VeganPizza69 ⓋⒶ

It's super annoying how hard it is to point out #hyperobjects

"Averting wildlife-borne infectious disease epidemics requires a focus on socio-ecological drivers and a redesign of the global food system"

VeganPizza69 ⓋⒶ

"H5N1 is adapting to new mammalian hosts, raising the possibility of the virus spreading between humans."

In case it's not clear by now, biosecurity measures either aren't being taken seriously or are useless. Considering the various responses that I've seen over the last year, with my confirmation bias of course, serious biosecurity is bad for the animal farming business short-term profit goals.

#h5n1 #birdFlu #avianInfluenza #mooFlu #zoonosis #birdFarming #eggFarming #cowFarming #goVegan #fluHyperobject #hyperobjects

iagomago :unverified: il solito grande video di Vsauce. #hyperobjects, #bias cognitivi, come pensiamo il modo e le soluzioni ai suoi problemi.

NODE Forum for Digital Arts

When governments fail the planet, we have to make our voices heard: join artist Joanie Lemercier, Samaneh Moafi, artists Matthew Plummer-Fernández, Theresa Schubert and activist Kathia von Roth for a discussion on taking (drastic) action. ⏰ Oct 5 – 7pm CEST ➡️

#NODE20 #SecondNature #panel #hyperobjects #environmentalactivist #postcolonialsm #contemporarydance #geopolitics #Biopolitics #soundecology #coexistence #sustainability #activism