These are public posts tagged with #expectation. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Theory and Therapy of Representations • 5
Re: R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan • Legal Complexity
❝I do not pretend to understand the moral universe;
the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways;
I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by
the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience.
And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.❞
🙞 Theodore Parker
The arc of the moral universe may bend toward justice — there's hope it will.
For the logic of laws to converge on justice may take some doing on our part.
Resources —
Survey of Cybernetics
Survey of Differential Logic
Survey of Inquiry Driven Systems
#AdaptiveSystems #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory #Governance #Democracy
#Plato #Peirce #MaxWeber #Accountability #Representation #Statistics
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #Observation #Expectation #Intention
Re: R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan • Legal Complexity I…
Inquiry Into InquiryTheory and Therapy of Representations • 4
Re: Ontolog Forum • Paola Di Maio
JA: What are the forces distorting our representations of what's observed, what's expected, and what's intended?
PDM: The short answer is — the force behind all distortions is our own unenlightened mind, and all the shortfalls this comes with.
I think that's true, we have to keep reflecting on the state of our personal enlightenments. If we can do that without losing our heads and our systems thinking caps, there will be much we can do to promote the general Enlightenment of the State.
On both personal and general grounds we have a stake in the projects of self‑governing systems — whether it is possible for them to exist and what it takes for them to thrive in given environments. Systems on that order have of course been studied from many points of view and at many levels of organization. Whether we address them under the names of adaptive, cybernetic, error-correcting, intelligent, or optimal control systems they all must be capable to some degree of learning, reasoning, and self‑guidance.
Resources —
Survey of Cybernetics
Survey of Differential Logic
Survey of Inquiry Driven Systems
#AdaptiveSystems #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory #Governance #Democracy
#Plato #Peirce #MaxWeber #Accountability #Representation #Statistics
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #Observation #Expectation #Intention
Theory and Therapy of Representations • 3.2
Scene 2. Theory and Therapy of Representations • 1
Statistics were originally the data a ship of state needed for stationkeeping and staying on course. The Founders of the United States, like the Cybernauts of the Enlightenment they were, engineered a ship of state with checks and balances and error-controlled feedbacks for the sake of representing both reality and the will of the people. In that connection Max Weber saw how a state's accounting systems are intended as representations of realities its crew and passengers must observe or perish.
That brings us to Question 2 —
• What are the forces distorting our representations of what's observed, what's expected, and what's intended?
Resources ─
Survey of Cybernetics
Pragmatic Theory Of Truth
#AdaptiveSystems #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory #Governance #Democracy
#Plato #Peirce #MaxWeber #Accountability #Representation #Statistics
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #Observation #Expectation #Intention
Theory and Therapy of Representations • 3.1
Representation is a concept we find at the intersection of cybernetics, epistemology, logic, mathematics, psychology, and sociology. In my studies it led me from math to psych and back again, with sidelong glances at the history of democratic governance. Its time come round again, I find myself returning to the scenes of two recurring questions.
Scene 1. Pragmatic Truth • Discussion 18
We do not live in axiom systems. We do not live encased in languages, formal or natural. There is no reason to think we will ever have exact and exhaustive theories of what's out there, and the truth, as we know, is “out there”. Peirce understood there are more truths in mathematics than are dreamt of in logic — and Gödel’s realism should have put the last nail in the coffin of logicism — but some ways of thinking just never get a clue.
That brings us to Question 1 —
• What are formalisms and all their embodiments in brains and computers good for?
Resources ─
Survey of Cybernetics
Pragmatic Theory Of Truth
#AdaptiveSystems #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory #Governance #Democracy
#Plato #Peirce #MaxWeber #Accountability #Representation #Statistics
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #Observation #Expectation #Intention
Representation is a concept we find at the intersection…
Inquiry Into InquiryTheory and Therapy of Representations • 2
In a complex society, people making decisions and taking actions at places remote from you have the power to affect your life in significant ways. Those people govern your life, they are your government, no matter what spheres of influence they inhabit, private or public. The only way you get a choice in that governance is if there are paths of feedback permitting you to affect the life of those decision makers and action takers in significant ways. That is what accountability, response-ability, and representative government are all about.
Naturally, some people are against that.
In the United States there has been a concerted campaign for as long as I can remember — but even more concerted since the Reagan Regime — to get the People to abdicate their hold on The Powers That Be and just let some anonymous corporate entity send us the bill after the fact. They keep trying to con the People into thinking they can starve the beast, to limit government, when what they are really doing is feeding the beast of corporate control, weakening their own power over the forces that govern their lives.
That is the road to perdition as far as responsible government goes. There is not much of anything one leader or one administration can do unsupported if the People do not constantly demand a government of, by, and for the People.
Resource ─
Survey of Cybernetics
#AdaptiveSystems #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory #Governance #Democracy
#Plato #Peirce #MaxWeber #Accountability #Representation #Statistics
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #Observation #Expectation #Intention
Theory and Therapy of Representations • 1
❝Again, in a ship, if a man were at liberty to do what he chose, but were devoid of mind and excellence in navigation (αρετης κυβερνητικης), do you perceive what must happen to him and his fellow sailors?❞
─ Plato • Alcibiades 135 A
Statistics were originally the data a ship of state needed for stationkeeping and staying on course. The Founders of the United States, like the Cybernauts of the Enlightenment they were, engineered a ship of state with checks and balances and error‑controlled feedbacks for the sake of representing both reality and the will of the people. In that connection Max Weber saw how a state's accounting systems are intended as representations of realities its crew and passengers must observe or perish.
The question for our time is —
• What are the forces distorting our representations of what's observed, what's expected, and what's intended?
Repercussions ─
The Place Where Three Wars Meet
Resource ─
Survey of Cybernetics
#AdaptiveSystems #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory #Governance #Democracy
#Plato #Peirce #MaxWeber #Accountability #Representation #Statistics
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #Observation #Expectation #Intention
Again, in a ship, if a man were at liberty to do what…
Inquiry Into Inquiry‘Clarkson’s Farm’: Production Crew Set To Film UK Farmer Protest This Morning As Jeremy Clarkson Heads To London
#News #Amazon #ClarksonsFarm #Expectation #JeremyClarkson #PrimeVideo
Jeremy Clarkson has been recorded by 'Clarkson's Farm'…
Deadlineone in europe once said in german: vote. as many cant because of the rights for voting
approx. as: nutze dein #wahlrecht , denn viele dürfen nicht
(still being neighbors just by borders, a fence or doors that #lies inbetween)
#graffiti #spraying #anarchy #anarchie #voting #votes #legal #expectation #reality #quote #quotes
7. Expectation — But nonetheless he was unable to meet his grandmother's expectations
This year, I’ll tell the story of the Human Chair and how it arrived in Lady d’Arcy seminary. I’ll use my own words list.
#art #fanart #artwork #artoftheday #nautilebleu #owncharacter #inktober #horror #grandmother #expectation #queen #victoria #spooky #creepy #weird #humanchair #artistsupportingartists #characterart
I have an essay in the first-ever issue of Symphonies of the Imagination magazine, titled "Imagining Differently In Order to Act, Or Not Another Anti-Apocalypse Speech".
Check it out:
#solarpunk #nonfiction #article #magazine #SymphoniesOfImagination #ImaginativeExpansion #Apocalypticism #Apocalypse #doomerism #ClimateHope #HowTo #Eschatology #Expectation #Futurism #ClimateDespair #ClimateAnxiety #FaithInHumanity #writing
Symphonies of Imagination - Issue #1 Order Now Read…
symphoniesofimagination.comIn the Way of Inquiry • Reconciling Accounts
The Reader may share with the Author a feeling of discontent at this point, attempting to reconcile the formal intentions of this inquiry with the cardinal contentions of experience. Let me try to express the difficulty in the form of a question:
What is the bond between form and content in experience, between the abstract formal categories and the concrete material contents residing in experience?
Once toward the end of my undergrad years a professor asked me how I'd personally define mathematics and I told him I saw it as “the form of experience and the experience of form”. This is not the place to argue for the virtues of that formulation but it does afford me one of the handles I have on the bond between form and content in experience.
I have no more than a tentative way of approaching the question. I take there to be a primitive category of “form‑in‑experience” — I don’t have a handy name for it yet but it looks to have a flexible nature which from the standpoint of a given agent easily passes from the “structure of experience” to the “experience of structure”.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Semiotics #SignRelations #Semiositis #ObstaclesToInquiry
#Logic #Abduction #Deduction #Induction #ScientificMethod
#Experience #Expectation #EffectiveDescription #FiniteMeans
#Abstraction #Analogy #Form #Matter #Empiricism #Rationalism
#Concretion #Information #Comprehension #Extension #Intension
The Reader may share with the Author a feeling of discontent…
Inquiry Into InquiryIn the Way of Inquiry • Material Exigency 2
A turn of events so persistent must have a cause, a force of reason to explain the dynamics of its recurring moment in the history of ideas. The nub of it's not born on the sleeve of its first and last stages, where the initial explosion and the final collapse march along their stubborn course in lockstep fashion, but is embodied more naturally in the middle of the above narrative.
Experience exposes and explodes expectations. How can experiences impact expectations unless the two types of entities are both reflected in one medium, for instance and perhaps without loss of generality, in the form of representation constituting the domain of signs?
However complex its world may be, internal or external to itself or on the boundaries of its being, a finite creature's description of it rests in a finite number of finite terms or a finite sketch of finite lines. Finite terms and lines are signs. What they indicate need not be finite but what they are, must be.
Fragments —
The common sensorium.
The common sense and the senses of “common”.
This is the point where the empirical and the rational meet.
I describe as “empirical” any method which exposes theoretical descriptions of an object to further experience with that object.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Semiotics #SignRelations #Semiositis #ObstaclesToInquiry
#Logic #Abduction #Deduction #Induction #ScientificMethod
#Experience #Expectation #EffectiveDescription #FiniteMeans
#Abstraction #Analogy #Form #Matter #Empiricism #Rationalism
Our survey of obstacles to inquiry has dealt at length…
Inquiry Into Inquiryon being socially available, specifically during the current festivities in the global north/west.
is it rude? to not leave one's room? during holidays? during these holidays I even don't want to name?
there are questions I prefer to reframe for clarity (of e. g. what am I trying to find out with that question).
rude is probably not useful nor precise as a concept or a criteria. too diffuse, too subjective, too culturally charged. I think even fluid entities like social interactions analysis can profit from a bit of logic. probably not a lot of two people, alistic or autist would agree to the same definition and implementation of rude. or people from the same country, similar "class" or whatever that means.
nuance is useful, but concepts which are not precise to nail lack usefulness.
would reframe it as (1)whose and (2) what (a)expectations or explicit/implicit (b)deals might be fulfilled or broken by staying in the room. and then decide.
different if I never agreed to take part in anything cultural habit in the first place, and I already communicated that clearly and often, or if I promised a child to help them with their Lego, or the neighbour with a community project. a lot of other possibilities, these would be extremes.
adenda,i have all the time this discussion with myself, regarding these festivities, including the calendáric one one week from here, and birthdays, including it's expectations of presents.
#actuallyautistic #culture #expectation #consent #festivities #bloodfamily
I don't mean for this to sound ageist, I just honestly don't understand the odds of how the 81 year old Democratic Party President of the USA can stand on a Union Picket Line and forgive Billions in Student Debt, but the 51 year old Liberal Party Prime Minister of Canada lies about Climate Policy and excuses Grocery Store Tycoons. Is it the Grandkids factor? The proximity to WWII? Is Trudeau just another rich kid? I wouldn't have predicted it.
#CanPoli #CdnPoli #StudentDebt #expectation
That's $132 billion in student loan relief for over…
www.axios.comDear attentive Friends,
As we may #know. Many of us are half #awake, with the other half not working or contrary to #expectation/need. There is a #solution - finding how many half's in a #Whole? Too much literalism, programmers and integer thinking and ... zzznoozzzing along ...?
Predictability alters information flow during action observation in human electrocorticographic activity
Qin et al in Cell Reports (2023)
See the PR here:
Expectations can create fake short-term memories, according to a new study. The study shows that people can falsely remember seeing or hearing something that was not there if they expected it to be there. The phenomenon could explain why eyewitness testimonies are often unreliable, and how biases and stereotypes can influence our perception of reality. #memory #expectation #bias