Hao Yin

#4DFlowMRI to image Left Ventricle flow components & LA-LV local pressure in #BicuspidAorticValve with mild #AorticRegurgitation + preserved ejection fraction

51 BAV vs 24 Ctrl

Dr. Julio Garcia lab Front Carduivasc Medicine 2022

Hao Yin

In #BicuspidAorticValve #Aortopathy, #Aorta-enriched plasma cell-free DNA methylation correlated with ascending aortic #Apoptosis in regions of elevated #WallShearStress (4D flow MRI), but Not aortic diameter

An interesting method to identify tissue-enriched DNA methylation in this paper

Roadmap Epigenomics
BluePrint Epigenome

24 candidate aorta-enriched differentially methylated regions
4 used in this study

Dr. Steven Greenway lab Clin Epigenetics 2021

Hao Yin

Normal & abnormal development of the aortic valve & ascending aortic wall: a comprehensive overview of the Embryology & Pathology of the #BicuspidAorticValve


Dedication to Dr. Adriana Gittenberger-De Groot

Dr. Nimrat Grewal & colleagues Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2022

Hao Yin

Decoupling #TGFβ1 with phospho-SMAD2 (S457) & phospho-SMAD3 (S423/425) in ascending #AorticAneurysm with #BicuspidAorticValve or #UnicuspidAorticValve

How about TGFβ2/3?

As a comparison, in #TricuspidAorticValve aorta, diameter and elastin break correlate well with increased TGFβ1 level or p-SMAD2/3 levels

Dr. Brittany Balint & Hans-Joachim Schäfers lab, Sci Rep 2022