
It's amazing that we're not amazed by those instances of #GammaBias. What the hell are they thinking?

> _“Of all journalists killed in 2021, 11% were women. In 2020, this was 6%. (Source: @UNESCO). On the International Day to #EndImpunity for Crimes against Journalists, let us say out loud: 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍 𝐉𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒. #ProtectJournalists”_

#feminism #gender #men #women

UN Women on Twitter

“Of all journalists killed in 2021, 11% were women.…


I shall shut up about this topic at least for a while now, but for anyone out there still thinking that #MRA's and other critics of mainstream #feminism and of the concepts of #patriarchy and #maleprivilege are some kind of delusional misogynists amplifying trifles for the sake of controversy: please spend a few minutes reviewing the data (not _opinion_ — _data_) contained here:

* [Very brief list of #men and #boys' issues](
* [A more detailed account](
* [List of posts by subject, linking to sources — from imprisonment to health to job fatalities to educational attainment](
* [Published research about #gammabias summing it all up](



> _“The heroism performed mainly by men (e.g. firemen) will be #gender neutralised ('firefighters') by the inclusion of a small minority of #women, whereas a much larger proportion of female perpetrators and male victims will be excluded from our highly gendered narratives and policies about sexual and domestic violence. Such cognitive distortions, we believe, are leading to a systematic exaggeration of the negative aspects of men and #masculinity within mainstream culture, and a minimisation of positive aspects. These embedded distortions could be having a significantly harmful impact on the psychological health of #boys and #men and therefore on our society as a whole.”_

#gammabias #feminism


A Spanish fishing boat sunk in the Atlantic. It carried 24 men. Only three survived. Ten died, and eleven are missing (presumably dead too).

In this tragic incident, men are as overrepresented as is mathematically possible. The “gender gap” here would be literally infinite.

This is how the top five Spanish newspaper by circulation (thus with different political views and biases) reported initially the event :
[El Mundo](,
[El País](,
[La Vanguardia](,
[20 Minutos](

How many times does the word **_“hombre(s)”_ (“man/men”)** appear in the bodies of all the articles, in total? **Zero**. Not a single mention anywhere.

How many times does the word **_“mujer(es)”_ (“woman/women”)** appear? **Three**. Once in _ABC_, twice in _20 Minutos_ (to refer to the wives of two of the fishermen).

How many times the non-gendered word **_“persona(s)”_ (“person(s)”)**? **Ten times**. Non-gendered **_“marinero(s)”_ (“sailor(s)”)**? **17 times**. Non-gendered **_“tripulante(s)”_ (“crew member(s)”)**? **28 times**.

Your homework: find comparable events, statistics, or areas of life where the imbalance is very large (or even just large) against women, and where media coverage uses only non-gendered words or in some other ways leaves out entirely all information about gender composition.

#gammabias #feminism #sexism

Gamma Bias: A new theory | The Psychologist


Hyperbolic (I'm sure they see them as “human”) but true. I denounce that often too, with tags like #gammabias.

That doesn't contradict that there are misogynistic attitudes like this, and we should denounce them too.


A Spanish fishing boat sunk in the Atlantic. It carried 24 men. Only three survived. Ten died, and eleven are missing (presumably dead too).

In this tragic incident, men are as overrepresented as is mathematically possible. The “gender gap” here would be literally infinite.

This is how the top five Spanish newspaper by circulation (thus with different political views and biases) reported initially the event :
[El Mundo](,
[El País](,
[La Vanguardia](,
[20 Minutos](

How many times does the word **_“hombre(s)”_ (“man/men”)** appear in the bodies of all the articles, in total? **Zero**. Not a single mention anywhere.

How many times does the word **_“mujer(es)”_ (“woman/women”)** appear? **Three**. Once in _ABC_, twice in _20 Minutos_ (to refer to the wives of two of the fishermen).

How many times the non-gendered word **_“persona(s)”_ (“person(s)”)**? **Ten times**. Non-gendered **_“marinero(s)”_ (“sailor(s)”)**? **17 times**. Non-gendered **_“tripulante(s)”_ (“crew member(s)”)**? **28 times**.

Your homework: find comparable events, statistics, or areas of life where the imbalance is very large (or even just large) against women, and where media coverage uses only non-gendered words or in some other ways leaves out entirely all information about gender composition.

#gammabias #feminism #sexism

Diez muertos y 11 desaparecidos en el hundimiento de un barco gallego con 24 tripulantes en aguas de Canadá

Al menos diez marineros han muerto y otros 11 permanecen…

80% of victims of the ✝️ #CatholicChurch in 🇫🇷 #France since the 1950s are #boys (mostly #men by now).


News article:

* Headline: “girls”, not “boys”.
* Focus and first sentences are on female victims.

A sign of hope, though:

> _“Female #pedophilia exists and unfortunately the media never talk about it.”_

#abuse #sexualabuse #gammabias #gender #feminism

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media

> _“At the close of the 2020-21 academic year, #women made up 59.5% of college students, an all-time high, and men 40.5%.”_

> _“U.S. colleges and #universities had 1.5 million fewer students compared with five years ago, and men accounted for 71% of the decline.”_

> _“This #educationgap, which holds at both two- and four-year colleges, has been slowly widening for 40 years.”_

> _“After six years of college, 65% of women in the U.S. who started a four-year university in 2012 received diplomas by 2018 compared with 59% of #men during the same period.”_

> _“In the next few years, two women will earn a #college degree for every man, if the trend continues.”_

#feminism #gender #educationgap #gammabias #mensrights