The A&P Professor

Got an unexpected #accommodation request for your #anatomy & #physiology lab student? The A&P Student Accommodations Handbook from #HAPS is a must-have! Don't forget to collaborate with colleagues for extra insights. 💪📚 Check it out:


A short talk on early Indian efforts towards developing HAP for surveillance..

"CSIR-HAP: A Near Space Platform for Persistent Surveillance"
Invidious mirror:

They flew GalaxEye's miniature SAR payload (1 kg) on scaled prototype flight as well. Aiming for full scale flights by December 2025.

#HAPS #CSIRNAL #Surveilance

Oct 04, 2024, 07:33 · · · 0 · 0

UK stratospheric HAPS project enters the next phase

The UK has selected two companies – Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) and Airbus subsidiary AALTO – to compete in the second phase of Project Aether, a UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) program that seeks an unmanned stratospheric ultra-persistent communication and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability or high altitude platform station (HAPS).

#Balloons #Reconnaissance #ISR #Aether #UKMoD #HAPS

Pauline von Hellermann

A new term I came across today: #HeatActionPlan. New for me but of course, #India and many other countries have been working on these for years. #HAPs They are a good focal point for exploring how the #ClimateCrisis intersects with so much else, including #Infrastructure and #SDGs. As this @mongabay article shows, integrated approaches are crucial yet difficult in practice

As heatwaves projected to worsen across India, do vulnerability assessments and heat action plans suffice?

More frequent heatwaves in India could jeopardize its…


"Deutsche Telekom und ESA peilen maximale Netz-Resilienz an"

".. Initiative für sicherere Netze .. Bessere Integration von Satelliten mit ESA vereinbart. Weltweit erste 5G-Verbindung aus Stratosphäre über Intelsat .. Eine Medieninformation der Deutschen Telekom."

#5G #Azerspace2 #DeutscheTelekom #ESA #HAPS #hybrideNetze #Intelsat #Intelsat38 #Mobilfunk #NetzResilienz #NTN #Raumfahrt #Resilienz #Satelliten #Smartphone #Stratosphäre


Deutsche Telekom und ESA peilen maximale Netz-Resilienz an –
Seebrücke Frankfurt

EU-Agenturen wie #Frontex und #Emsa überwachen mit Flugzeugen und Drohnen, diese sollen bald durch #HAPS-Plattformen in der Stratosphäre ergänzt werden.
Hier steht warum:…