Metalpoet :pentagram:

Me explaining to the non-technical mother of my children why you can't use #TPU in the #AMS #lite

"It would be like trying to shove a wet noodle through a hose.... no wait, I got a better analogy... it would be like trying to have vaginal sex with Ben Shapiro".


Linux Lite is a lightweight, user-friendly Linux distribution based on Ubuntu LTS. Designed for users transitioning from Windows to Linux, Linux Lite aims to provide a fast, efficient experience on older hardware while maintaining ease of use. It also emphasizes a low resource footprint, ensuring good performance even on less powerful machines.

#Linux #lite #Linuxlite #lightweight #distribution #ubuntu

Nov 02, 2024, 13:56 · · · 0 · 0

:lobster: Dear Elephants and friends,
#Favoured, #flavoured and #fragrant.
As a heretical [insert beliefs and opinions of choice] #FAQs advocate, I like to:
- #Find the Impassable #Transmission :ablobblastoff:
- #Meditate on my #Excellencies :ablobtonguewink:
- Act the #Play
- Baste as well as roast
For example, here are some lesser FAQs about #Buddhism #Lite:
- The #Buddha liked to wear death saris/shrouds, probably dyed with #turmeric
- He said people should erect a #statue of the tree he gained #enlightenment under, rather than of hymn/her

About “Buddhism for Vampires” | Buddhism for Vampires

Buddhism For Vampires is a brutal yet cheerful take…