Scientists! Many of my fellow reporters at @sciencemagazine are here now:
Ace pandemic reporters @kakape and @joncohen;
@rpocisv, covering diversity in science;
@boron110, our delightful podcast host;
@martinenserink, international editor and public health guru;
@klangin, covering the scientific workforce;
@DanClery, covering astronomy;
@lguterman, editing chem and bio;
@cathleenogrady, writing about science and society;, covering medicine and bad behavior.
Deadline to apply for the HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program is 12/7/2022
Please apply - this is a great program!
MCDB Yale | empowering mentorship | mom | rabble rouser | wild heart, strong back #TISSUEBIOLOGY #SKIN #CELLBIOLOGY #WOUNDREPAIR