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Working in game dev industry for 14 years, leading tech and teams, making sure things happen!
Always coding c#, c++, Rust, Python, JS and making things. Designing ortho. mech. keyboards from scratch.
Drone specialist with a desire to save the planet!
NSF Postdoc at Colorado State University
Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosols, Air Quality, Machine Learning
Yale '17, UC Berkeley '22
Warning Coordination Meteorologist
NWSBillings. Photographer. Huge Cleveland sports fan.
he/him neurodivergent the biggest ziutek in the universe
my other instances:
Ed. Program Manager at a biomed research institute. #Diversity & #Equity in #STEM. #SciEngage #StarTrek. he/him
here because of the twitter craze. I study physics and astrophysics and think computer science is pretty neat.
#Philosopher and #CognitiveScientist working on issues related to social bias and discrimination.
Currently: postdocing at #UniversityOfOslo
Formerly: PhD in philosophy from #Rutgers (& the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science and #JohnsHopkins psych department).
Software Engineer/MS Computer Science
Loves STEM/Movies/Books
Pronouns: He/Him
Old gay male Jewish atheist liberal programmer.
physics/mathematics ||| University of Belgrade ||| cant't stop trying to understand
Pro-EU having lived and worked across Europe.
Fighting for UK to #RejoinEU to reverse the disaster
Interests; Science, environment, caring for those less fortunate
Clinical Psychologist, PhD student researching video game players profiles - psychological and interpersonal factors
Tenured Professor at University of Granada. Interests: #Mobile, #Wearable, #IoT, #AI and #eCoaching for #Health
Cricket. Functional Programmer, Statistician, Data Scientist. AWS, Snowflake, Haskell, R, SQL. Epidemiologist. Dogs. Green Socialist. Vegan. Cricket.
I like to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.