Zack Labe

⬇️ September brings an end to the melt season in the #Arctic as sea ice reaches its minimum extent by the middle of the month.

This thread shares an overview of its long-term trends in the atmosphere and ocean. #ArcticAmplification

Jackie Wolf

@unusual_whales Yea, well, there are other issues other than gas prices that are interfering with our ability to get home this #Christmas - those #climatechange #weather impacts are beginning to bite in a big way. #Arcticamplification

Doug Bostrom

@smorford @AlaskaWx

Stacy, just a quick tip that adding "alt-text" to the images will really help with "boosts" here.

Thank you for putting this on the wire!


Zack Labe

My October 'climate viz of the month' blog is now available at, which shows a different perspective for how fast parts of the #Arctic are warming in the month of October. Click on the visualizations for higher resolution! #ArcticAmplification

Pär Holmgren

Mycket bra tråd om den snabba uppvärmningen i Arktis. Det går (nästan) fyra gånger snabbare än det globala genomsnittet.

RT @mikarantane: 🚨New paper alert 🚨

I'm excited to announce that our open-access paper "The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979" is now out in @CommsEarth:

#ArcticAmplification #Arctic

Thread of the main results:



The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979 - Communications Earth & Environment

Over the past four decades, Arctic Amplification -…


How does the Arctic Affect Extreme Weather?

Over the past several decades, the number of #ExtremeWeather events has increased. During those same years, the #Arctic has warmed twice as fast as the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. The rapid #Arctic #warming is referred to as #ArcticAmplification, and research suggests that it may be blamed for some of the extreme weather episodes.
