These are public posts tagged with #nextdns. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Discovered another new app that actually is pretty useful. I use #NextDNS but occasionally I need to switch to the default DNS and that is where this handy open source utility comes in to play:
DNS Easy Switcher (for MacOS)
@kuketzblog ich blockiere bigtech über Filterlisten am Router und #nextdns außerdem habe ich #mullvadvpn im Einsatz
#NextDNS for me.
If you want a more "out of the box" approach, change your browser DNS to something like:
Shout out to @mullvadnet
Need help setting this up? Message here.
➤ 下一代廣告遮擋:NextDNS擁有的無疑難服務吸引了作者,讓他輕鬆擺脫Pi-hole的困擾。
+ 這篇文章清楚地解釋了作者轉換廣告遮擋服務的原因,讓我對這些產品有了更深入的瞭解。
+ 好的摘要!看來NextDNS是個很值得考慮的替代選擇,尤其對於那些不想花時間維護廣告遮擋系統的人來說。
#科技 #廣告遮擋 #NextDNS
I love the idea behind the Pi-hole: block ads at the…
What I do to keep my #data and life #private (based mainly on @kuketzblog and #Inteltechniques)
Mobile: #GrapheneOS with no google services. If I need them, I go to private space. But I try to minimize it
#Ublock #NextDNS, #eBlocker, #pfblockerNG, #LittleSnitch: to block tracker and ads
Every online account uses a different username and password. MFA wherever possible
Browser: #LibreWolf, #Mullvad, (#Firefox), #vanadium, #fennec (with #uBO), Firefox Focus
In der Empfehlungsecke unter „Cloudspeicher“ habe ich Proton Drive hinzugefügt. Zudem habe ich die Kategorie „Werbe- und Trackingblocker“ um die cloudbasierten DNS-Filterdienste Control D und NextDNS erweitert. Auch die Kategorie „VPN“ wurde überarbeitet.
#empfehlungsecke #kuketzblog #cloud #protondrive #controld #nextdns #vpn
Die Empfehlungsecke beinhaltet aktuelle Empfehlungen…
www.kuketz-blog.deCloudbasierte DNS-Filter als Schutzschild gegen unerwünschte Inhalte? Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile einer solchen Lösung, die neben Werbung auch schädliche Inhalte wie Phishing-Webseiten, Malware-Hosts oder unseriöse Informationsquellen blockieren.
#nextdns #controld #dns #dnsfilter #werbung #ads #tracking #filter #malware #schadsoftware
Das Internet bietet eine Fülle von Informationen, aber…
www.kuketz-blog.deIt's nice when I look at my #nextdns logs for the #grapheneos phone it only really shows the domain I actually visit (minus some unauthed GPS for notifications and graphene domains)
It's how devices should be. Thanks to the @GrapheneOS devs or all their hard work!
@vfenners Desktop & Server #linux #macOS
Mobile #GrapheneOS
E-Mail #thunderbird #proton #tuta
Cloud #nextcloud #protondrive
Office #onlyoffice
Browser #firefox #librewolf #tor #vanadium #mullvad
Search #qwant #duckduckgo
Maps #magicearth #organicmaps
Password Manager #keepassxc #keepassdx
Translation #deepl
YouTube none
Authenticator #aegis #standardnotes
DNS #nextdns
I currently use #NextDNS and #CoreDNS for my DNS needs. I set up CoreDNS to log out somewhere so I can see DNS queries, set it up so prometheus can pull stats on it, and make sure I feel dope about it! I never looked at that shit once. Just set up dns forwarding to #nextdns on this router and it's working just fine with a couple of A records for internal shit..
I just shut down my #coredns stuff.. All the times I create just to delete later.
#adguarddns #nextdns #networking #linux
So...I gave up with AdGuardDNS and NextDNS actually
Problem I have with AdGuardDNS is Linking the IP address on certain ISP, the problem is only for the Desktop, Mobile is fine I think. AdGuard Home no worky on Arch Linux as well. Either that or I just suck on configuring my network on Arch Linux (or Linux in general), I am not very well experienced with it
Problem I have with NextDNS is, it's "Allowlist" suck ass. There is this one website I wanna allow, but it just allow that address, not the rest of whatever is in that address (ex: media will not load, link no worky etc.). And since it's based in, not sure if I wannya use it due to whatever the fuck is going on in US recently
So am defaulting myself to use default DNS...yeah I know, it's bad, but really what are the other option I can use??
#dns #networking #adguarddns #nextdns
Switched to AdGuard works, but not on my iPhone getting SSL error (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR) when opening any links except NextDNS or AdGuard DNS links, and I have no idea how to fix it (restarting my router does not fix it)
Same goes with NextDNS actually, but idk if it works again but with NextDNS, I would just restart my router and the SSL error would gone
Any help would be appreciated. In the meantime, am switching back to NextDNS until my AdGuard DNS issues got resolved.......
Well this is a really annoying bug…
“Mail cannot function in iOS 18.2 if iCloud Private Relay is blocked at a network level”
@evacide and again I am glad to be an outsider, an idiot, an old fart, because I use #grapheneos, #pfsense, #nextdns, #vpn and much more.
@ecosdelfuturo Yo en los móviles de los familiares más cercanos directamente se los he comentado y les confisco unos minutos e instalo los perfiles de #NextDNS, por supuesto explicándoles bien todo..... y si en casa en breve meto un #Router de GL.iNet quiero jugar con todas sus posibilidades
@scottwilson I use #nextdns and if ifs breaking a website, I typically can figure out what is breaking it from the logs. Once I figure out what is being blocked, I put in an exception for it in the allowed list.
Digging and implementing the Content-Security-Policy rules for a large luxury eCommerge.
The more I check the 3rd party services, the more I thank the authors of uBlock-Origin extension for Firefox, and NextDNS