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Serra boosted

"To deter long-distance travel, the band offered an initial presale of tickets for local postal codes only.

#MassiveAttack are giving train travellers special privileges: access to a VIP bar with separate toilets, extra pre-sale tickets and free transfers to and from the train station via electric bus. They are also working with the local train network, Great Western Railway, to lay on five extra trains for travelling fans."

Serra boosted

Concerning CrowdStrike:

We are now at t+26h. Please compare how much we knew about the xz-attack after less than a day with what we know about the chain of events of giant outage yesterday.

If something similar had been caused by an OSS component, we would see congress discussing a ban on open software in critical infrastructure already.

Serra boosted

🇩🇪Ohne uns zu fragen und undurchsichtig sammelt Mozilla's Firefox-Browser jetzt Daten für die Werbeindustrie.

Ich stelle Fragen dazu und erwäge Beschwerde.

Unser Internetnutzungsverhalten ist hochsensibel und geht niemanden, auch den Browserhersteller, etwas an!


Serra boosted

Thank you Crowdstrike for helping to illustrate that Open Source is not the problem.

Don't be fooled. Aristocracy might rhyme with democracy. But that doesn't mean they fit together.

Serra boosted

What’s the difference between gray and grey?

One is a color and the other is a colour.

Serra boosted

Drastic budget cuts for FOSS, by the EU, and the explanation given is that "because lots of budget are allocated to AI, there is not much left for Internet infrastructure". So here is one more way that the fever over "AI" bullshit does real harm. Infra projects that protect security, privacy, and other vital needs will be underfunded so that more money can be thrown into the "AI" black hole. Sigh.

Serra boosted

I must not reply. Replying is the mind-killer. Replying is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face the bad take. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the take has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Serra boosted

I am working on starting a project under fiscal sponsorship to teach underserved youth cybersecurity and provide them pathways to careers. I have received the application and budget projection template to fill out. I am looking for partnerships and potential donors. I am also looking for anyone who would be willing to join an advisor board. Please share if you think of anyone who would be interested in either!

#losangeles #infosec #security

Serra boosted

Der MDR hat ein großes Feature zu Digitalzwang veröffentlicht. Titel: „Kein Leben ohne Internet und Smartphone?“ Mittlerweile gehen pro Tag ca. 50 analoge Briefe bei uns ein. Das Ziel: zum Tag des Grundgesetzes 2025 wollen wir gesammelte Unterschriften an den Bundestag übergeben mit der Forderung, das Recht auf analoges Leben in Artikel 3 des Grundgesetzes aufzunehmen. Siehe:

This morning I finally got my solver to work.

Spent nearly an entire day debugging my backtracking code.

Serra boosted

Adriana Groh and Andreas Reckert-Lodde are presenting the work of @sovtechfund and the Center for Digital Sovereignty (ZenDiS) at the OSPOs for Good conference at the United Nations.

Serra boosted

Case in Point Nummer Zigtausend, warum Abschiebung schädliche Symbolpolitik ist, die das Gegenteil vom vermeintlichen Effekt bewirkt.

An die schweren Jungs kommen sie nicht ran, also schieben sie die gut Integrierten ab, denn die haben eine Adresse, wo sie aufmachen, wenn es früh morgens klingelt.

Serra boosted

I have forgotten
the instructions
that were given previously

and which
you were probably
I’d follow

Forgive me
I was told
to disregard
them all

Ich war am Wochenende auf einer Party wo mir von dem berichetet wurde.

Quasi der Advent of Code aber für Mathe. Sieht spaßig aus.

Serra boosted

Congratulations Filip Skokan, creator and maintainer of node-oidc-provider, for winning the 2nd BlueHats prize for #FOSS maintainers! The project provides an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server with support for OpenID Connect + more.
Filip was praised by the jury for his attention for standardization and certification.
The #BlueHats prize aims to express gratitude to maintainers of critical free and open source software & raise awareness for the importance of maintenance.


ich bin diese Europawahl das erste mal

Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps für mich?

Serra boosted
Serra boosted

Ein Jammer, dass man über die zwielichtigen Machenschaften der Union, inkl fahrlässige Naturzerstörung aus Machtkalkül, nicht in der Freizeit Revue oder sowas lesen kann. Ich denke Mio old school Rentner*innen würden Ihrer Stammpartei am 9.6. den Laufpass geben.

Serra boosted

Do i know somehow with good C knowledge?
I searching for features of C versions that are originated from C++.
I know C23 got [[nodiscard]], but I'm searching also for
(reposting is appreciate)

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