Weiche von mir, schwuler Fußball!
Der #Weltgeist,
wenn die deutschen Wirtschaftslobbyisten die Regierung erpressen, den Gründonnerstag wegen "Unterbrechung der Lieferketten" nicht zum Ruhetag zu machen.
Only as I read fashion magazines reporting what Amanda Gorman et al. wore at the inauguration, e.g.,
I fully understand and appreciate the absolute brilliance of Bernie Sanders's fashion statement.
No wonder it went viral.
Instead of "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" at #37c3,
"stay at home, got the t-shirt, doing what I'm best at" #rC3
— auch wenn andere vielleicht mal wieder nur Bahnhof verstehen.
is missing live #37C3 and recreating https://eisenbahnerwelt.de.tl/Museumsfahrzeuge-von-Leipzig.htm in 1:87 scale at home.
is shamelessly culturally misappropriating the rainbow flag from the LGBTQIA&^%$#@ community. https://www.flickr.com/photos/89067995@N00/albums/72157717358175956