Milano University Press

Nella polemica sul #capodanno romano dovuta al ritiro dell'invito al #trapper #TonyEffe per i suoi testi misogini, colpisce la sua difesa da parte delle artiste donne.
Un articolo #OpenAccess di #LCdM sulla #musica #rap e #trap femminile esamina la posizione delle #cantanti sugli #stereotipi di #genere: le artiste si oppongono alla narrazione della #donna che si fa nella trap o la accolgono e la fanno propria?

Dec 19, 2024, 09:38 · · · 4 · 0
Milano University Press

Il #25Novembre si celebra la giornata internazionale per l'eliminazione della #violenza contro le #donne. Partecipiamo alla sensibilizzazione su questo tema purtroppo sempre più attuale, con un articolo della rivista #LCdM. Lo studio riflette sul ruolo del #linguaggio dei #media e su come questo si configuri quale strumento per la comprensione degli assunti ideologici che stanno dietro la narrazione della violenza di #genere e dei #femminicidi nella #stampa italiana⬇️

Nov 25, 2024, 08:45 · · · 1 · 0
Louis Marmet

#DarkMatter #LCDM #DarkMatterFalsified #LCDMFalsified

Congratulations Stacy McGaugh @DudeDarkmatter et al. for the paper in ApJ:
"Accelerated Structure Formation: The Early Emergence of Massive Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies"

#MOND may be a phenomenological dinghy, but cosmologists would rather stay on the ΛCDM-Titanic because it is unsinkable!

Good thing I am not a cosmologist😉

"Massive Galaxies at High Redshift: we told you so"

"New Research Questions Standard Theory of How Galaxies Formed in Early Universe"

"NASA Webb Revelations Challenge Traditional Theory of Gravity"

"New study suggests standard theory of how galaxies formed could be wrong"

Radware Bot Manager Captcha
Nov 13, 2024, 02:00 · · · 2 · 0
Louis Marmet

#GalaxyRotation #LCDM
"Astronomers are baffled" by REBEL-25,
yet the article
"This higher degree of rotational support seems ... to be consistent with recent cosmological simulations... We therefore show that dynamically settled disc galaxies can form as early as 700 Myr after the Big Bang."

Since every observation can be construed as a confirmation of the #BigBang model, this means the #BigBang model is unfalsifiable.

Louis Marmet

@GravityGrinch Excellent presentation! The 'unterbestimmtheitsproblem' 😍 [42:00] is particularly relevant! [also discussed in 1st question]
Without the #CosmologicalPrinciple , #Cosmology becomes much more complex than the current model based on simple assumptions that are used in #LCDM right now.

Louis Marmet

#LCDM #CrisisInCosmology
"A Universal Accounting Problem: Tension in Reionization Estimates"
by Brandon Pries


Louis Marmet

#LCDM #Cosmology
"Age of Massive Galaxies at Redshift 8"
Spoiler alert: they are older than the universe.


Louis Marmet

#Quasar #LCDM
"A mature quasar at cosmic dawn revealed by JWST rest-frame infrared spectroscopy" Bosman et al., Nat. Astron. (2024).

Accretion structures appear fully mature less than 760 Myr after the Big Bang, another blow to #LCDM .


Daniel Pomarède

First talk by Jim Peebles on the Status of the LCDM theory: supporting evidence and anomalies

... including an update of the evidence of large-scale sheet-like patterns in the space distributions of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and quasars.

#cosmology #LCDM #theory #JimPeebles #galaxies #galaxyclusters #quasars

Challenging the standard cosmological model | Royal Society

Scientific discussion meeting organised by Professor…
Chris :freebsd:

An excellent, measured, insightful read from a #MOND sceptic …

“Even if MOND is wrong, that it works as well as it does is surely telling us something. I would like to know why that is”
#MOND #LCDM #cosmology

Clusters of galaxies ruin everything

A common refrain I hear is that MOND works well in…

Triton Station
Sandrine Breuil

#Stage #opportunité
Projet de longue haleine #BVH #BibFr cherche sa·son stagiaire pour 4 mois d'émotions intenses en compagnie du Sieur de La Croix Du Maine au #CESR à #Tours #FestinaLente
> Candidatures jusqu'au 31/01/2024

« Telles gens sont les crocheteurs des hommes doctes, qui nous amassent tout ; Cela nous sert beaucoup, il faut qu'il y ait de telles gens. » #LCDM #Renaissance #bibliographie #bibliotheques #PatrimoineEcrit #TEI #DH

> tous les détails par ici >

Offre de stage | Description de sources anciennes et enrichissement de données structurées pour le projet Bibliotheques françoises

Le programme de recherche « Bibliothèques Virtuelles…

Bibliothèques Humanistes
Louis Marmet

#Galaxies #HighRedshift #LCDM #CMB
"Candidate Galaxies at z ~ 11.3-21.8 and beyond: results from JWST's public data taken in its first year"

<<The existence of a large number of galaxies at z ~ 17.3 is [...] in conflict with the determination of z_reionization = 7.64 based on the CMB anisotrophy measurements of the Planck mission.">>

H. Yan et al., preprint 🔗

Candidate Galaxies at z ~ 11.3--21.8 and beyond: results from JWST's public data taken in its first year

We present a systematic search of candidate galaxies…
Louis Marmet

@jos @mustapipa It seems cosmologists don't understand the meaning of JWST observations, so more observations supporting the failure of #LCDM need to be published.

Daniel Pomarède

🇯🇵 直径10億光年の泡状構造を発見 ハワイの創世神話にちなみ「ホオレイラナ」と命名
(A bubble-like structure 1 billion light years in diameter was discovered and named "Ho'oleilana" after the Hawaiian creation myth.)

#ho'oleilana #hooleilana #ホオレイラナ #cosmology #bao #baryon #acoustic #oscillations #astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon #universe #space #science #research #discovery #cosmography #map #maps #superclusters #physics #theory #bigbang #lcdm #scicomm

Louis Marmet

@fraser @vrruiz When there are large cracks in the hull of a ship, it's a crisis even if there is no other ship to jump to.

New physics or not, #LCDM is obviously doomed. But I understand why Ethan and other cosmologists are hesitant, too much has been invested in that theory to abandon it now!


Sunk cost - Wikipedia