
Thanks to DataCite’s Global Access Fund 2024, the DataMap/Amazon initiative is transforming climate research by centralizing, curating & improving access to Amazonian atmospheric data from key projects. This initiative enhances data sharing, discoverability, and collaboration across Brazil & Latin America, supporting vital climate research through the use of DOIs.

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#OpenScience #OpenResearch #DataSharing #AmazonResearch #ClimateData


Koen Hufkens, PhD

It is unlikely that the DAYMET API at ORNL will be maintained for much longer. We suggest that users of our {daymetr} R package migrate to the NASA EarthData Appeears based API as covered by our {appeears} R package.

#rstats #appeears #nasa #api #climatedata #opendata #openscience

daymetr decommissioning | BlueGreen Labs

Today we received the news from Dr. Michele Thornton…

BlueGreen Labs
Mar 10, 2025, 13:00 · · · 0 · 0
Miguel Afonso Caetano

"Clara Sousa-Silva: A couple of weeks ago, I went to look at climate monitoring data that’s collected from ground-based monitoring stations, including one on Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Mauna Loa is the mountain next to Mauna Kea where my telescopes are. We use the Mauna Loa data, which is NOAA Climate Data Record program data, to obtain information about what the sky looks like so that we can remove it from our own data.

But all the data was gone. So I contacted my colleagues who are climate scientists, who basically do the same work as I do, but instead of doing it on atmospheres beyond Earth, they do it for Earth. They started panicking because lots of data was missing, specifically all the CO₂ data was missing.

We then learned that there had been some scheduled maintenance of some databases, but even after the databases came back online, there was still stuff missing intermittently. At one point, a lot of the greenhouse gases data was missing. Then they came back, but not CO₂. Then CO₂ came back.

I contacted my colleagues who use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data, and they reported the same thing — their repositories were not accessible. I found out from my colleagues who work at NOAA that there hadn’t been a centralized effort to safeguard this data, which means the only access people have is through online databases. If those become disconnected, even if the data is not deleted, it basically becomes useless."

#USA #Trump #Musk #DOGE #ClimateData #ClimateScience #Astrophysics #OpenScience #Science

Purging Scientific Datasets to Fight “Wokeness” and “Waste”

Astrophysicist Clara Sousa-Silva needs data on Earth’s…
Project Gutenberg

500-year-old Transylvanian diaries show how the Little Ice Age completely changed life and death in the region

Tapping into ‘society’s archive’, researchers have examined written sources from the 16th century that chronicle famine, excessive flooding, and plagues in what today is Romania

#paleoclimatology #climatedata

Koen Hufkens, PhD

New release of the {ecmwfr} R package to query the Copernicus ECMWF data store. Most prominently fixes a dynamic file renaming issue as the API returns variable formats, depending on the requested data.

#rstats #climatedata #opendata #package

GitHub - bluegreen-labs/ecmwfr: Interface to the public ECMWF API Web Services

Interface to the public ECMWF API Web Services. Contribute…

Adam H. Sparks :rstats:

It's by far my most unpopular package and it doesn't even live on CRAN any more due to "policy violations" when policy changed without notice. But I've just given {getCRUCLdata} some love. It provides functions that automate importing CRU CL v. 2.0 climatology data into R, facilitates the calculation of minimum temperature and maximum temperature, and formats the data into a data.table or a list of {terra} rast objects.

v1.0.0 release notes here:

#RStats #ClimateData

Luke Data Manager

🚀 Excited to share my new FREE video tutorial on creating CF-NetCDF files using R! 🌟

In this video, you'll learn to:
• Ensure compliance with CF and ACDD conventions
• Work with 1D, 2D, and 3D data
• Manage irregular grids and moving instruments

🔗 Watch it here:

📖 Plus, check out the accompanying Jupyter book for code and explanations:

#CFConventions #NetCDF #RProgramming #RStats #DataScience #ClimateData #FAIRData

Koen Hufkens, PhD

Version 2.0.0 of the {ecmwfr} R package providing native R access to the Copernicus ECMWF Data Store products is out. The package now uses the latest `beta` API, which is set to replace the current one, mid September.

Please update your code to guarantee continued functionality. Please read the release note (blog post) carefully as there are some breaking changes to the API and more importantly to the data formats.

#API #climatedata #opendata #openaccess #rstats

ecmwfr 2.0.0 CRAN release | BlueGreen Labs

Updating API service hooks and some critical notes

Climate Change Predictions May Be Underestimated – Aerosol Study Reveals New Insights…

Climate change stands as one of the most pressing environmental challenges today, contributing to extreme weather events such as droughts, wildfires, and floods. The main cause of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases... #climatechange #droughts #wildfires #floods #data #climatedata #climatescience #globalwarming #extremeweather #greenhousegases


Climate Change Predictions May Be Underestimated – Aerosol Study Reveals New Insights…

Climate change stands as one of the most pressing environmental…
Adam H. Sparks :rstats:

I'm happy to announce that after 3+ years of development, Dr Rodrigo Pires with contributions from @fred_mouse, @jonocarroll, @deanmarchiori, @mpadge, @jimjamslam, and others including myself, suggestions from @milesmcbain and of course with a package review with @rOpenSci, {weatherOz} is now available from CRAN for all your Australian weather and climate data needs in R!

#RStats #WeatherData #ClimateData

weatherOz: An API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources

Provides automated downloading, parsing and formatting…
Aaron In Minnesota

CO2 is hardly the only (or most potent) greenhouse gas. CH4 aka methane aka "natural" gas is a big one too, and the amount in the atmosphere has been rising steeply too.

A few of the other prominent greenhouse gases are tracked here too.

Some graphs worth looking at

#climateData #greenhouseGases

Global Monitoring Laboratory - Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

The Global Monitoring Laboratory conducts research…
SeaFury 🍉 :autism:

My climate data is almost ready. I may be releasing it to the world soon (with the python code) #git #climateData


This is horrifying...

#Project2025 plans to dismantle the federal agency that tracks hurricanes

Right-wing media have attacked NOAA and climate science for decades

Written by Allison Fisher
Published 05/31/24

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the federal agency that predicts changes in #climate, #weather, #oceans, and #coastlines and provides data that informs lifesaving forecasts such as tracking #hurricanes, is in the crosshairs of Project 2025, the conservative battle plan for a potential second Trump presidency which describes NOAA as a “colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.” But researchers have pushed back on these charges and defended NOAA’s climate data and meteorological work — while forecasters are predicting an 'extremely active' Atlantic hurricane season and experts say this summer could rival last year’s record heat.

"Project 2025’s call to dismantle NOAA by eliminating or privatizing key functions of the agency is the endgame of years of attempts by conservatives and right-wing media to attack the credibility of the agency and the veracity of the data it produces. It also illustrates that the conservative plan is not just to dismantle U.S. climate policy, but also to scrub the climate data that underpins it."

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#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateData

Project 2025 plans to dismantle the federal agency that tracks hurricanes

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,…

Sites with #radioactive material more vulnerable as #ClimateChange increases #wildfire, #flood risks

Climate climate change increasingly threatens research laboratories, weapons sites and power plants across the nation that handle or are contaminated with #radioactive material or perform critical energy and defense research.

Updated 1:04 AM EDT, May 22, 2024

"The Nuclear Regulatory Commission [#NRC] considers only historical #ClimateData rather than future projections in licensing decisions and oversight of #NuclearPowerPlants, according to a General Accounting Office study in April that recommended the NRC 'fully consider potential #ClimateChange effects.' The GAO found that 60 of 75 U.S. plants were in areas with high flood hazard and 16 were in areas with high wildfire potential."

Read more:

#NoNukes #NoWar #NuclearWeapon s #NuclearWaste #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #SeaLevelRise #GlacierMelt #PantexPlant #LosAlamos #CerroGrandeFire #SantaSusana #LawrenceLivermore #Hanford

Sites with radioactive material more vulnerable as climate change increases wildfire, flood risks

Climate climate change increasingly threatens research…
CelloMom On Cars

"#Project2025’s call to dismantle NOAA by eliminating or privatizing key functions of the agency is the endgame of years of attempts by conservatives and right-wing media to attack the credibility of the agency and the veracity of the data it produces.

It also illustrates that the conservative plan is not just to dismantle U.S. #climate policy, but also to scrub the #ClimateData that underpins it."

Project 2025 plans to dismantle the federal agency that tracks hurricanes

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,…
Creative Commons

As of June 9th, the @EuropeanUnion's #OpenData Directive mandates all public high-value datasets be published free of charge and with open licenses, like those from #CreativeCommons. We are providing #climatedata providers no-cost consulting and training for agencies working to meet this goal under our Open Climate Data Project.
