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It occurs to me that I'm going to have to get used to this whole idea of having timelines that are slow-moving enough to follow everything that happens among strangers.

It looks like it's leading me toward impulsive faving/boosting behaviour when the better choice would be to make a note and then wait to see if I can fave or boost someone else's more balance/rational/calm-headed toot on the same article.

I just want to make this perfectly clear: I will never use (known to be) backdoored crypto. I will not purchase "compliant" devices. If it comes down to it, I will stockpile grandfathered legacy devices.

Don't let the coronavirus hype distract you. They're pushing this shit through **right now**.

If you don't yet know about the government's latest attempt to legislate encryption backdoors, look here

When I joined Twitter in 2009, I was just mirroring my, where I'd coined for fanfiction micro-reviews with machine-friendly structure.

The reference I wrote is still up:

It wouldn't make sense to summarize those, and I stopped updating when I stopped the micro-reviews, so I'll just point at it for now.

Maybe later I'll use Mastodon's higher limit to revisit them for a "top 5" run-down.

I'm still not completely satisfied with sending people to look at my Twitter, so I decided to go back through it and write some themed highlights round-ups of tweets that are still relevant.

In order to gather the data for them, I've written a little Python script to chew through the tweets in my Twitter data dump, which I've put up on GitHub Gist in case anyone else wants to play with it.

Oh, since I don't yet know whether the Mastodon APIs allow me to write an importer which would insert stuff earlier than existing content, here's a link to my old content:

Hello, everyone.

For those who aren't the one or two people following me over from Twitter, I won't post very often but, when I do, it'll usually either be an especially good YouTube video or technical stuff, like announcing that I added some content to one of the lists on my blog or sharing something interesting I discovered while puttering around in old files.

I do have a bunch of programming projects, but, if you want to judge me based on my GitHub, bear in mind that I'm still trying to pick up the pieces after a long interval when I didn't have time to work on anything.

Once in a blue moon, maybe you'll see me post about my retro-hobby programming project to write an installer builder for DOS.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.