Se non è vero, e ben trovato.
Questa espressione è spesso usata per indicare che una storia o un aneddoto potrebbero non essere del tutto veri, ma sono comunque interessanti o divertenti da raccontare. In altre parole, non è importante se la storia è veramente accaduta o no, ciò che conta è che abbia un valore intrinseco.
Tuttavia, è importante tenere a mente che la verità è sempre importante e che le bugie o le storie inventate possono causare danni e problemi. Inoltre, la diffusione di notizie false può avere conseguenze negative sulla società e sulle relazioni tra le persone.
Pertanto, è importante cercare sempre di verificare le fonti e la veridicità delle informazioni prima di condividerle con gli altri.
Γνῶθι σεαυτόν
"Γνῶθι σεαυτόν" (gnōthi seauton) è una celebre frase greca attribuita all'antico filosofo Socrate. Tradotto in italiano, significa "Conosci te stesso".
Questa frase rappresenta uno dei principi fondamentali della filosofia di Socrate e dell'antica Grecia. Il significato di "Conosci te stesso" va al di là dell'acquisizione di conoscenze intellettuali. Invece, Socrate intendeva che le persone dovessero esaminare e comprendere sé stesse a livello emotivo e morale, riconoscendo i propri limiti, le proprie debolezze e le proprie virtù. Solo allora, secondo Socrate, si può diventare una persona migliore e raggiungere la felicità.
La frase "Conosci te stesso" continua ad essere un concetto importante nella filosofia, nella psicologia e nella spiritualità moderna, poiché invita le persone a cercare una comprensione profonda di sé stesse per poter crescere e migliorare come individui.
ChatGPT on:
Backronyms in Brief.
What is a backronym?
A backronym is a word or phrase that is constructed or selected to fit an existing acronym or abbreviation. Unlike an acronym or abbreviation, which is formed by taking the initial letters of each word in a phrase (such as "NASA" for "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"), a backronym is created after the fact to create a phrase that fits the letters of an existing word.
For example, the word "SPAM" originally referred to a brand of canned pork, but it later became popularly understood as an acronym for "Something Posing As Meat." Similarly, the word "WASP" (referring to White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) was later reinterpreted to stand for "Wealthy And Successful Person."
Backronyms are often used for humorous or satirical effect, but they can also be used to create memorable acronyms for organizations or initiatives, or to highlight a particular aspect of the organization's mission or values.
Is "Copy Number Variation" a backronym?
No, "Copy Number Variation" is not a backronym. It is a term used in genetics to describe a phenomenon in which sections of DNA are duplicated or deleted, resulting in an abnormal number of copies of a particular gene or genes. The term "Copy Number Variation" is simply a description of this genetic phenomenon, rather than an attempt to create a word or phrase that fits an existing acronym or abbreviation.
It's worth noting that the term "CNV" is often used as an abbreviation for "Copy Number Variation," but this abbreviation was likely created as a convenient shorthand rather than as a deliberate attempt to create an acronym or backronym.
Who is Janni?
As an AI language model, I don't have access to information about every person in the world, so I'm not sure which "Janni" you are referring to. Can you please provide more context or information about who this person is or what they are known for? This will help me provide a more accurate answer to your question.
Some jokes ChatGPT doesn't get though.
Pen is not effective.
A pen is the most effective pentesting device. Explain.
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide an explanation for this statement as it is factually incorrect.
A pen is not an effective "pentesting" device. Penetration testing, or "pen testing" for short, refers to a type of security testing that simulates a real-world attack on a computer system or network to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
While a pen can be a useful tool for taking notes or sketching ideas, it has no bearing on the effectiveness of a pen test. Pen testing requires specialized tools and software, as well as trained professionals with expertise in identifying and exploiting security vulnerabilities.
Therefore, while a pen may be a useful tool for many tasks, it is not an effective pentesting device.
If Judith Butler didn't exist, Steve Bannon would have had to invent her. Explain why.
This statement is a reference to Judith Butler, a prominent philosopher and gender theorist, and Steve Bannon, a political strategist and former advisor to Donald Trump. The statement suggests that Bannon, who is known for his far-right political views, would have created Butler if she didn't already exist, in order to serve as a target for his political attacks.
Bannon has a history of targeting left-leaning intellectuals and academics as part of his political strategy, and Judith Butler is one of his most frequent targets. Butler's work, which includes critiques of gender norms and the construction of identity, has been used by Bannon and others on the right as an example of supposed "cultural Marxism" and a threat to traditional values and institutions.
In other words, the statement suggests that Butler's work has become a convenient target for Bannon and other right-wing figures, who use it to rally their base and demonize their opponents. If Butler did not exist, Bannon would have had to create someone like her in order to continue this narrative and maintain his political power.
Wien rocks indeed.
Praktische Realisierung der Hufeisentheorie, Wien 1683:
Seid's ihr alle beide deppert?!?
Die Hufeisentheorie ist ein Produkt des Türkenkrieges und ein Versuch der Relativierung von Lt.z.See d.R. Hassan^2s eigener Vergangenheit.
Den Donaudampfschifffahtskaleu Kazim drängt's mit aller Macht in die Mitte dieses Hufeisens.
@ljrk Mahlzeit!
Kann ich Dich bei der HiP über C-Minutiæ fragen, nachdem ich den Workshop verpasst habe?
Ich renne hier oft mit chinesischer Kommunistenmütze rum.
And Now For Something Completely Different.
Tengo que admitir que me perdí por completo el evento de preparación física en el desierto.