These are public posts tagged with #math. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Dans cette nouvelle séquence consacrée aux fractions, nous allons insérer des fractions avec les packages units et xfrac, afin d'obtenir un affichage optimal.
#LaTeX #math
Verified collaboration: How Lean is transforming mathematics, programming, and AI. ~ Leonardo de Moura. #ITP #LeanProver #Math #Programming #AI
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original… mars 1928: #CeJourLà naissance de Alexandre Grothendieck (†13/11/2014), mathématicien français médaillé Fields (1966) pour ses travaux fondamentaux en géom. algébrique, pour avoir introduit l'idée de la K-théorie et "révolutionné l'algèbre homologique"
#mathématiques #maths #math
One day, one decomposition
A212165: Numbers k such that the maximum exponent in its prime factorization is not less than the number of positive exponents (A051903(k) >= A001221(k))
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms
#decompwlj #math #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #exponent #prime #factorization #graph #threejs #webGL
In Mathe-Ass könnt ihr jetzt euren Highscore exportieren und importieren:
Ein erster Schritt, um Lernfortschritte sichtbarer zu machen: wenn die Highscore wichtiger wird, muss erstmal sichergestellt werden, dass sie nicht verloren geht.
Bitte sagt Bescheid, wenn was nicht klappt.
Dank für die Motivation, das endlich anzugehen, gebührt dem Architect of Games: “How Monster Hunter Mastered Progression”
Wow! Are MIT press giving this PDF textbook away free?
#learningTheory #statistics #maths #math #mathematics #machineLearning #AI
Demostraciones con Lean4 y con Isabelle/HOL de "s ∪ (s ∩ t) = s". #LeanProver #IsabelleHOL #Math #Calculemus
Demostrar con Lean4 y con Isabelle/HOL que \[ s ∪ (s…
Calculemus"As history proves abundantly, mathematical achievement, whatever its intrinsic worth, is the most enduring of all." – Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947)
#quote #mathematics #math #maths
"Comme l'histoire le prouve abondamment, la réussite mathématique, quelle que soit sa valeur intrinsèque, est la plus durable de toutes." – Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947)
#citation #mathématiques #maths #math
Decomposing a factorial into large factors. ~ Terence Tao. #Math
I’ve just uploaded to the arXiv the paper “Decomposing…
What's new"You know how to compute a sine, right?"
"Yes... suck a toe."
"Suck a toe."
"I don't want to suck anyone's toe! Let's get back on topic."
"No... S.O.H.C.A.H.T.O.A."
Theorem of the Day (March 27, 2025) : Bézout’s Identity
Source : Theorem of the Day / Robin Whitty
pdf :
notes :
Vanderbilt University: New course unlocks the power of generative AI for MATLAB programming. “A new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the Coursera platform is teaching professionals and students how to better use artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT to improve their MATLAB programming skills and productivity.”
Readings shared March 26, 2025. #AI #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic #Math #Maxima
The readings shared in Bluesky on 26 March 2025 are Formal…
VestigiumLisp Fun. A mathematical oddity.
Some numbers, when multiplied by consecutive numbers, produce a bit of a cycle. Try this code and notice that all the answers are permutations of the same number, 142857.
(defun cycle-142857 ()
"Prints the magical 142857 × 1..6 cycle."
(let ((n 142857))
(format t "~%Watch this cycle:~%")
(loop for i from 1 to 6 do
(format t "~d × ~d = ~d~%" n i (* n i)))))
When you've exhausted your fun running it, increment the number to see what 142857 * 7 gives you.
Python Fun. A mathematical oddity.
Some numbers, when multiplied by consecutive numbers, produce a bit of a cycle. Try this code and notice that all the answers are permutations of the same number, 142857.
When you've exhausted your fun running it, increment the number to see what 142857 * 7 gives you.
def cycle_142857():
n = 142857
print("\nWatch this cycle:")
for i in range(1, 7):
print(f"{n} × {i} = {n * i}")
One day, one decomposition
A212164: Numbers k such that the maximum exponent in its prime factorization is greater than the number of positive exponents (A051903(k) > A001221(k))
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms
#decompwlj #math #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #exponent #prime #factorization #graph #threejs #webGL