
One of the big bonuses of my job is that I get to travel to awesome events like #ASH2024. Here is the ASH recap from me and a few colleagues - #Hematology #MultipleMyeloma

Dr. Ferrous 🧁

Mozart’s stem cell transplant went great today! Now, the long road to rebuilding her bone marrow and immunity. Still, I’m taking this as a win.

#FuckCancer #MultipleMyeloma

Vlaďka Gottwaldová

Včera jsem si byla vyklidit svoje věci z kanceláře a rozloučit se. "Nebalím" to. Jen se teď chci soustředit sama na sebe. A jestli mám štěstí a "dobrý" myelom, uzdravím se. A pak nechci naskočit zpátky do toho kolečka jako křeček! Začíná nová etapa mého života!
#taknejak #kohotozajima #MultipleMyeloma

Vlaďka Gottwaldová

Tak po čtvrteční kontrole na ortopédii můžu postupně sundávat! Jupí! V mezičase bude kontrolní CT aby se ověřilo, že i systémová léčba/ochrana kostí funguje jak má. FUNGUJE! (Doufám...)
#taknejak #kohotozajima #MultipleMyeloma

Global News

Manitoba professor makes ‘amazing’ cancer research breakthrough
A Manitoba professor has made leaps and bounds in cancer research, developing a tool that could add years onto multiple myeloma patients' lives.
#research #cancer #Manitoba #Canada #Health #MultipleMyeloma

Global News Canada

Manitoba professor makes ‘amazing’ cancer research breakthrough
A Manitoba professor has made leaps and bounds in cancer research, developing a tool that could add years onto multiple myeloma patients' lives.
#research #cancer #Manitoba #Canada #Health #MultipleMyeloma


Just Published

Hematological Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach

The eleventh volume of the “Interdisciplinary Cancer Research” series, titled “Hematological Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” offers an in-depth exploration of diagnosing and treating hematological cancers.


#Cancer #CancerResearch #CancerTherapy #Immunotherapy #Leukemia #Lymphoma #MultipleMyeloma #Books

David Basanta Gutierrez

What a summer did these students have! HIP IMO is a summer program for high achieving high school students. Matt Froid from my group mentored these two budding scientists: Chaaranath Badrinath from NY and Abhi Chawla from CO. Both of them worked on #MultipleMyeloma but Chaaranath's work used an agent-based model whereas Abhi developed a new #machine_learning tool to optimize treatment. Keep an eye open about what they tackle next!


Moderna receives $176 million from BARDA for mRNA influenza vaccines—J&J, Legend's Carvykti shows CAR-T can extend lives in multiple myeloma —The IRA will lower U.S. drug spending, CMS finds — but not for awhile— #moderna #barda #mrna #vaccines #flu #jnj #multiplemyeloma #ira #drugspending #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma


Cafepharma is a site for the pharmaceutical/medical…
David Basanta Gutierrez

At City of Hope at my friend an #Mofitt @mathonco collaborator @conorlynch 's seminar entitled 'Bad to the bone', including our own collaboration on modeling #MultipleMyeloma with a #ABM

joe•iuculano :mastodon:



«A patient's remarkable recovery from the common blood #cancer #MultipleMyeloma several years ago has drawn the attention of researchers, who were stunned by the fact the patient was treated for a completely different #disease

#Hepatitis #HepatitisB #HepatitisC

Thiago Carvalho

BCMA targeting CARTs in #MultipleMyeloma

"At a median follow-up of 15.9 months (range, 0.1 to 27.3), the median progression-free survival was not reached in the cilta-cel group and was 11.8 months in the standard-care group (hazard ratio, 0.26; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.18 to 0.38; P<0.001). Progression-free survival at 12 months was 75.9% (95% CI, 69.4 to 81.1) in the cilta-cel group and 48.6% (95% CI, 41.5 to 55.3) in the standard-care group."

#Immunology #immunotherapy #cartcells

Bret Mogilefsky

Today science caught up with #MultipleMyeloma. A new treatment puts 90% of people with the cancer into remission!

My jaw dropped open when I read this... I knew there was some progress but I didn't imagine it would be enough, or in time, to help me live my life without fear.

Today is a good day to celebrate the power of science, and appreciate the hard work being put in every day by researchers all over the world to help people living under cancer's shadow! 🎉🥳


Groundbreaking Israeli cancer treatment has 90% success rate

An experimental treatment developed at Israel's Hadassah-University…

For the past few months cooking and baking have been very utilitarian, in service to managing my #MultipleMyeloma and it’s treatments. Today a few days after leaving the hospital for my stem cell transplant I’m back with a big, old stack of lazy Sunday pancakes. Feels good.
#cooking #Baking


I just produced 23.3 million stem cells. I wouldn’t have imagined sitting in a chair for six hours for four days would be so exhausting. Very happy that part is done! #MultipleMyeloma