These are public posts tagged with #arbitrary. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
'Giving' while taking more back - The Disservice designed into Life by State and individuals - Time for peer to peer work with what we already love to do, but more often for each other more personally felt... or sticking with state?
Replying on the 3rd post but a lot was felt / received well all in the 5 posts Colin... nice for post that.
In a short it's all deliberate and deliberate "disservice" which is not aiming for good and THIS is what I see needing to be countered.
This counter is some of what I outline generally from the title about working together and incrementing trust from ourselves (and previous efforts) instead of working with those we can't trust (also from seeing their previous 'efforts') and by what we love to do individually even in our spare time that actually keeps us true.... and worth much more than emptying it all into uncaring states.
In post 4/5 you asked for sparking more deeper conversation, so I hope you receive this well it :)
You can skip down the 1st lines of sections too as first pass...
#Disservice is a great word you mention and I've hardly come across what says it so well to what the real problem is and how 'service' is 'given' to people only to get more back.
We see repeated actions, evidences and constant patterns (which @paurea hints to as "I don't think this is about math only") because IT (whatever subject almost nowadays) is overall about #cheating people and not looking after or even educating them sometimes.
That's my short version and the disservice in everything cheating people - that is what I think needs solving and not inventing things to feed that, but #countering it.
Let me know what you think of that as a quick checkpoint and if you don't plan reply to all the other points then at least give tiem here to that,.
Anything helps to see something at least - welcome to say you understand / agree / disagree...
More points / Detail follows
(or just reply on above for now)
"Let’s stop selling kids short."
This is also a good line and shows for me the mirror is that the previous generations of people (parents / followers) and other people (manipulators) of almost any power do more of these things (parents included) and do not want #children / #kids / #learners / #academics / #mathematicians / #inventors etc to be #empowered - they even want them to sell out / cheat themselves / pay more for it / devalue it while thinking they are somehow getting ahead or getting respect and also that it's not their problem when others take the hit / stay poor.
'Giving' while taking more back happens on all levels to maintain / keep total control. #Fascism even, financially.
The designed dis-service into life by State and it's individuals we need to undo / act upon by cooperation with each other increasingly.
Now is the time for peer to peer work (like #p2p machines do to seed torrents but more people doing it themselves finding their own #nuances) with what we individuals already do and love doing, but do for each other and build on it knowing it stays more true than state-driven stuff. Individually it's more personally felt and less distant even if needs hacking away at the fodder to find gold in each other with consent to co-create...
Not sticking with state is basically 'for the way' slowly but surely because since it mostly skips a lot and takes what we love only / mostly and works without just the extractional sense (#material / body #extraction) and can't leave out the #caring so often (we just can't do it!) or #omit how we or other people feel in the same way $tates do. We aim to make it easier instead of harder / more hoops to jump.
I'd like to draw a line there...
Just as a one big part done
Thanks for reading.
And if you allow - then I'd like to give examples and tie in #money and #tax to the above baseline that is cheating us as the raw / mathematical evidences of this pattern of control and reduction of our individual power - if really you need to read about that!
Largely "a system" which can also mean 'a way of cheating people' or scheme for certain objectives !
Language is often a reliable tool for me if not just "a way of doing things" (which de-facto is a way of not doing other things) - and that is deliberate especially when people refine it over time and you have regulate events like bank #bailouts and #crashes.
Even while people are seemingly "getting ahead" / making money in negative spectrum of material - it's almost still without mindset / ethics or improving that so losing a lot of usefulness as banks give it to people for #war mostly as it's most profitable.
It seems we are always being brought back to a "struggling" as kind of optimum #algorithm in order to keep running for others rather than reach any stage of enlightenment...
Cold systems increment and "maximise" work like a #treadmill pushing people to the edge of their life / even killing them.
The tree of life by human design is for giving back to themselves more often (or just plain stealing large cuts) and mainly utopia in the early ages just for starting people out in life until they have muscles to get to work and in order to #tax them for life and take back any money from each of their transactions and even their #pensions in whole (age goes up and therefore your chances go down). Many will never see that money - including the public.
The limitations on life seems always about taking more back while 'giving' which ends up as cheating / very uncaring.
Is there a mathematical equation you could represent for that?
(think about that / write something now)
At the beginning anything can be seen as good even a high interest account or free money - but even that is as a hook as the actual means of taking more overall and retaining power not long after and even total central control.
Loaning for example dilutes all money in the system.
- If banks don't have the total amount is seems an illegal operation to lend what they don't have.
- If they choose who money doesn't go to then it's dangerous.
- If #wars are supplies money (both sides) it's a huge reason to abandon them / try stop saving with them.
- If banks and companies are competitors trying to leverage debt then all ends up as loss for everyone (or public pays for private bank mistakes as '#bailouts) - then this is also bad / nobody is a winner / all public lose out.
You could say this is all unfair on a micro or macro level of the same never-aiming-to-be-equalised 'system', never lessening the financial strain or towards understanding / freedoms / humbleness...
Even if they could do any of this humble stuff or even if previous generations had already paid for services many times over (because they probably have) it's not like they would say "ok it's free now for at least a few years".
I believe they wouldn't / aren't aiming to do so and asking for that much if you see the monthly profits even just by top 10 companies (also evading tax themselves).
So just increasing the #treadmill for individuals and more-mechanical style of life needs countering somehow.
Humans naturally come up against humans (those who hunt others).
Much like hunters people can hunt other hunters also which is today in the economic form and sadly yes #maths #computers #data #adverts largely.
I'm going to stick to money and tax a bit more than the other sub-cheating things because maybe it's clearer how it cheat people.
Earlier I ask how you would represent the problem of "taking more than giving" in mathematical form...
Any ideas?
As a quick attempt - here is a simplified way to see money which is more literally true I think:
$ = [$ x %debt or fees]
($ is any currency). It's suspiciously confirming how all nations have copied the same (English) way with only the name of currency changed and different picture on bank notes). Same 'system' / way of taking back.
The equation is the same for most of it's function, take more from people. Maybe "keep them just-about-alive' is the modern style than the 'shoot them if they don't agree' 100 years ago.
All money is increasingly compound debt is what this equation should say, as the loan operation itself and fees charged perpetuates the cheapening of money itself..
(if you shat yourself wide-eyed you're forgiven)
Would humanity make something so deliberately flawed is a main question even give or take what I said as true? Would they do it?
Thus the actual value of what bank notes say are wrong. Deliberately pretending to give you what says a value and then re-issuing regularly - all a scam.
So banks give debt (or sell it which is a bit weird to say people need to actually buy money before doing anything big) means money is instantly devalued from it's face value - for example if you have to pay 10 for 100, it's it then worth 100 if you give it to someone else even 10 seconds after?
The overall pool of money is further devalued faster as banks loan more (behind customers back or not - upto 9 times allegedly which compounding itself is incalculable / infinite). So that is a huge problem and flaw in people's thinking things can work for the positives in people or values as it increases loans and negatives and gives power to banks as a cloaking tool for extracting money for itself and state in future.
Anybody know how many loans are out there?
Anybody know how much profit comes / has come from that 1 loan compunded?
The pool of money is diluted on every single loan operation (1000's per day). It reduces the overall pool value like having pure juice to start with and just adding more water until it's diluted the strength...
I wonder, if you ever though of it like that?
Did you know some of that? Do you see how negatively society is impacted from banks / restriction to all life within a bank model?
(non-confrontational question)
I think it's easy to dismiss a lot since "nobody knows' / it's not transparent enough to calculate what banks do and how often or bad it is but even from basics you can be sure say they must be "making a killing"... even based on your own financial dealings with them.
Any customer and friend we give money to might think they are getting what the face value it shows... but they aren't. Each 100 we give was paid for previously as part of a loan and that was also paid for as part of a loan (ad infinitum) probably by now...
This is what people don't see happening so clearly (even if some do know their money is loaned) they don't calculate how much banks get by re-loaning (again) and what they largely don't have asking others to "promise to pay" it instead. It's a gamble as a virtual amount in the future and also not right / needed.
I know people largely don't want to do any "people work" or even #cooperate with each other individual so they go for the cold maths / number / machines / distant institution approach / cold mercenaries. And don't blame them before....
But now really even that has limits as the system itself starts rejecting unprofitable people itself or cheating those that work for them almost for free and increasingly for free / paying for their own life owing constantly for the same or even lesser reduced products since their hooked on money for everything and totally deficient in knowledge for growing things or totally un-self-sufficient (not even growing 1 plant until 40 years old).
Again take a break if you want and just send a reply on just that.
The examples of "taking-more-by-giving-initially as a mechanism are usually #mathematical and included as a weapon / deliberate misunderstanding against people (people are to blame too but clever people have deception / overwhelming calculations / miss-selling of money itself in mind and using it as their way to access the cheats...
And condition to not to having housing also which needs banks.
Limiting people's ability to change (forcing them to stay in money cycle) is also further reducing / taking away what could be more passed on *a bit more* (the profit) more than cheated from (siphoned / withheld) from them (and the future even unborn people who should have rights to the planet even without big resources, like place to #live even without #electricity).
It's indeed devaluing the future in to almost into nothing and even minus / negative numbers and meaninglessness toilet paper as #Ponzi #schemes continue their work or created (or attempted) as currency or otherwise similar stuff.
New people are born into the equations at worse degrees the further down the line as time goes. Sad. Am I wrong?
Debt % on money works stronger than anything else and is by design banks and state co-operating together with %interest given is not as much so %debt wins (said in a basics sense)
And all the while power and assets accumulated by them.
Any claims of high risk in lending has a small part I think because this is anyway much more reduced nowadays at the start to make sure nobody escapes "scot free" like having #collateral as people's house or someone else's assets as collateral and other ways upfront.
So during all this (even in the best cases of system allocating for risk) it's giving mega #power to repeat #offenders and people constructing the #uncaring #structures in more and more diverse areas to make it even worse.
#Choosing who gets a loan or why it is good for the bank is as good as stopping diversity itself and people's dreams of peace which for banks is based on raw extraction and not good peaceful things actually if you have to keep digging to pay for a infinite black hole of debt.
Good things want for good things and largely satisfied with planet and slow-cooking outside of material extraction and fucking things fast (not saying everyone is innocent) but in the realms of the mind and health the state and banks are not really considering any of this so that's irresponsible as a collective.
Using people like animals is another way to say it. Just drives competition and prices up in uneducated population instead of "taking care of all" (at even lesser levels of that 'utopian' sentiment I sound like having) but doesn't have to be #tyranny / fucked-if-you-don't #ultimatums either.
AND THAT is what we need to sort out. The bad and bad 'givers' of life which do need their hand bitten and land taken back somewhat instead of just land constantly re-sold / stolen back
(even if I don't have great ideas for how other than more than shared housing between ourselves and not putting an #arbitrary bank price on what humans need much like not monetising #hospitals since people will pay anything to keep their #health - same with almost everything else!). Put a price on anything enters the snow-balling competitive gladiatorial area, Not worth it. Work with prices as less the only way and help others up using other ways we like doing already at the same time as existing ways.
Even though we already use animals too keep in mind which helps us human a lot (or totally)!
It's not far different as doing the same with humans with other humans, and getting more and more in that way life-threatening and competitive daily milking humans for every single thing.
So we need to work together more often.
Again take a break if you need
The #cheating / illegal-numerical functions / negative-creation as basis for life (or banks as life creation) - needs to stop.
Taking our energy and gambling it away (stock & shares) or any virtual or human 'markets' seem rather wrong.
And when they lose, we lose more - and then can cash us out / ditch us anytime like a rigged casino if using their money.
Bad things only come from that. As obstacles for animals it make sense for them limit us to to win or escape their system even while crash or controlled destruction of money happens to force players out of the game / to sell out control.
We leave our pots / assets to them at the end while they use billions of lives with fees taxes and transaction %'s embedded.
Imagine the teacher or professor comes up against the clever student who embarrasses the authority in the room with their own intelligence - more often it's going to be knocked down or punished / kept dumb in other ways )or just ignored) in order to keep order / even keep their own job. Stick to script (teachers #contract) is highest #authority regardless - to keep #power and #structure is priority. Students can try teach others or go out of script - well but perhaps at their own risk and unless it's financially beneficial both student and teacher are not going to be supported - so don't give either them ideas that they can do it themselves also as education.
State I believe is just people building their own thing or them seeing it their self-given jobs as better doing it for us (thus keeping their own jobs to direct us more than give more slack / rest / real education / peace of mind).
So logic and all this begging for rest or #change / #climate control, #love, or any slack with less tyranny is ignored/
Keep in mind people are busy on the other hashtags RIGHT NOW also complaining hard about these sorts of things instead of constructing together some #friendships and being #friends instead of giving more energy to non-hate-propelling stuff a chance instead of pumping those leaders' names everywhere. Those people must be loving it right now. Might as well mention the hashtags people are stuck in like #Trump #Musk #Zuckerberg #Bezos etc and it's overall the same - nobody really asks us in life - you are told / given limited contract at best. And complain instead of construct.
That's why people have to see themselves as their own authority more and more, and work with others who have more of measurable caring nature rather than working with almost opposite being trodden on.
In summary points, many things could have enabled us to ride on things for longer, cheaper, heading towards free (or giving more lovingly and understandingly)...
Because things actually have a value and attribute beyond numbers and own way (as do people)- we could reduce numbers as the only way or priority or label of worthy of using and still function more humanly together with more natural slack,
Being so boxed in / limited to a number / time I admit will make people more 'lazy' but having #workaholics and #alcoholics and other abuses is no better.
So even if money was 4th priority in every chain or decision then other things would naturally be promoted or grow themselves up as higher / better in the #priorityladder....
But human nature seems to want people to pay no matter want *1st* AND THEN figure out the problem - this itself (the paying / disrespect first) is the problems to humans and as deliberate misunderstanding itself.
Pretending to serve while making it all more expensive (even for them too) shows how people will shoot themselves in the foot to make sure others get less or pay more or that they get more or pay less, while it all goes up for literally the same things which often keep the same baseline.
If there is a #psychological or humanistic term for this past envy / jealousy and 7 sins type stuff I'd love to hear it because people need jealousy etc flipped, much like a switch in their head, to work in the other direction seeing it as is a lot better circle to get to the other side, for all involved, or like a bicycle gear gradually lessening reducing speed of these costs or high*gain profits in exchange for see real progress between people in the mind and body.
(all at the same time is ok but ratio in favour of good things more often than blindly using the same bad)
Appreciate your thoughts on that, even as mini post replies and revisits whenever you feel.
In post 4/5 you asked for sparking more deeper conversation, so I hope you receive this well it :)
Most people don't have time but this is also proportionate to how quickly the money can go / be spent mindlessly when not realising the bucket given has a deliberate hole in it...
and even a modern mathematical pump attached while your off working or doing others things.
THESE types of humanistic factors and your post sentiments and kinds of mechanisms / patters are actually the one of the biggest problems to solve I think- how to get the right like-minded people together (not just on Trump hashtag) AND work together more towards free / just not money ways / banks as their poor baselines or as the priority for paypal buttons to donate and help each other, I mean please).
I have a dream we just work for free for each other more often and keep measuring that as our own evidence, own profiles to judge, mutual work and sharing as measured trust or even from a distance just giving and seeing it's much less likely for evil.
Less working for them effectively and more for our own measurable things even if I never meet you. More more for us even in our own dreams / projects,
Even by talking about it and not investing anything but time we are seeing the understanding / #mutual-#partnerships vs. #money / #jobs.
Modern Capitalism is cutting out that stuff and it's a good sign that by doing it we achieve more human things (less #machines / cold #algorithms, #adverts ad #adfarms etc).
Overall not cheating the other(s) so badly / being clear what we know is bad and using peer-to-peer structures that don't undo things more often by design and instead of using their material we use our own (as best we can do with existing stuff we anyway would do).
Less doing what undoes every part of their work in selling out at almost every transaction down the line in part of it but also or doing something else in parallel is large part of it to increase so it's not just energy going to an uncaring $tate of extraction in the end and only those in it for the uncaring conversion for more of the same.
People paying blindly doesn't work. Trusting financial people blind I think doesn't work.
People who believe in that need skipping for now and seeing somewhat the 'fun' in building something else of the same things inside better container.
So then more directly a question - why can't you or I can't trust each other over increments of talk / work (or even one post I've taken the time to craft) - how is this any worse and not worth talking about what we need to do because it's not quite the same risk with the state eating it all for themselves and leaving us with the small change - The internet is safe in it's own way.
We could do and almost do anyway right now more for free
It's not just about money or increasingly high rents. The list of other things like understanding / better practices / privacy etc all fall in here and often lost as people don't build and post 1-way posts.
Disservice and cheating as the label is definitely what they do.
But also what the people don't do is work in this more measured way with more visibly caring containers.
Maybe in times before it was was less cheating people or more fair, but now it's certainly changed and more increasingly more of the same. #Mathematics is not the only weaponised thing...
Time taken from people also... which is perhaps part of the same thing...
So who wants to put in time to solve this equation?
Let me know if you don't reply to all the other points Just a sign you understand some things or even don't agree it helps to see something.
weird! physicists determine that #orange is not a true #color after all (trick of the eye thing, i can't explain it well), and move to eject it from all u.s. scientific literary collections on the 'known' color #spectrum.
guess it's true if #science says so!
oh, right, obligatory supporting tags:
#uspol #fuck #resist #arbitrary #illegitimate #authoritarian #ramblings #47IsNotARealPresident #FuckTrump
Communication and #death coming from the distance - a chance to improve... ?
As people hollow out the planet and people pay them from afar (#tax to unknown distant people and stuff we can't see every day, banks #diluting all money by providing more #loans) it's totally a #war we're all #funding even indirectly through #supermarket powers and #cheap etc being offered and delivered to us by #supermarkets...
The planet at a #discount of sorts.
Just have to buy it all...
It's always been a #mistake to buy or sell the #planet (which includes #renting shelter and spaced for our #kids, #interest being charged etc).
#Banks also funding global #oppression (it is oppression itself with it's #arbitrary / false #mathematical functions for ' #growth ' by inflating #debt).
People higher up the #matrix (and many below) who indulge themselves without #limits (or even self-#restriction practised) ultimately own every action, forever.
So if it's stuff from a distance or not building us as online/offline individuals and instead playing the paying game for all the luxuries / fast food type / bourgeois instant speeds, then that's what they will get.
They / we ultimately act like another brick in the wall.
#Germany for a short contrast example, is buying it's fuel to raise it's own economy from #Russia since a long time and now being asked to fight against Russia even though it's a customer of them!... Just an example there that we naturally have to #evolve out of what others evolved us into it and do that on a #personal level also (NOT waiting for #Germans to stop #leveraging other #resources in order to become great itself).
So take this communication #post as something to improve from a distance that what doesn't work too well.
If #communication is lacking #depth between individuals themselves it could be just another kind type of #death or #distance or #shortism in which communication is a part of #killing / reducing power / #ignoring others / not keeping everything between us / not really bonding.
Inspired from some of the words already posted by @EubieDrew@spore.socialand and re-created it also to see how I feel about this process at the end as I had some sentiments I needed to write.,. Post exactly is:
Inspired from some of the words already posted by @EubieDrew@spore.socialand and re-created it also to see how I feel about this process at the end as I had some sentiments I needed to write.,. Post exactly is:
Communication and #death coming from the distance - a chance to improve... ?
As people hollow out the planet and people pay them from afar (#tax to unknown distant people and stuff we can't see every day, banks #diluting all money by providing more #loans) it's totally a #war we're all #funding even indirectly through #supermarket powers and #cheap etc being offered and delivered to us by #supermarkets...
The planet at a #discount of sorts.
Just have to buy it all...
It's always been a #mistake to buy or sell the #planet (which includes #renting shelter and spaced for our #kids, #interest being charged etc).
#Banks also funding global #oppression (it is oppression itself with it's #arbitrary / false #mathematical functions for ' #growth ' by inflating #debt).
People higher up the #matrix (and many below) who indulge themselves without #limits (or even self-#restriction practised) ultimately own every action, forever.
So if it's stuff from a distance or not building us as online/offline individuals and instead playing the paying game for all the luxuries / fast food type / bourgeois instant speeds, then that's what they will get.
They / we ultimately act like another brick in the wall.
#Germany for a short contrast example, is buying it's fuel to raise it's own economy from #Russia since a long time and now being asked to fight against Russia even though it's a customer of them!... Just an example there that we naturally have to #evolve out of what others evolved us into it and do that on a #personal level also (NOT waiting for #Germans to stop #leveraging other #resources in order to become great itself).
So take this communication #post as something to improve from a distance that what doesn't work too well.
If #communication is lacking #depth between individuals themselves it could be just another kind type of #death or #distance or #shortism in which communication is a part of #killing / reducing power / #ignoring others / not keeping everything between us / not really bonding.
Inspired from some of the words already posted by @EubieDrew@spore.socialand and re-created it also to see how I feel about this process at the end as I had some sentiments I needed to write.,. Post exactly is:
Inspired from some of the words already posted by @EubieDrew@spore.socialand and re-created it also to see how I feel about this process at the end as I had some sentiments I needed to write.,. Post exactly is:
#Quotes Facts aren't "arbitrary" (feel free to discuss the types of 'fact')
#Quote Facts aren't "arbitrary"
- 𝚂𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗇 𝙰𝗉𝗉𝗌 #Quotes
#Facts we cannot check ourselves are often are #arbitrary because it is by people's #opinions at #varied #quality.
Perhaps more #physical #evidence is much easier and believable but even AI can fake what evidence you can really think you 'see' but is not there at all (Deepfake videos, poor statistics, framing, narrative etc).
So the meaning of "arbitrary" in this context is what I'm focusing on to mean "someone's or a groups opinion" and therefore "arbitrary" if literally I don't have things in my hand and if I didn't go myself to count it PLUS can honestly and measurably question those 'fact"-ing
Seems harsh and I'm not saying "believe nothing" but imagine it's easy to tell a lie about anything from distance and people even inside the hierachy don't see what's actually going on. #Compartmentalization.
So a quick/bad example:
if an American group or agency tells me what's good for me / us and quote some numbers then I'm much less likely to believe *anything* from USA (again seems harsh but as quick example and certainly at least almost everything political modern times more than ever has just been bloat and exaggerated).
People with a bad reputation / manipulation / violence to everyone in #history I think cant repeat things so there's that too.
Long-story short :
it's all so calculated (and miscalculated) / controlled / conquered / manipulated etc...
oh sorry we got it wrong or reclassifying this toxic thing
oh no we're call this green now
(just typing fast here not moaning!)
It's hard not to have things so inaccurate today as people wouldn't write bad about themselves and toward more towards constant power and control.
ADDED to that is how one phrases and words the counting (even assuming it's right by numbers, how you say it is not always perfect or purely said).
Ok will stop there but can't trust today's " facts "
Said with love (that's a fact, unless I'm faking it - hard to know right?)
Generally like your stuff #𝚂𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗇 so hope you can comment equally to some critique.
Fascism is already here (?) and all people support it (?) (willing or not ?)
@freemo @selea Ok freemo you just 'struck' gold there for me as I was just thinking of and about to draw (perhaps more likely when we talk about it) about that... and "what it takes for fascism" basically to grow in diagram.
Because it's already here and wouldn't take much to take over since people are so embedded and feeding so much already from the underlying uncaring / financial people (banks as root of all life).
Perhaps we could both draw something (and maybe support the other) which also ties in the other question I asked yesterday before you had to run out the door (and you asked for reminder about that so here's that also!)
So it means for me that even if people wanted to, they would find it hard not to feed / go with #fascism because of existing things like:
a) their existing habits, savings and consumptions from who they don't know they are dealing with in longer chains Banks and being able to see what negative maths is doing to populations.
b) all life so based on banks that this is possibly the basis of almost all fascism [based on the #authority of wanting more #money back than given AND re-loaning people's savings, up to 9/10 times, which is the erroneous maths / injustice (to #reality / #nature / #climate not just #people) each time by a #Bank.
People need to try 'find' that loan in form of their energy (chopping away at nature for example) to replace the debt given as loans - so #banks want back more and then that that debt or all money is meanwhile is being re-loaned again erroneously / as injustice / in equality continues to all people. The loan itself is one of the weaponised tools since normally one can't magically re-loan 9:1 anything and get such power / energy back from people and once you start negative-directed maths, it's hard to stop when attached to life itself .
So it is false power that Banks have from Government as authoritarian / hierarchical group opposed to things anywhere near democrasy / libertarianism etc and therein the power is maintained based on that way of injustice / reloaning and similar tools given to people after already trapping them in the worse of games.
It's the normal things people do / take blind eye to as they don't understand fascism or why it's always coming back over and over again, and in end-games the same similar positions happen (such as police again public, banks and government forcefully re-claiming money in people's #account etc, remotely controlling numbers / inflation / fees etc)...
Fascism in all it's black and white is like binary numbers and ultimatums...
And for the people, #Money is most certainly a sacred thing to most who even unknowingly protect fascism or the bad game as their life ultimately (or as ultimatum ) falls back on finance, which mostly 'gives' it for it's empire to grow from banks devaluing and diluting the money (from day 1 of paying for any money and over time).,
Financial-fascism is the method and people behind what is opposed to equality and equalising class not just democracy or liberalism with it
#Manmade #Arbitrary #Economics not really #Reality
Not based on positive #Math
Your #Children need our help. Not just Money in life...
Your #Children need our help.
Don't just empty money on them doing stuff we don't really like and then expect them to do the same when they grow up with their children. That just makes things worse.
You have to draw the line with finance and debt and banks... and start with nature (even if it doesn't pay - because those incentives to do the other stuff are FALSE and just arbitrary economics.)
Towards the next generations **hopefully** we do and live with them AND doing everything with us at some point. More human and emotionally intelligent stuff.
#Arbitrary #Economics vs Human Intelligence
#Numbers / #Authority Because they say so vs Emotional Intelligence
The value of any thing or topic is valued differently between different people.
Math fails us because it depends from writer or reader (whoever is counting or valuing things) what is a given value.... or even to give value at all to things!....
█Is an object worth 1 or 10 to you,,, to find him/him is worth...
█How much is your child worth?
█How much do you love her / him?
█Do you practice listening to your family and given them specific time each week?
This is how mathematics fails as the only tool for measurement tool (for what Government largely is used for humans and human value - because we individuals are all the measurer to our own value and have our own ways for looking at things...
All of us have very unique tastes or personalities so rather than force-standardise we can still encourage and need the uniqueness to be respected.
Even if some people can be loosely grouped - all is almost nuance and cross border variations (more than one box or genre) so almost too dangerous putting too much value and time in analysing that..
While learning is hopefully constant to accept new ideas and concepts, I think this fundamental difference means to say "be careful of labelling things or valuing when it comes to people.
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#FreeSchool #Life #Lessons
#Maths #narrow #Arbitrary #Value #Values #Nuances #Unique #People
Math fails us when we individuals are all the measurer to our own value - We have our own ways for looking at many things differently...
TLDR - Math fails us because it depends from writer or reader who's counting or valuing things what or is given value..
█Is an object worth 1 or 10 to you,,, to find him/him is worth...
█How much is your child worth?
█How much do you love her / him?
This is how mathematics fails as the only tool for measurement tool (for what Government largely is used for humans and human value - because we individuals are all the measurer to our own value and have our own ways for looking at things...
All of us have very unique tastes or personalities so rather than force-standardise we can still encourage and need the uniqueness to be respected.
Even if some people can be loosely grouped - all is almost nuance and cross border variations (more than one box or genre) so almost too dangerous putting too much value and time in analysing that..
While learning is hopefully constant to accept new ideas and concepts, I think this fundamental difference means to say "be careful of labelling things or valuing when it comes to people.
If this comment was highly worth it, please boost!
#FreeSchool #Life #Lessons
#Maths #narrow #Arbitrary #Value #Values #Nuances #Unique #People
15 Fairy Creek protesters face civil suit from logging company
Teal Cedar alleges they conspired to harm the logging company which clear cuts old growth forests on Vancouver Island
#OldGrowth #AncientTrees #protest #SLAPP #lawsuit #reputation #damages #arbitrary #chill
Teal Cedar alleges they conspired to harm the logging…
www.timescolonist.comWhether something happened "on this day" in history seems very arbitrary to me. If we lived on any other planet, with any other length year, it wouldn't even be "on this day". Even on this planet, if you use any of the multiple lunar calendars commonly used instead of the Gregorian Calendar, it wouldn't be "on this day".
Why the hell are #chess tournaments segregated by #gender? I understand (but don't necessarily agree with) gender segregation in #physical #competitions, but there's no #physicality involved in playing chess. #Quadriplegics can play chess just as well as those with all of their faculties. Segregating chess by gender seems completely #arbitrary, and unnecessary.
International Chess Federation (FIDE) says trans women… ssh-keygen for #Arbitrary #Execution (and #Privilege #Escalation)
// by @SeanPesce
TL;DR The ssh-keygen command can…
seanpesce.blogspot.comAs Expected, Twitter’s New Trust & Safety Rules Are ‘Elon’s Whims’
#contentmoderation #trust&safety #arbitrary #ellairwin #elonmusk #twitter #whims #csam
Have you noticed that everything that Elon Musk insisted…
TechdirtBacterial MazF/MazE toxin-antitoxin suppresses lytic propagation of arbitrium-containing phages
#phage #toxin #arbitrary #antitoxin #bacteria
#arbitrary : depending on will or discretion
- French: arbitraire
- German: arbiträr, willkürlich
- Italian: arbitrario
- Portuguese: arbitrário
- Spanish: arbitrario
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
Your responses to the questions below will directly… #Arbitrary Object Instantiations in #PHP Without Custom Classes
#arbitrary : depending on will or discretion
- French: arbitraire
- German: arbiträr, willkürlich
- Italian: arbitrario
- Portuguese: arbitrário
- Spanish: arbitrario
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
Your responses to the questions below will directly… : depending on will or discretion
- French: arbitraire
- German: arbiträr, willkürlich
- Italian: arbitrario
- Portuguese: arbitrário
- Spanish: arbitrario
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
Your responses to the questions below will directly…