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Yet another team at work getting totally f'd by "modern frontend" has caused me to write down why I've been *intensely* frustrated with the clearly broken market for web technology over our long lost decade:

Thanks to @brucelawson, @heydon, Taylor Hunt, @andy, and @phae for spotting errors in drafts.

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Who likes vector graphics and has a lot of spare time? Raise your hand

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Unser erster Trööt! 🎉
Das Umweltbundesamt mit #Umweltthemen bei Mastodon.


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Serra boosted

Die Beschwörung der Eigenverantwortung, v.a. als politisches Programm der #FDP, ist nichts Anderes als ein Signal an Arschlöcher, dass ihre Arschlöchrigkeit ok ist. Die spaßbefreite Mehrheit soll ruhig vernünftig sein und die Welt retten, aber die Rücksichtslosen dürfen weiter ihren Spaß haben und sollen zum Dank FDP wählen. Solidarisches Handeln ist nur noch was für die moralisch Verklemmten. Wir bezahlen dafür, dass Andere die Welt ohne jeden Selbstzweifel kaputtmachen können.

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Serra boosted

My new band is called "1023 Megabytes"? We are very good.. we just don't have a gig yet

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Does anyone have a good in-depth technical resource on the Rust borrow checker for C programmers? I'd like to understand it better but the book is wasting my time by explaining the stack and heap and pointers and copy by value/reference and such

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TLDR: Mastodon is very white, male, status quo, global north, and designed in a way to limit its potential for use in social movements.

Mastodon feels very different from Twitter, deliberately. It is truly like Live Journal. It is about people who are happy with their social circle and who think of virality and discoverability as a problem. They just want to communicate with the people they know, and limit other things. Ironically, it is more like a private gathering than a public space.

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I have a coworker at Unity who's been wiping the floor with all of us with his compact, efficient #adventofcode solutions. What makes it especially galling is that he's doing it all on a 16 MHz 386SX, using Borland Turbo C++ 3.0. Even his write-up looks like a Wayback Machine snapshot of an early-90s Geocities homepage:

Go, be impressed!

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Serra boosted

Researchers with the Chaos Computer Club bought items on eBay that turned to have stored iris scans of 2,632 people, mostly from people living in Iraq. But also data from members of the U.S. Army:

From the NYT:
"detailed descriptions of individuals in addition to their photograph and biometric data, could be enough to target people who were previously unknown to have worked with U.S. military forces should the information fall into the wrong hands"

NYT has a writeup here: (the utm ensures you can read the article without subscription)

My former colleagues at BR have been working on this story for many months now. If you understand the German language, I encourage you to listen to their hourlong feature on #biometry It includes the case of the military database but much more as well

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Step 0 - get a great idea

Step 1 - spend many hours finding the perfect domain

Step 2 - register domain

Step 3 - go to sleep

Step 4 - init new git repo and start committing code

Step 5 - over a few weeks, begin losing interest in the project

Step 6 - year passed. Domain expired

Step 7 - go to step # 0

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Serra boosted


Du bist Volljurist*in, interessierst dich für #Whistleblowing bei der #Polizei und hast Lust bei einer jungen NGO Grund- und #Menschenrechte zu verteidigen? Dann haben wir das perfekte Jobangebot. Bewirb Dich jetzt!


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The latest #curl release with the new openssl cert cache seems to help pacman a lot. DB syncs are quite a bit faster now 🏃

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Do local commits often. When the test cases succeed.

Your future self, who will do „just one more tiny change before I close shop for today“, will be grateful.

I mean, go for that tiny change at the end of the day. Just be prepared that it implodes. Then git restore sanity and close.

Avoid the evening session trying to backtrack to the working code you remember having achieved a few hours ago. But, with the night advancing, you begin to doubt you ever really had.

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Transferring a medium large file (51Gb) from Berlin to Hamburg is fastest by train 🚄 > 📠

I have the fastest available residential DOCSIS offer from Vodafone 😂

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We are hiring! Join our team as an office coordinator!

Are you looking for a family friendly place where you can develop your career? Join our team to empower users to control technology

Send your application by 15 January!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.