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On 17 June 2024, you'll be able to apply for new financing from STF. We’re looking forward to proposals from critical and foundational open source technologies, whose work strengthens the #FOSS ecosystem. Thanks to all maintainers and contributors for your #opensource engagement!

Yesterday I stood up early to go swimming in a nearby lake. Usually I like it when there are a lot of people playing, chatting and generally having a good time.

So being all alone there was unusual for me. But this allowed me to hear all the birds singing and seeing some animals. This was also great in it's own way.

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We got solar on the house last year. It wasn't necessarily about saving money for me. It became important to me to take a concrete step towards combatting climate change.

But something else started to dawn on me too. The fact that I'm now generating my own power, from an essentially unlimited source, is a truly radical act. I've been thinking a lot about creating a society centered around abundance instead of scarcity. It's not just theoretical.

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🇬🇧The documentary #FuckOffAI by German public broadcaster ZDF on EU surveillance research, supported by us #Pirates, is out! It showcases our work in Brussels:

⚖️ My successful ECJ transparency lawsuit for disclosure of #iBorderCtrl surveillance research on unscientific AI video lie detectors has made this research possible

📄We have obtained many more iBorderCtrl documents:

❓The ZDF show mentions the answer of EU Commissioner "Big Sister" Johansson to my written question:

🤥🎦The EU's #AIAct does not ban the use of "video lie detectors" because an amendment colleagues and I tabled was unsuccessful:

📺Watch the broadcast with English subtitles:

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finally ready to announce that my git zine, “How Git Works", is coming out in ONE WEEK! on May 31!

it also comes with this (free!) cheat sheet which you can download and print out here:

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My top1 of this within the last year is:

The news: We added ARM machines for GitHub actions
The text:

By leveraging the power and efficiency of the Arm architecture, GitHub is offering a new solution that will accelerate software development in GitHub. These new capabilities empower GitHub users to shift-left software development on the Arm architecture across the embedded edge, IoT and cloud infrastructure while providing significant power, performance and sustain[...]

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one is a single-occupant personal tank with integrated generator and power system and electronics wich its incredible power and weight allows it to punch trough buildings and kill people easily, but mostly used for simple tasks where other tools would be more optimal.

the other is a power armor from fallout

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🇩🇪Auf meine Initiative fordern 31 EU-Abgeordnete den britischen Innenminister heute auf, Julian Assanges Auslieferung an die USA zu stoppen. Wir erwarten Antworten auf unsere Fragen vor jeglicher Auslieferung!

#FreeAssangeNOW #Piraten

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Jedes Wort! Wenn doch nur alle beim ÖRR so stabile Ansagen machen würden, wie Martin Schmidt vom SWR in den heutigen #Tagesthemen:

#AfDVerbotsverfahren #Münster #AfDrausausdenParlamenten

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Wir alle könnten irgendwann auf Pflegepersonal angewiesen sein.
#Pflege braucht mehr Anerkennung.
#PIRATEN NRW zum internationalen
'Tag der #Pflegenden':
Bitte unterstützt auch die zahlreichen Aktionen dazu, wie zB. den #WalkOfCare in Berlin.

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Today, the group released a press statement mentioning me by name as "supporting their action".

I'd like to say clearly and unequivocally that I share their concern and analysis in its essence, but I do *NOT* support their action, namely a continuation of their hunger strike.

Not only can a democratic government not allow itself to be extorted in this manner - this is not how democracy works.

What is more, I am engaged in the protection of Earth to safeguard life. All life.


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Unsere Medien stecken in einer Krise - Volksverpetzer hat gemeinsam ein Plädoyer mit zehn Ideen gegen die Medienkrise veröffentlicht für Medienschaffende, die für Fakten, Freiheit und Demokratie einstehen wollen.

Unterstützt von @DJV @Freischreiber @medwatch_de @wpk und ProQuote.

Hier zum Plädoyer - und einem Plakat zum kostenlosen Download!

Fixing my config while enjoying the weather.

(This was taken yesterday. Today has been rather rainy.)

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I want to pair with someone to try to understand how I can fix a few things on my site. Preferably with someone who knows more #11ty and #JS than I do. This might take an hour on a call. You don't have to turn video on.

In return, I'll curate a list of five recipes according to your food preferences. Or teach you something in photography or food!

I was completely out of the loop about what happened to Naomi Wu.

She is being silenced by the Chinese government and it seems like I am not the only one who missed this.

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So ...let's face it. A LOT of folks in tech circles are somewhat amazed a fully #blind person can even find the power button on a computer, let alone operate it professionally. I am such a person, and I'd like to bust that myth.
It's also true that many #hacking tools, platforms, courses etc. could use some help in the #accessibility department. It's a neverending vicious circle.
Enter my new twitch channel, IC_null. On this channel, I will be streaming #programming and #hacking content including THM, HTB and who knows what else, from the perspective of a #screenReader user.
What I need, is an audience. If this is something you reckon you or anybody you know might be interested in, drop the channel a follow or share this post. Gimme that #infoSec Mastodon sense of comradery and help me out to make this idea an actual thing :) #tryHackMe #streamer #selfPromo

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Remember the iPhone that still worked after it fell out of an Alaska Airlines plane at 16,000 feet?

I couldn’t shake figuring out how it survived. So I launched some iPhone 14s and Galaxy S23es into the sky to find out.


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Exciting update about our sculpture at MIT, a robin has built a nest in it! And it's having babies!

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Actually, let me use this as an example of how everything has gone wrong with web development in the last decade or so.

Dan Abramov is a very brilliant guy who is part of the Facebook's React team. He has been the most important name in the team working on React for years. And now, they are pushing for changes in React that would make it consume streams of data that updates the UI before the entire data request is completed, instead of just requesting the data and then 'painting' it once they get the reply for that request.

This is nuts. This is a micro optimization. 95% of the users won't ever notice, and those who do (people using extremely bad connections) would be much better if the site wasn't using React at all. At the same time, I'm sure half of the websites in the World who currently uses react will jump to implement this, making their code way more complex, brittle, sucking their productivity down, and in the long term, being worse for the users. Just for absolutely not even a short-term gain at all in their products.

Then why these kind of things keep happening? Because Facebook is too big. And somehow they ended being the ones in control of the most popular web-app framework used by most of the sites nowadays.

The state of the current Javascript ecosystem is what happens when you get companies with hundreds, thousands of engineers, to build sites that 15 years ago would have been built by 1/10th of that number of people. What you get is a lot of people working on a product that's actually mature already, and whose job end being going after that extra 1%, that last micro optimization that could make your site better in a very narrow set of cases. And they don't care about the complexity, because they are part of an engineering organization with literally thousands of hands to throw at any problem. Setting up your code bundler now takes hundreds of lines of code that need constant maintenance to achieve just a 5% improvement over gzipped plain JavaScript? No big deal, they have 6 people working full time on that. React switching to a different programming paradigm each two versions? Nice, now the 900 devs working in the web version has something to do for a few months.

But then small to medium teams adopt these tools. And suddenly you have a 5, 20, 50 devs team having to do the same work the Facebook web team does. Without any of the problems Facebook has to solve.

What's worse: a big share of the current JavaScript ecosystem exists just to solve problems introduced by the previous iterations. Think about it from a user perspective: does the web work any better, does Netflix, Facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc load faster, perform better than they did ten years ago? On the contrary, most of us have more powerful computers, phones. We have significantly faster internet connections. But sites are, at best, as fast as they used to ten years ago. In most cases they are even slower.

And from the engineer perspective it's not better: web development is significantly harder, more complex, slower nowadays that what it was ten years ago. Things that were trivial are now complex. Things that were complex still are. Product-wise, we are not doing anything more complex than what we were doing in early to mid 10s. But somehow now everything is harder, involves more code, everything is now orders of magnitude more complex. And it's not even making the web a better experience.

We made this mess. We made the web worse for everyone. We made our jobs harder for ourselves. It's so stupid.


The state of JavaScript web development is so fucking nuts that people can write this and think it's a great movement. (This is from Dan Abramov t...
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