These are public posts tagged with #cas. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Cats Are Getting Sick And Dying From Bird Flu In The US
#AnimalRights #cas #birdflu #UnitedStates #USA #US #environment
At least 14 cats are now sick or dead from the H5N1…
Plant Based NewsLemonLDAP::NG 2.20.2 has been released!
This version includes some security fixes
#IAM #SSO #lemonldap #lemonldapng #CAS #SAML #OpenIDConnect #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Perl
I was on a #CaS/#BCS webinar on computing ethics yesterday, shitposting in the chat, as one does, and there's this participant, "AI Friend".
And I'm like "WTF, is this someone stating their position, or is this a bit and they've got a bot in the chat?"
Then I find out it's AL Friend. Imagine having your name being displayed as "AI Friend" in most fonts, in 2025.
Poor lad.
Hey #internet #cloud #web #infrastructure #persistence is there any #p2p or publicly supported content-addressable storage (#cas) solution? (Other than #IPFS, which I am aware of.)
The problem is that I eventually would want a (few) small binaries to be available "in perpetuity", i.e. not some specific content hosting service. The idea being that if that binary-exact file performs an important function, I'd like it to be hard to become unavailable or disappear.
Как создавать lock-free структуры данных в C# на базе CAS и Thread.Volatile
Привет, Хабр! В многозадачности блокировки в старом добром понимании начинают становиться узким местом. Когда мы пытаемся использовать обычные синхронизации типа lock , Monitor или Mutex , начинается одна большая проблема: каждый поток, который захватывает блокировку, становится бутылочным горлышком для других. Допустим, несколько потоков работают с одним и тем же ресурсом, например, с коллекцией данных. Когда один поток захватывает блокировку, все остальные просто стоят в ожидании, пока он её отпустит. Процесс простой, но… можно остаться ждать вечно, и это начнет вызывать проблемы с производительностью, особенно если приложению нужно работать с огромным количеством потоков. Вот тут и приходят на помощь lock-free структуры данных, которые позволяют нам обрабатывать данные в многозадачной среде без необходимости блокировать потоки. В их основе лежат атомарные операции, такие как CAS .
Привет, Хабр! В многозадачности блокировки в старом…
ХабрKaspersky: Analysis of Cyber Anarchy Squad attacks targeting Russian and Belarusian organizations
C.A.S (Cyber Anarchy Squad) is a hacktivist group that has been attacking organizations in Russia and Belarus since 2022. Kaspersky has a threat actor profile on CAS, reporting on new activity, their TTPs, and the tools and malware used. They also discuss connections to other hacktivist groups, such as the Ukrainian Cyber Alliance and DARKSTAR. Indicators of compromise are provided.
#cyberanarchysquad #cas #hacktivism #ukraine #russia #russiaukrainewar #IOC #threatintel #infosec #cybersecurity #cyberthreatintelligence #cti #darkstar #ukrainiancyberalliance
Kaspersky experts analyze attacks by C.A.S, a cybergang…
KasperskyThe Apereo CAS community is pleased to announce the release of CAS v7.1.3.
Remember when there were programming languages specifically for education?
Instead, of, IDK, Python, whose strength for actual software development are its very failings as a teaching language, invading Ed on the ground of it's superficially easy syntax?
Well, if you're an @edutooters in #CS in the UK, you should really catch this (at least the recording, all on their youtubes!)
#Programming #ProgrammingEducation #ProgrammingLanguages #CSEd #Elan #BCS #Computing #CaS
'Why should all pupils learn to program? How should programming be taught to ensure all succeed?"
A literature review and practice reflections on Programming Education techniques. (2021)
#AcademicChatter #CSEd #Programming #PairProgramming #LiveCoding #Edutooter #Scratch #NCCE #CAS #PGCE #Coding #LearnToCode
Why should all pupils learn to program? How should…
HypernoeticNew #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Superdiffusive transport in quasi-particle dephasing models
Yu-Peng Wang, Chen Fang, Jie Ren
SciPost Phys. 17, 150 (2024)
China Builds World's Largest Fully Steerable Radio Telescope
"The world's largest fully steerable radio telescope is under construction in northeast China's Jilin Province.
Located in Huadian, Jilin, the radio telescope will be 120 meters in diameter and help scientists in understanding planets and asteroids more accurately."
#Astronomie #astronomy #China #Huadian #Radioastronomie #radiotelescope #Radioteleskop
I have never quite understood #CAS. They kind of work alright for stuff that I could in principle work out with pen and paper (polynoms, broken rational functions, trigonometry, etc.).for that they are useful.
Then there seems to be a thin layer of stuff they can work out that would require me to study.
But most of the time I want to use them, its that I don't know the trick to solve it on paper, but using the CAS for arriving at the solution just means I need to know the CAS-trick.
LemonLDAP::NG 2.20.1 has been released!
This version includes some security fixes
#IAM #SSO #lemonldap #lemonldapng #CAS #SAML #OpenIDConnect #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Perl
@ow2 @Perl
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Conventional single-gap $s-$wave superconductivity and hidden peak effect in single crystals of Mo$_8Ga_{41} superconductor
Sunil Ghimire, Kyuil Cho, Kamal R. Joshi, Makariy A. Tanatar, Zhixiang Hu, Cedomir Petrovic, Ruslan Prozorov
SciPost Phys. 17, 117 (2024)
#ISU #AmesLab #BNL #SUNY #CAS #BelgradeUniversity
LemonLDAP::NG 2.20 is out!
This new release includes brand new features like FIDO2 PasswordLess (PassKeys), events management and Google reCaptcha.
#IAM #SSO #CAS #SAML #OpenIDConnect #OW2 #lemonldap #lemonldapng #Captcha #Passkeys #Passwordless #WebAuthn #FIDO2 @ow2 @worteks_com
CAS Systematic Review Information Specialist | |
#CAS-Programm #Schweiz #Weiterbildung #wissenschaftlicheBibliotheken
Research and publication support for systematic searching… said it could not re-open the case despite the #conclusive #video #evidence that showed #Chiles in fact did deserve the #bronzemedal.
#IOC gives #Romania go-ahead to #award #gymnast #AnaBarbosu a #bronzemedal after #CAS #ruling.
#US officials proved via a #timestamped #video the #appeal of #Chiles’ #score was filed 47 seconds after her score was given, within the one-minute #deadline — not four seconds after the deadline as was presented at the #CAS #hearing.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #EuropeanUnion #France #US #Romania #entertainment #Sports #Olympics
There are no plans for U.S. gymnast Jordan Chiles to…
www.usatoday.comMathPartner (will help you to solve mathematical problems). #Math #CAS #MathParner
MathPartner: An artificial intelligence cloud service. ~ Gennadi Malaschonok & Alexandr Seliverstov. #Math #CAS #MathParner
In a broad sense, artificial intelligence is a service…