Yohan Yukiya Sese Cuneta 사요한🦣

Shocking New Discoveries in the PHILIPPINES


“The intense religious zeal of the Spanish” invaders “led to the systematic obliteration of many pre-colonial records.”

“The Land of Ophir”. The leading candidate!

#Philippines #Ophir

Yohan Yukiya Sese Cuneta 사요한🦣

Happy #Passover and the #FeastOfUnleavenedBread

#ChagHaPesach #חגהפסח #Pesach #ChagHaMatzot #חגהמצות #Matzot #UnleavenedBread


* Abib 14 falls on April 04, 2023
- Passover meal

* Abib 15 falls on April 05, 2023
- Day 1 of Unleavened Bread
- A high sabbath (no work)
- 09:00 crucifixion
- 15:00 death


* By: Tim Sackton
* Source: flickr.com/photos/sackton/6916
* License: #CCBYSA2 (retrieved: 2023-04-05 14:17:40 ACT)

#Torah #Tanakh #HaDerech #TheWay #הדרך #RenewedCovenant #Bible #Christianity #Messianic #HolyWeek #Philippines #Ophir #Israel #Remnant