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"Jimmy Carr in seinem Netflix-Special. Der fragt am Anfang das Publikum: Fanden Sie auch, dass die Corona-Maßnahmen zu hart waren? Das Publikum raunt zustimmend. Jimmy: "Das finden viele der Überlebenden!""

Am Sonntag fand in das "Radeln gegen Rassismus" Stadt.

Anschließen wurde vor dem Rathaus zum gemeinsamen Fastenbrechen eingeladen.

Es herrschte eine sehr schöne Stimmung des Zusammenhaltes und des gemeinsamen Sozialisieren.

Schön fand ich den Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit.Radeln, veganes Essen, kein Plastik.

Bis nächste Jahr 😊

Serra boosted

Lazyweb, a question: let's say that you could teach a "cultural anthropology" type of course about computing to first year students, to prepare them for the codebases, communities, patterns and software philosophies of the programming world. You've got about ten weeks to run it. What would you teach in that course and why?

(RTs appreciated for reach.)

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It's official. After 3 months of back and forth, a major medical provider has elected to drop me as a patient for not having a Google or Apple device.

It is unclear if this is legal, but it is very clearly discriminatory and unethical.

Any tech journalists or lawyers interested interested in this?

I would like to do anything I can to ensure this never happens to anyone else.

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Die Piratenpartei Zürich startet Volksinitiative für ein Grundrecht auf Digitale Integrität, das umfassen soll:
🏴‍☠️Ein Recht auf Vergessenwerden
🏴‍☠️Ein Recht auf ein Offline-Leben
🏴‍☠️Ein Recht auf Informationssicherheit
🏴‍☠️Ein Recht darauf, nicht von einer Maschine beurteilt zu werden
🏴‍☠️Ein Recht darauf, nicht überwacht, vermessen und analysiert zu werden
🏴‍☠️Ein Recht auf Schutz vor Verwendung von Daten ohne Zustimmung, welche das digitale Leben betreffen

Monica Amgwerd erklärt die wichtige Initiative im Interview:

Homepage der Initiative: #Piraten

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The Doctor: The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried.

Voice from outside: This is the Lock Picking Lawyer, and what I have for you today is a Type 40 TARDIS....

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I finally made it: an XOR mechanism that requires exactly one of two keys to be inserted at a time. I call it the 🗝️ #keyguardian.

This is very useful for example to track where important small things go: Want to take the car keys? You have to insert your name tag to unlock it.

My first mechanical project with #SolveSpace and it was great!

EDIT: Now on #Printables:

#3dPrinting #CAD #3dDesign #Screwiverse #HSW

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I saw this online somewhere and I just had to recreate it. This is my coding happy place.

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#EU #Germany #DataProtection: "Today, noyb has filed a complaint and report against the German credit agency SCHUFA with the Hessian data protection authority. The company appears to be making millions of euros by selling people in Germany their own data. With the help of manipulative designs, people are prevented from obtaining a free copy of their data in accordance with Article 15 GDPR – even though they would actually be legally entitled to it. The company’s primary aim appears to be to profit from people looking for accommodation. In Germany, they often have to provide proof of solvency in order to obtain a lease."

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As you probably know, F5 closed Moscow office in 2022, and I no longer work for F5 since then. Still, we’ve reached an agreement that I will maintain my role in nginx development as a volunteer. And for almost two years I was working on improving nginx and making it better for everyone, for free.

Unfortunately, some new non-technical management at F5 recently decided that they know better how to run open source projects. In particular, they decided to interfere with security policy nginx uses for years, ignoring both the policy and developers’ position.

That’s quite understandable: they own the project, and can do anything with it, including doing marketing-motivated actions, ignoring developers position and community. Still, this contradicts our agreement. And, more importantly, I no longer able to control which changes are made in nginx within F5, and no longer see nginx as a free and open source project developed and maintained for the public good.

As such, starting from today, I will no longer participate in nginx development as run by F5. Instead, I’m starting an alternative project, which is going to be run by developers, and not corporate entities:

The goal is to keep nginx development free from arbitrary corporate actions. Help and contributions are welcome. Hope it will be beneficial for everyone."

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Someone on Mastodon definitely has a DEC terminal or the like hooked up to a modern Linux computer, right? If that's you, please reply to this post with a picture of your terminal displaying uname -a

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Google has just removed #Conversations_im from the Play Store because they think we are uploading the user’s contact list. We don’t.

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i really appreciate that we can have great conversations here on mastodon if I’m extremely careful about every single thing I post and often include disclaimers (“please don’t explain rebase to me”) to avoid repetitive annoying replies that I can predict

but I still feel like I need to be SO much careful about my posts than I was on Twitter and I wish it wasn’t like that

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Der @ADFC Bundesverband ruft gemeinsam mit dem lokalen ADFC und anderen Verbänden für Sonntag, 11. Februar 2024, zur Gedenkfahrt für @natenom mit Aufstellung eines Ghostbikes an der Unfallstelle in Pforzheim auf.
Start ist um 11 Uhr an der Staatsanwaltschaft Pforzheim.

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Hätte nie gedacht, dass ich das mal schreibe, aber:
Chapeau Armin Laschet.

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@eskensaskia Spart euch das Lob und hört auf, euch als Teil derer aufzuspielen, die gerade auf die Straße gehen. Ihr seid nicht machtlos - im Gegensatz zu uns. Wir müssten da nicht stehen, wenn die demokratischen Parteien aktiv für Demokratie, Solidarität und Menschenwürde einstünden.
Aber wir kommen nicht mit Treckern. Wir tragen keine Galgen und wollen niemanden hinrichten. Also bekommen wir ein paar warme Worte, während ihr genau die menschenfeindliche Politik macht, die die AfD fordert.

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Mich erreicht grad folgende Nachricht:

Lokale Gedenkfahrten in ganz Deutschland für #Natenom mit live-gestreamter, bundesweiter Schweigeminute am Sonntag, den 11. Februar um 13 Uhr.

Vorbereitungstreffen und Koordination ÖA: Dienstag, den 6. Februar um 19 Uhr.

Bitte weitersagen – es geht nicht nur um BW, sondern um StVG, Verkehrswende und Vision Zero in Deutschland. Das hätte 🐘 gewollt.

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Umberto Eco has a cogent essay about how to spot the signs of what he calls "Ur-Fascism", or the essential components of fascism.

I turned it into an infographic, because, well, you know why...

Original article here in PDF:

#fascism #authoritarianism #elections #infographic #democracy

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A broad coalition of civil society organisations and scientists are today calling on the government of the State of Brandenburg to no longer delay Brandenburg's "Climate Plan", the state's carefully negotiated master plan to climate neutrality by 2045.

Delaying its finalization is not in keeping with the urgency of the climate crisis. Government should lead responsibly and not cave to public sentiments opposed to necessary change.

My statement as a scientist in the press release + Open Letter.

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
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