digitale Rechte und Privatsphäre.
2. Sie setzen sich für Datenschutz, Meinungsfreiheit und Informationsfreiheit ein.
3. Digitalcourage bietet praktische Lösungen für den Schutz der Privatsphäre.
4. Sie klären über Datenschutz, Überwachung und digitale Sicherheit auf.
5. Digitalcourage kämpft gegen Überwachung, Massenüberwachung und Datenmissbrauch.
6. Sie ermöglichen den Menschen, ihre Rechte einzufordern und am politischen Diskurs teilzunehmen.
7. Digitalcourage setzt sich für Transparenz und die Freiheit der Softwarenutzer ein.
8. Sie unterstützen Whistleblower und kämpfen für Informationsfreiheit.
9. Digitalcourage kämpft gegen digitale Diskriminierung und Ungerechtigkeit.
10. Sie fördern digitale Aufklärung und Medienkompetenz.

Für weitere Gründe und um Mitglied bei Digitalcourage zu werden, besuche:

Habe gerade von erfahren. Sehr angenehmer Überblick über aktuelle Einschränkungen im Schienenverkehr.

Leider ist die Seite auch super unperformant...

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In einmütigem Schwindel vereint: „Bild“ + Union + NoAfD verbreiten hemmungslos aberwitzige Märchen zur deutschen Energieversorgung. Chirurgisch seziert von @chrisstoecker

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Fun D-Ticket quirk: None of the ferries on the bodensee are included, however! There are busses that use the ferry and those are included. And you can just get out of the bus on the ship.

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Shared by my Daughter
"I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are"

In response to "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"

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I’ve promised enough people this, so I had to do it! 😁

Here’s my write-up of how I added client-side Fediverse-powered comments to my Jekyll blog using the Mastodon API.

Huge props to @jwildeboer for the initial inspiration, as well as @julian and everyone who provided feedback for inspiring the design improvements.

✨💬 Reply to this thread then check the blog post comments to see it in action!

#Mastodon #Jekyll #WebDevelopment #ActivityPub #design

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Here’s my big announcement!

As a human rights lawyer, I’ve spent my career supporting DV survivors, asylum seekers, and demanding economic, social, and climate justice.

I’m running for U.S. Congress in the district I grew up in because these crises are getting worse—and justice can’t wait.

Watch our launch video here:

Donate Here:

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@bentfreiwald von #krautreporter fragt: Wie kann Deutschland kinderfreundlicher werden? #Kinder

In Finnland darf man kostenlos Bus fahren, wenn man einen Kinderwagen dabei hat. Das ist cool – und #kinderfreundlich.

Solche Ideen sollten gesammelt werden. Was sollte sich konkret ändern in Deutschland? Was sollte man einführen oder abschaffen, damit Deutschland zu einem kinderfreundlicheren Land wird? Umfrage: krautreporter-magazin.typeform
Ideen anderer: krautreporter-magazin.typeform

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Shoutout to all of the contributors to SourceGraph whose work was just made closed source, big thanks to SourceGraph for pissing on them, I'm sure they really appreciate it

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@Ajax turned me onto the idea of fetching gitlab merge requests into your local git repo in order to search them.

I've found this super helpful for working with open source projects, and figured this may come in handy for other people too.

I added GitHub support and ported his script to a git alias.

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Maybe the real social network is the friends we convinced to move to Mastodon along the way.

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The FCC is accepting applications for new, low-power, community radio stations the first week of November.

This is huge, you guys, this window rarely opens (the last time was 2013), and as you know, KUZU shows one way LPFM can be a foundation to build valuable community information resources.

The Grassroots Radio folks are holding a conference in West Virginia to help folks out with this.

Please boost and share.


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Extremely long post, mentions of trauma 

Yet another person who just met me was shocked to hear that I haven't gone to uni. I corrected them, saying that I haven't even finished high school. They couldn't believe me.

Of course there were many reasons for it. Not only I couldn't handle it mentally (C-PTSD, ADHD-I, ED), but also physically (although I won't get into details about this illness publicly). Not to mention poverty, since I couldn't even afford books I needed to study.
Leaving reasons aside - yes, it's true that last diploma I have is from middle school I graduated in 2012. Yet it didn't prevent me from carving my own path, just the way I wanted.
(At least until now, I'm making plans to change that very soon).

I dedicate this post to everyone who's in similar situation. I know it's hard to believe, but no matter how crappy things are right now, there is a way out.
Key to success is that you have to make a first step. Nobody is going to save you like a prince on a white horse.
It's hard, sometimes painful. Sometimes you will feel like giving up. But much like trauma recovery, path to where you want to go isn't linear.

Trusting others can be hard, I completely understand it. However, aside from vocal minorites who will want to drag you down, there's a lot of absolutely amazing people who will help you along the way.

I cannot stress this enough - I wouldn't be where I am without the help I've received. Not only my amazing friends, but also... complete strangers. People willing to listen and give unbiased advice, hackers who love sharing their passion, projects and so on. Those people have earned my eternal gratitude.

It's easy to see this world in black and white, but it's really more complicated than that. It's true that it's full of sadness, tragedies, pain. But it's also full of many beautiful things, warmth, kindness and happiness. You simply need to learn how to keep your balance on this road called "life".

If you know what you wanna do and (roughly) which path to take, people will help you get there. Just make sure to return their kindness and be there for them when they will need your help in return.

You absolutely can succeed in anything, even without formal education. Take notice of job postings listing "5 years university or equivalent knowledge".
Many people assume going trough uni will guarantee them any position they want so they end up neglecting their studies. That's why they lose to dedicated self-learner who spent their time on things that do actually matter.

That's all I've had on my mind. Hope someone will find this useful 😊

I really like this picture of me from when I was visiting Bergamo in Italy.

This was taken on the edge of the Città Alta.

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Both Twitter and BlueSky - backed by untold amounts of money and white tech bros - are down.

Mastodon - run by trans furries and femboys high on anxiety - is running just fine.

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Liebe #neuhier und auch #althier!
Friendly reminder: Da Mastodon nicht wie Twitter funktioniert, macht es Sinn, viel mehr zu teilen (aka retweet) als drüben, weil der Alghorithmus keine Sterne (aka Likes) bewertet.
Bitte, gern geschehen.

Serra boosted

Mein ultimativer #Tipp an #Mastodonfrischlinge:

"Nutzt Hashtags!"

Sowohl in Euren eigenen #Posts, als auch zum Folgen (ja, man kann die abonnieren).

Dann erscheinen Posts mit diesen #Hashtags in Eurer #Timeline.

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“I didn't spend a decade trying to convince people to use MDN over the shovelfuls of low-quality SEO-farming craptext on W3Schools, only for them to be presented with shovefuls of low-quality AI craptext on MDN” — @avdi

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This is an alert for users. Please read this post in its entirety!

In mid-May 2023, the home of one of's admins was raided, and all their electronics were seized by the FBI. The raid was part of an investigation into a local protest. Kolektiva was neither a subject nor target of this investigation. Today, that admin was charged in relation to their alleged participation in this protest.

Unfortunately, at the time of the raid, our admin was troubleshooting an issue and working with a backup copy of the database. This backup, dated from the first week of May 2023, was in an *unencrypted* state when the raid occurred and it was seized, along with everything else.

The database is the heart of a Mastodon server. A database copy such as the one seized may include any of the following user data, in this case up to date as of early May 2023:

- User account information like the e-mail address associated with your account, your followers and follows, etc.
- All your posts: public, unlisted, followers-only, *and direct ("DMs")*.
- Possibly IP addresses associated with your account - IP addresses on are logged for 3 days and then deleted, so IP addresses from any logins in the 3 days prior to the database backup date would be included.
- A hashed ("encrypted") version of your password.

🚨 👉 As a precaution we highly recommend that all users on *change their password immediately* to a new, unique, and strong password.

We sincerely apologize to all our users and regret this breach. In hindsight, it was obviously a mistake to leave a copy of the database in an unencrypted state. Unfortunately, what would otherwise have been a small mistake happened to coincide with a raid, due to bad luck and spectacularly bad timing.

We understand that our users and other people on the Fediverse will have a lot of questions. We will try to answer them as best we can, but please be patient and bear in mind that we may be overwhelmed with messages, and may be delayed in responding or unable to provide answers to certain questions for legal or technical reasons. As a security culture reminder, it can be extremely harmful to the individuals charged and to our community to openly speculate on the Internet about alleged criminal activity or about what law enforcement may be able to do with seized data. Our present awareness is that the seized Kolektiva data is unrelated to the federal investigation and prosecution and we are exploring legal avenues to have the seized data returned and copies destroyed.

Thank you for your understanding and solidarity :black_sparkling_heart:

👇 Please see our replies to this post for additional information (1/?) 👇

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.