These are public posts tagged with #ophir. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Shocking New Discoveries in the PHILIPPINES
“The intense religious zeal of the Spanish” invaders “led to the systematic obliteration of many pre-colonial records.”
“The Land of Ophir”. The leading candidate!
This Day in Alaska History-April 28th, 1898
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#1898 #28 #april #bust #city #council #goldboomtown #mining #nome #ophir
Happy #Passover and the #FeastOfUnleavenedBread
#ChagHaPesach #חגהפסח #Pesach #ChagHaMatzot #חגהמצות #Matzot #UnleavenedBread
* Abib 14 falls on April 04, 2023
- Passover meal
* Abib 15 falls on April 05, 2023
- Day 1 of Unleavened Bread
- A high sabbath (no work)
- 09:00 crucifixion
- 15:00 death
* By: Tim Sackton
* Source:
* License: #CCBYSA2 (retrieved: 2023-04-05 14:17:40 ACT)
#Torah #Tanakh #HaDerech #TheWay #הדרך #RenewedCovenant #Bible #Christianity #Messianic #HolyWeek #Philippines #Ophir #Israel #Remnant