Steve Tanner

Cheering on our oldest at the FIRST LEGO League qualifier, with my wife coaching his school’s team! Ready for some innovation, robotics, and friendly competition. Let the fun begin! 🚀🤖 #FirstLEGOLeague #Robotics #Chicago

Steve Tanner

Robot action from a #FirstLEGOLeague qualifier in #Chicago over the weekend.

#LEGO #Robotics

Ralph Crützen

Vandaag opendag op mijn school.
Mijn leerlingen van de #FirstLegoLeague laten zien waar ze mee bezig zijn.

My daughter's team at #FirstLegoLeague (Challenge) got 2nd place in all they tried and were nominated for, which means they advance to the national in two weeks. Here's 6 videos from the event:

Ralph Crützen

Wedstrijdtafels opbouwen voor de schoolfinale van de #firstlegoleague. Vanmiddag strijden zes teams tegen elkaar. De winnaars van door naar de Limburgse regiofinale over twee weken.

Ralph Crützen

Zware eerste werkdag.😅 De hele middag Lego bouwen voor de schoolfinale van de First Lego League volgende week. #fll #FirstLegoLeague

Wendy DLN

Well, I mentioned how bad the first run of the robot was after I converted the code from #scratch to #python

Here is our #FLL robot in the first run. Note: the kids still had some stability changes to make after we increased the size of the wheels so the color sensors would read correctly.

#newbie #firsttry #firstlegoleague