Likely Jan Lukas

Before he can continue his diatribe I interrupt him, my voice loud but conversational-calm: "Well, Jesus told ME* that YOU'RE full of shit".

*to my recollection, this is the first (and hopefully last) time I've ever made a claim to know the mind of a religious figure, whether flesh or spirit 😬🙄😡





The Falsehood of Authorship as Authority

"It is one thing to illustrate, to explicate, how oppression works. It is another to work to create sociological solutions, resolutions towards a respite from the terror of reality. Reality is formed from the awaiting of a master-poet-politician, one who will never arrive and even if they did, they would sell their soul to living in the moment of fame instead of restoration, no, establishment of peaceful curtains."

#Community #ConflictResolution #CriticalTheory #Ontology #OpenAccess
#Author #Authority #Empathy #Leadership #Religion #selfhood #Utopia #Literature

The Falsehood of Authorship as Authority – notes, memos, etc.
Mix Mistress Alice 💄

"You've heard of Project 2025, but there's another framework that may be even more important for understanding the current assault on Western democracies. "Project Russia" is a series of books published between 2005 and 2010, and it outlines a strategic vision for total war on the West, against democracies, and against the US dollar and other fiat currencies.

Nearly unknown to Western analysts, the concepts described in Project Russia increasingly reflect the events we see playing out on a daily basis: a war over competing worldviews with capture of media, the use of podcasts and other alternative media to challenge the mainstream press, and the emergence of a new class of unelected 'elite' demagogues who seem to be taking control of global affairs. This episode analyzes the four original Project Russia books and offers 'deep dives' into specific areas of the texts."—@davetroy

Project Russia from Dave Troy >

#ProjectRussia #WorldOrder #conservatism #authority #nationalism #religion #orthodoxy #geopolitics #monarchy #ideology #antichrist #apocalypse #conspiracy, #collapse #future #prediction #West #elites #manipulation #control #change #modernity #postmodernity #capitalism #consumerism #society #state #power #history

“Project Russia,” Reveals Putin’s Playbook | Washington Spectator

Between 2005 and 2010, a set of books called “Project…

Washington Spectator

I see tankies keep trying to argue with people about “Actually Existing Socialist” states like USSR and China and try to argue with me or others about how “they were good actually”. It’s bad enough when most of their arguments are whataboutism, but it grinds my gears when I hear then prattle on about all the statistically significant material improvements the life of the people received. It’s like listening to a terminally-liberal prattle on about how “statistically, the life quality actually increased under capitalism”.

Why is this bothering me so much? Because tankies completely suppress the freedom aspects of those states. Sure the improvements in life quality in those nations improved compared to the feudal/agrarian societies they had before, much like liberal capitalism also improved those same metrics.

But the freedom of the populace barely improved improved whatsoever because that freedom is anathema to authoritarian regimes. When anarchists talk about our ideal society, we mean both positive and negative freedom together together. It’s not enough if your health expectancy is increased and infant mortality is reduced, if you have to constantly fear the secret police knocking on your door. It’s not enough to have food on your plate, when the state determines what you can create and where you can work. It’s not enough to get a free car and internet, if your family member got shipped to the concentration camp for criticizing the movement leaders online.

Tankies explicitly avoid this. They are desperate to argue that “authoritarianism is not a thing actually”, hilariously and endlessly promoting the worst socialist essay ever written to justify this. But authoritarianism is very much the crux of the problem here. A society with a hierarchical structure like capitalism or marxism-leninism (i.e. state capitalism) can never be good. It might be better than other states, but it will only get worse and worse as power concentrates to fewer hands and the grip of authority tightens the more control slips through their fingers.

We keep seeing this historically both in liberal and ML states. Clearly material quality of life is not enough to justify the system, or even be stable long-term, when actual human liberty is the sacrifice for it.

Daniele de Rigo


This tension between #research vs "ignorance and denial" reminds me a concept that B. Brecht made Galileo say within his play "Leben des Galilei" [2]:

"Truth is the child of time, not of #authority. Our ignorance is infinite, so let us diminish it by a fraction. [...]

One of the chief causes of poverty in science is usually imaginary wealth. The aim of #science is not to open a door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error."


@mubix i don't have to - that's the thing (you aren't infosec) #authority #scarcity #pressure

Nov 20, 2024, 16:42 · · · 0 · 0
Charlie McHenry

“We are moving into a period of bewilderment, a curious moment in which people find light in the midst of despair, and vertigo at the summit of their hopes. It is a religious moment also, and here is the danger. People will want to obey the voice of Authority, and many strange constructs of just what Authority is will arise in every mind… The public yearning for Order will invite many stubborn uncompromising persons to impose it. The sadness of the zoo will fall upon society.” —Leonard Cohen #CurrentEvents #LifeIsStrange #LifeOnEarth #Quote #FalseAuthority #Authority

Toni Aittoniemi

#Feminism has failed!”, ”#DEI has failed!”

You’re going to be hearing a lot more statements like this soon.

First of all, it hasn’t. All that wokeness has actually built the titanic industrial/economic might of the west, by including more & varied brains & bodies in value creation.

But more importantly, the statements aren’t meant to be factual. They are obviously false, which IS the trick!


The message is the #attitude:”I’m the one who sets the facts here”


Can't have children better than adults or accept as better - adults would lose power and authority... Oldies want to keep power...

@garyackerman I think education as top level architects overall knew there needed to be limits to education since a long time - else the children become more clever than adults - and no system or teach wants that as #authority #hierarchy #power #control #position else we would have #Greta at 15 and similar defending almost every single question and viewpoint effortlessly...

Older people like yourself might find it hard to catch up or accept change too :ablobwink: (not ad-hominem just natural getting older I guess)


Fascism is already here (?) and all people support it (?) (willing or not ?)

@freemo @selea Ok freemo you just 'struck' gold there for me as I was just thinking of and about to draw (perhaps more likely when we talk about it) about that... and "what it takes for fascism" basically to grow in diagram.

Because it's already here and wouldn't take much to take over since people are so embedded and feeding so much already from the underlying uncaring / financial people (banks as root of all life).

Perhaps we could both draw something (and maybe support the other) which also ties in the other question I asked yesterday before you had to run out the door (and you asked for reminder about that so here's that also!)

So it means for me that even if people wanted to, they would find it hard not to feed / go with #fascism because of existing things like:

a) their existing habits, savings and consumptions from who they don't know they are dealing with in longer chains 🏦 Banks and being able to see what negative maths is doing to populations.

b) all life so based on banks that this is possibly the basis of almost all fascism [based on the #authority of wanting more #money back than given AND re-loaning people's savings, up to 9/10 times, which is the erroneous maths / injustice (to #reality / #nature / #climate not just #people) each time by a #Bank.

People need to try 'find' that loan in form of their energy (chopping away at nature for example) to replace the debt given as loans - so #banks want back more and then that that debt or all money is meanwhile is being re-loaned again erroneously / as injustice / in equality continues to all people. The loan itself is one of the weaponised tools since normally one can't magically re-loan 9:1 anything and get such power / energy back from people and once you start negative-directed maths, it's hard to stop when attached to life itself .

So it is false power that Banks have from Government as authoritarian / hierarchical group opposed to things anywhere near democrasy / libertarianism etc and therein the power is maintained based on that way of injustice / reloaning and similar tools given to people after already trapping them in the worse of games.

It's the normal things people do / take blind eye to as they don't understand fascism or why it's always coming back over and over again, and in end-games the same similar positions happen (such as police again public, banks and government forcefully re-claiming money in people's #account etc, remotely controlling numbers / inflation / fees etc)...

Fascism in all it's black and white is like binary numbers and ultimatums...

And for the people, #Money is most certainly a sacred thing to most who even unknowingly protect fascism or the bad game as their life ultimately (or as ultimatum 🔫 ) falls back on finance, which mostly 'gives' it for it's empire to grow from banks devaluing and diluting the money (from day 1 of paying for any money and over time).,

Financial-fascism is the method and people behind what is opposed to equality and equalising class not just democracy or liberalism with it :nes_fire:

#Manmade #Arbitrary #Economics not really #Reality
Not based on positive #Math