Jack Pitney

David Geier is reportedly RFK Jr's choice to head a study of #autism. He has no medical or graduate degree. The Maryland Board of Physicians concluded that he practiced medicine without a license. He lost his appeal. casetext.com/case/geier-v-md-b

Geier v. Md. Bd. of Physicians, No. 0709 | Casetext Search + Citator

Read Geier v. Md. Bd. of Physicians, No. 0709, see…


This was confronting reading on the day I started my assessment process for ASD & ADHD.

The argument seems to be that diagnosis can be self-limiting and stigmatising. The former is surely an individual matter that can be addressed through things like therapy. The latter is a societal issue that should be addressed through policy and education.


#Autism #ADHD #AuDHD


Are labels like autism and ADHD more constraining than liberating? A clinician argues diagnosis has gone too far

A staggering rise in the prevalence of many medical…

The Conversation
Stacey Cornelius 🇨🇦

[Long post] My unhelpful brain has been grinding on the disappointing (understatement) #ADHD assessment last week.

Here's my conclusion, which might be helpful for someone thinking about paying for an online assessment:

You need to make sure *exactly* what the practitioner/practice is licensed to assess. Those details may not be 100% clear on their website.

If they're only licensed/permitted for one thing and you suspect you're dealing with a combination (like #Autism & ADHD for example), they may not be able help you.

So as soon as they realize you're outside the assessment criteria they're licensed for they could close and lock the door. They can't even offer advice aside from "Find a psychiatrist" because – and please note, this is only an educated guess – if something goes wrong they could be legally liable.

I hate that this is "buyer beware" but here we are. I thought I'd done my due diligence. I scoured the web for reviews. I read all the Reddit threads. I emailed the practice twice before booking.

But the thing that didn't occur to me was what happens if your neurodivergent brain is a combo pack. And that's what did me in. "Find a psychiatrist." Exactly what I was trying to avoid because extensive wait times as well as gender and age biases.

(Nice try, sunshine. Spent the cash. Nope.)

The entire system is a hot mess. Publicly-funded as well as privatized services.

I hate posting this deeply personal information. But what I hate more is knowing how many people end up face-first into the same brick wall I just ran into. We need to have each others' backs. So 🤷🏻‍♀️

Silver Arrows

I mentioned earlier that I have this weird thing where sometimes I can't do things that I need to do. I had a period of three months where I wouldn't check my payslips, even though I needed to in case I got underpaid. I have frequent periods where I can't check my emails. This is especially if I've emailed someone I'm not close to and am expecting a reply.

As example is if I received faulty goods on Ebay. I've missed out on refunds because I send the complaint, but then I actively avoid checking for a reply.

Does anyone else experience things like this? I was looking at demand avoidance: autism.org.uk/advice-and-guida

But I don't know if it's that or some weird manifestation of #anxiety. The best I can describe it is apprehension? It's hard to put a proper name to it. I get milder forms, where for instance if I need to transfer money to my savings and there's nothing stopping me, but I won't be able to do it. Then randomly I'll snap out of it and feel like I can do it. It's not procrastination or getting distracted. It's a different feeling from that.

@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

#pda #autism #actuallyautistic #DemandAvoidance #mentalhealth


RFK Jr's former nonprofit posted a fake CDC website that criticized vaccines.

Kennedy asked the Children's Health Defense to remove the site but only after the NYTimes contacted him about it.

Kennedy is currently using the CDC to waste resources on further studies on the long disproven link began vaccines and autism and, in the process, further bolstering antivaxxers' delusional hysteria.


#RFKJr #publichealth #cdc #vaccines #autism #antivax #pseudoscience


When I engage with somebody who I like I feel like it is there are two possibilities there is the "agree" and be polite or find a consensus view, and then there is actually being honest and telling them what I think and I don't know if there is any space between those two. #Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

Kevin Davy


Insomnia is incredibly common for those of us who are autistic/adhd. Like many things, its presentation can be quite variable. In so far as it can be as much a spectrum as anything. I have the, struggle to fall asleep and then at some point wake up in the night and really struggle to get back to sleep, or, continue to wake up on the hour, every hour variety. It's the way I've always been and so, of course, I thought it was perfectly normal and because no one else ever said anything, the way everyone slept. Which is probably why it took me so long to realise that I did in fact suffer from insomnia, especially as it didn't fit the classic trope of someone barely sleeping at all and wandering the world at night, lonely and unfulfilled.

In fact, I've always enjoyed sleeping and dreaming, even though my dreams have always been of the batshit crazy variety that never made sense. In fact, I wouldn't know a normal dream if it bit me. As an "over-sensitive" child I would often have quite extreme nightmares, but even they were weird, because once awake they were never actually frightening, they were just strange. So, given that and my logical and pattern orientated brain, it's always amazed me somewhat how much I do love dreaming and how much pleasure sleep can bring me.

In fact, for a while I even resented it, the time I had to spend sleeping. It felt too much like escapism, of hiding in fantasy, rather than facing the real world. An act almost of cowardice and certainly like I was letting myself down somehow. But, in fact, what I've realised recently, is that I enjoy and value it for exactly the opposite reason. That even though the dreams never made sense and over-heat my pattern seeking brain and just leave me baffled. They represent a level of truth that isn't always present in the way I deal with the world when awake. There is no hiding my emotions, or reactions in them. There is no lying to deal with the world, or to be able to get by. There's just me and, in a very strange way, like my dreams, being finally able to be honest and open in the ways I can't always be in the real world.


This post has been brought to you, in part, to celebrate the fact that I am no-longer the amazing one-handed typist. But that now that the splints are off and the paw is healing, back to being the barely capable two-handed typist. 😀

Mx. Luna Corbden

ExeFunk Tip:

If you've got a MacBook, opt-v makes a nice checkmark character √ for making quick casual lists.

My system:

+ To Do - this item is undone
+ This is a subtask that is undone
√ This item is done
? I don't know if this should be done
x I decided against doing this
- I'm making a note or something that doesn't need to be done.

If I need to get real fancy, I copy/paste in a 1/2 symbol for things that are partly done. (There is no shortcut key on Mac but I could make an auto-replace shortcut if I wanted.)

I've got a number of other list systems, but this is what I use for writing projects (lists go in the related Scrivener file) and when I'm making quick lists in notes apps.

#ExeFunk #ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #Autism

Very Late Diag

I was diagnosed #AuDHD one year ago - and I'm still a bit bewildered! Still have lots of questions, and I suspect many of these questions won't have nice, happy, yay-for-neurodivergence answers. But I am starting to accept that my #autism and #ADHD are real, not imagined or misdiagnosed. Build from there, I guess?


Hoy masto, help besoin de ressources :
Sur le parentage dans la petite enfance avec un enfant autiste (en maternelle) qui peut avoir du mal à s'exprimer.

Tous les tips auxquels vous pouvez penser à cet âge sont les bienvenus 💜
En particulier sur le moment du coucher.
Je transmettrai vos réponses 🙏
#parenting #autism

Tasha Sounart 🎮🏰

Small victory: My son's water spilled a little and instead of getting upset, he went and got a towel and cleaned it up! ✌️ #Parenting #Autism


For those of us who follow a lot of autistic people and also people who talk about covid...

Please make it clear at the start of your post, when talking about masking, whether you mean metaphorical or non-metaphorical masking.

Thank you. :D

#masking #covid #covid19 #autism #ActuallyAutistic

Libre :neurodiversity:

Really good article that I just read which dives into autistic versus non-autistic identity, it puts out a theory that Autistic identity is value-and-passion-driven versus non-Autistic identity being focused on collective identity membership, and the way the two conflict and differ.


#ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Identity

The Identity Theory of Autism: How Autistic Identity Is Experienced Differently

Terra Vance posits that Autistic people experience…

Mar 24, 2025, 13:38 · · · 5 · 0
Sini Tuulia

The most accurate metaphor for my interoception is that it feels like that instead of just telling me what's going on at any given time, it's this passive aggressive little bastard slowly decreasing and turning off important motor and cognitive functions until it gets unbearable enough to exist as a sentient being, I turn to it and go: "What? WHAT? What the fuck is it?!"

And it'll just sit there, take a sip of imaginary brain transmitter tea, shrug and say: "Oh, nothing much. You're just very hungry, thought you'd notice eventually..."


#ADHD #AuDHD #Autism