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We are pleased to announce the 2023 R. C. Lewontin Early Award competition! These awards provide up to $2,500 USD for first and second year PhD students. Proposals due February 15!

I LOVE that today's #GoogleDoodle is the queen of the #seafloor, Marie Tharp — who's initial discoveries were dismissed as just "girl talk" but were later accepted as the proof that the continents move!

Coincidentally, she is also my newest art project 🥰☺️

The first black child ever allowed to attend a white school is only 68 years old now.
White parents pulled their children from school. White teachers refused to teach her.
Ruby Bridges now works as an activist & public speaker
This wasn’t a million years ago. /1

Bivalve shells are mostly aragonite or calcite in mineralogy. The relative proportions of them have changed through time, with calcite being more prevalent during greenhouse climate conditions. For millions of years, we have had "aragonite seas", but that may now be changing. Recent research suggests mussels and other invertebrates are reacting to human-caused chemical changes in the ocean by reducing the proportion of aragonite in their shells. #clamfacts

Are you a trans, gender non-conforming, or intersex individual, currently a grad student or postdoc in STEM?

Do you need $2-5K for research (including travel, assistants, supplies) or conference/workshop attendance?

Check out the OTI Career Development Fellowship:

No citizenship requirements, award can be anonymous if you aren't out! Applications are due 2 December!

Please share to get the word out!
@queerornithology folks this may be great for you!

Since there was interest, I have set up a Google Form/Sheet for Earth Scientists on Mastodon.

Interested in #geology and #EarthScience and want people to find you? Add your name.

However, please do not add anyone who is not you without explicit permission - some people might prefer to be discovered more organically, or not at all.

#FossilFriday Hedwig Kniker, Esther Applin & Alva Ellisor were the first to identify the importance of Foraminifera microfossils in correlating & interpreting stratigraphies, in 1921 #WomenInSTEM

However, the role of these women was downplayed over time, and by 1975 the credit for this technology was shifted to four men.

Are you looking for a postdoc, assistant professor, or other position in evolutionary biology? Check out our Jobs board for current openings:

Did you know that if you capitalize each word in a multi-word hashtag, #ScreenReaders can read them as words, but if you leave them lowercase, they can't? Well, now you know! So, for #accessibility, please capitalize words when there's more than one in a hashtag.

What better way to start a new platform than by finding those who appreciate #rocks & #geo?

#RockCheck! Do you know where your rock is? Photos & stories welcome.

This month's free access paper from the Journal of #Geoscience #Education is a literature #review of programs developed to support #Indigenous #students. The #rubric that the authors use should be useful to anyone developing #DEI programs.

C. McKinley, G. M. Showalter, T. Crofoot & Kaden Stone (2022) Systematic evaluation of geoscience education programs that are designed for Indigenous students, or use Traditional Knowledge, Journal of Geoscience Education, DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2022.2112491

Something big is happening in Mastodon over the weekend. Here is my graph, updated. Right now Mastodon is growing ~3 times faster than Twitter.

Ok y’all we’re all here now using this service so let’s chip in (if you can). I recommend giving at least $8, just, well, just because. 😈

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.