These are public posts tagged with #duneimperium. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
I found #duneimperium on steam quite hard to grasp, even in the tutorials. It’s not obvious to me what the chain of logic to choose the different actions will be. I’m not great at board games although I love them a play quite a lot, I’m usually on the losing end.
Had a blast playing #7wonders then #7wondersduel. Ordered #DuneImperium today. Playing more tabletop games than video games lately!
Ein weiterer toller Abend mit diesem großartigen Spiel Die erste Erweiterung funktioniert sehr gut, im Basisspiel weniger Relevantes wurde aufgewertet und tolle neue Möglichkeiten sind dazu gekommen. Das eröffnet weitere strategische Möglichkeiten und verbessert die Balance nochmal ein Stück.
Yesterday, I attended my first gaming night organised by #Joca in Geneva. Amazing concept: free entrance, hundreds of games available for free, volunteers to explain you the rules, and free food and drinks - but you can bring some to share.
I played #Tzolkin and #DuneImperium
#DuneImperium in den letzten Tagen 2x Solo gespielt; erstmal nur das Grundspiel… hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Spielt sich flüssig und die Gegner agieren - soweit ich das schon beurteilen kann - sinnvoll. 1x verloren, 1x gewonnen als Zwischenergebnis… macht definitiv Lust auf mehr. Vielleicht dann schon mit Erweiterung(en)… #brettspiele @brettspiele
Time to wrestle for control of Arakis in #DuneImperium.
#BoardGames I played recently over the last weekend and #July4th holiday:
#TicketToRide London (first time!)
#DuneImperium (first time!)
#Pandemic Hot Zone: North America
It’s been really nice to see many of you in the community sharing what you’ve been playing. Thanks for sharing your passion for the hobby!
#DuneImperium #TootReview (nach Erstpartie)
Ich musste überzeugt werden (Meta-Eindruck: ), fand es dann umso besser. #BGG Top 10? Keine Ahnung. Es erfindet das Rad nicht neu, aber macht auch nichts falsch. Übersichtliche Regeln, zügige Runden, scheint abwechslungsreich.
Sohn (11+) war es zu trocken und strategisch, ohne klare Zielführung am Beginn. Er muss wohl noch ein paar mal drüber schlafen.
Material: Standardware, Karten ohne Finish.
Here's the full list of the best #boardgames new to me this year, just so it's all visible at once:
10. Terracotta Army
9. #DuneImperium
8. The Princes of Florence
7. Tabannusi: Builders of Ur
6. Tiletum
5. The Red Cathedral
4. #ArkNova
3. Carnegie
2. Messina 1347
1. #TerraformingMars: Ares Expedition
Commentary starts at
Attached: 2 images I'm pretty sure I have two more…
mastodon.socialJust had a rather insane game of #DuneImperium (Epic game, with Ix and Immortality expansions). My opponent ended the game by hitting 12 VP, but I got 3 VP in the last combat, then detonated a dreadnought (using a tech card) for 1 VP, got 4 more endgame VP from one of my other tech cards, and 1 VP from an Intrigue card so I got a total of 8 VP in the last turn! But he had an endgame intrigue card that got him one more VP so he still won 13-12, but it was close! :) #boardgames
Holiday #boardgames day. Got together with a friend I only see a few times a year for a day of gaming. He introduced me to #BloodBowl quite a few years ago and we used to meet up weekly for games of #TwilightStruggle before he moved away. So now when we get together it's "okay, here's what I've got new or finally got around to playing that I think you might like..."
Two games of #QuacksOfQuedlinburg, a couple rounds of #Everdell and an introductory game of #DuneImperium is a day well spent.
Har hatt en veldig hyggelig kveld med venner og brettspill. Spillte Dune Imperium for første gang. Det var rimelig komplisert, hadde nesten lyst å gi opp å lære meg det etter vi hadde holdt på med gjennomgang av reglene en stund, og en av motspillerne var en skikkelig brettspillnerd. Likevel vant jeg, og fikk "full pott", på 12 poeng! Litt stolt Alle syntes det var gøy og hadde lyst å spille på nytt, og alle endte opp ganske nærme hverandre i poeng, så det var fint! #Brettspill #DuneImperium
Eben vom lokalen Dealer meines Vertrauens abgeholt:
Noch ein wenig Promo dazu bekommen. Ich freu mich drauf.
Auf das Promo-Brett Kiew hatte er aus leider gegebenen Anlass (genauso leider) verzichtet, aufmerksam, aber ich hätte die Stadt doch (hoffentlich) gerettet! Von daher hätte ich damit kein Problem gehabt. Wäre etwas anderes gewesen, wenn man in Under Falling Skies die Alien spielen könnte. Trotzdem weiß ich Problembewußtsein zu schätzen.
To help make connections name... Last 5 #ttrpgs / #boardgames you played AND next 5 you really want to play!
Then boost this post so others know to do the same! (feels like it's missing a... or all your dice rolls will be 1s for... ever!).
Heavily weighted to #boardgames (well, completely) but do want to dust off some #ttrpgs at some point. Definite soft spot for the old Champions Hero Games system.
Want to play:
#agentsofSMERSHepicedition (to compare to original)