These are public posts tagged with #FirstGen. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Wie fühlt es sich an, als Erstakademiker:innen das “soziale Feld” Universität zu betreten? Was muss sich ändern, damit FirstGen-Studierende gut an der Universität ankommen und bleiben?
Die Podiumsdiskussion an der #UniWuppertal gibt es im #Podcast nachzuhören
Am 15. Januar 2025 kamen Prof. Barbara Friebertshäuser,…
FirstGen an der Universität@jayalane Best advice: start with the family you send financial assistance to lol. They’ll follow you anywhere you go. #ImmigrantLife #firstgen
"Gerade das Zusammenspiel aus eingenommener Machtposition (Professur), biografischer Bewältigung des Aufstiegs und eigener Reproduktion der verinnerlichten Ordnung des wissenschaftlichen Feldes müsste noch viel stärker reflektiert werden, um die zugrundeliegenden eigenen Vorstellungen von Leistung(spotential) und Güte wissenschaftlicher Arbeit aufzudecken." Maria Keil (2/4)
As part of a #science #communication course I am currently taking, we have to watch three #TED talks of our choice.
It's less about the content, but more about the way the speakers communicated.
I came across this wonderful TED talk by Andrea Hernandez about 'the invisible difference of a first generation college student'.
If you can spare 13 minutes of your day, I invite you to watch the talk on YouTube. It made me cry.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original… Hallo BMBF. Easy. Wir reden über #ichbinhanna, #WissZeitVG, #Anschlusszusage, #Höchstbefristungsgrenze, #AufDauerBefristet, #DauerstellenFür#Daueraufgaben. Fehlende Ausstattung an Unis, verzögerte Upgrades von notwendigen Großforschungsanlagen, #ScienceAsAService. #Wissenschaftsfreiheit, #Fördergeldaffäre, fehlende #Chancengleicheit, #firstgen, #AcademicCrisisList. #Zeiterfassung In der Wissenschaft,#Drittmittel #Funding Das wäre doch gut für den Anfang. Freu mich!
@bibianaprinoth not a #firstgen focus, but a good mentoring program with a focus on women and gender minorities:
As we wrap up 2023, let's take a moment to reflect. What were the highs and lows? What did we achieve?
Share your thoughts, gratitudes, tears, hopes, dreams, resolutions, or even a hint of regret in the comments below. Can't wait to read your stories!
#FirstGen #WomenInScience #womeninstem #phd #phdstudent #phdlife #phdjourney #astro #astronomy #astrophysics #outreach #scicom #reflections
I’m a First-Generation Adult Child of Immigrants
My love for America compels me to fight against Hate and intolerance in all its forms.
#Immigration #firstgen #latinos #hispanic #hate #racism #democracy #quote #dominican #vote #immigrants #immigrantstory
On First-Generation College Celebration Day, let’s remember that #FirstGen students have so much to give our country. Filled with pride thinking of the talent and drive of my fellow first generation grads.
Let’s keep removing barriers and work to make college more affordable.
Complex feelings. Students are fundraising to attend SSHA conference in DC & did a 5K this a.m. I wore a sandwich board asking for donations to our Venmo account. Proud of the students & ashamed of the state of US higher ed that we actually ask for money on the street to pay for an opportunity like this. The students are all first gen & all but one is from an underrepresented group.
venmo: @UIC-Soc-Students
#firstgen #highered #ssha #academiclife #academic @sociology
As children, my grandparents were deported to Kazakhstan b/c they were of German origin from Poland and Ukraine. They never finished school and were so proud when I graduated. I think about them every single day.
Favorite part of being a professor tonight? Getting a text out of the blue from a former first gen undergrad (who's gone on to do amazing things) reminiscing about going with me on their first conference trip.
#academiclife #academic #academicchatter #lovemystudents #firstgen
und im Endeffekt vergeudet, denn sie nutzt das Potential nicht. Auf den freien Markt bin ich de facto nicht vermittelbar (weil zu alt und zu überqualifiziert). ich (#firstgen) habe mich zu lange an Strohhalme geklammert, ich war naiv/dumm. Es ist schwer, das zu verdauen & neue Hoffnung zu schöpfen.
Ich nehme mir das Wochenende frei - und fange am Motag neu an.
Vereinbarkeit und akademische Doppelkarrieren – Teil 2: Doppelangebote
#SpousalHiring & Co. – die zweite Hälfte meines Beitrags zum Schwerpunkt "#Vereinbarkeit von akademischer und #Sorgearbeit" auf #Präfaktisch. #IchBinHanna #IchBinReyhan #FirstGen
von David Löwenstein (Düsseldorf) In einem ersten…
PraefaktischIt’s my 10th #PhDversary today! A great day after years of hard work. Ceremony in the morning, lots of food & drinks in the evening.
I’m grateful for all the help I got to achieve this - from my mom who taught me that yes, all the homework really needs to be done ASAP, all the way to the mentors & colleagues who taught me about other aspects of work.
Yes: It is possible for #FirstGen academics too.
#academia #AcademicChatter #PhDone @Helmholtz_HZI
Vereinbarkeit und akademische Doppelkarrieren – Teil 1: Probleme
Mein Beitrag zum Schwerpunkt "#Vereinbarkeit von akademischer und #Sorgearbeit" auf #Präfaktisch, mit Bezügen auf #IchBinHanna, #IchBinReyhan, #FirstGen & Co.
David Löwenstein (Düsseldorf) Das Problem der…
PraefaktischI am deeply grateful towards the many colleagues @PIK_climate, @MCC_Berlin, the Hertie School & other places from whom I learned a lot. Special thanks to #OttmarEdenhofer, an inspiring & thoroughly decent mentor along the way. They all helped beating the improbable #firstgen odds.
@ninokadic @academicchatter Obviously I use mine in my name As a female academic, #firstgen and the daughter of a postman, granddaughter of a mechanic, I fought hard to get my doctorate and I am going to use it!
(I am a veterinarian, but it is not an automatic DVM, it is a separate postgraduate research doctorate, like a PhD).
There was a birdsite pile-on on female academics daring to use their titles, which led to the hashtag #immodestwomen & I have used mine since then. #academicmastodon
“Emphasizing the skills and abilities that these folks clearly have demonstrated can change how we think about their current and future potential.”