JProl 🌍🎶💾🆓🐦

«The largest and most powerful news organization you’ve probably never heard of, called OCCRP —the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project— works with dozens of major newspapers to collaboratively publish the kinds of scoops you’re well aware of, such as the Panama Papers or the Pandora Papers. What we can reveal today is that the single largest funder of OCCRP is the U.S. State Department.»


A Giant of Journalism Gets Half its Budget From the U.S. Government

Drew Sullivan is unknown to the broad public, but the…

Drop Site News
Dec 02, 2024, 16:25 · · · 0 · 0
Pierre Romera Zhang 🐧

Les autorités françaises ont saisi près de 75 millions de dollars en biens immobiliers et voitures de luxe sur la Côte d'Azur. Ces actifs sont liés à deux hommes d’affaires russes, dont l’un, Mikhail Opengeym, figurait déjà dans les #PandoraPapers en 2021.

Petit thread ⬇️

Pierre Romera Zhang 🐧

Ex-Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone received a suspended sentence for fraud and must pay around $800 million to the U.K. tax authority. Ecclestone — who appeared in the #PandoraPapers — has long faced scrutiny over his offshore dealings.

Bernie Ecclestone given suspended sentence after pleading guilty to fraud

Former Formula One boss handed 17-month suspended term…

Ex-Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone received a suspended sentence for fraud and must pay around $800 million to the U.K. tax authority. Ecclestone — who appeared in the #PandoraPapers — has long faced scrutiny over his offshore dealings.

Bernie Ecclestone given suspended sentence after pleading guilty to fraud

Former Formula One boss handed 17-month suspended term…
Corporate Europe Observatory

🛑 European Parliament , its time to say no to Hoekstra as climate commissioner

⌛Its time to deliver a firewall to stop private interests over public good Roberta Metsola and European Parliament

And more,
🔥Whilst working as Dutch senator, Hoekstra worked McKinsey consultancy which boasts big pharma, tobacco
and fossil fuel interests

🔥He was also reported in the #PandoraPapers on his shares in an offshore company whilst being ON the Committee to combat tax evasion🤦‍♀️


Yacht Mimtee, owned by Najib Mikati, sailed from Monaco to Sainte Maxime, covering 79 km in 3 hours. The luxurious journey also emitted a staggering 5 tons of CO₂. Despite corruption allegations and a mention in the #PandoraPapers investigation, Mikati is still sailing in style.


Yacht Mimtee, owned by Najib Mikati, embarked on a lavish 9-day journey spanning 907 km from MERGELLINA (Italy) to Monaco. In its wake, it left behind a delightful 6 tons of CO₂. Mikati, a Lebanese politician and businessman, is no stranger to controversy, having been involved in corruption accusations and named in the #PandoraPapers investigation. Such a fascinating itinerary and track record, indeed!


Malgré plus de 15 jours d'affrontements très violents, de blocages de routes et de pénurie, les manifestants indigènes quittent Quito sous les ovations de la population. Mais le pire est encore à venir pour Guillermo #Lasso. Déjà mis en cause fin 2021 dans les #PandoraPapers pour avoir caché sa fortune dans des paradis fiscaux (ce qui en soi interdit en #Équateur de se présenter aux élections), un scandale de corruption, #CasoEncuentro touche son entourage très proche. (5/7)

Jean Gautier

Scandale des #PandoraPapers : 11.300 milliards de $ seraient cachés dans des paradis fiscaux, où en sont les enquêtes du fisc sur les précédents scandales ?
Pourquoi la bourgeoisie a peur d’un #Nupes à la #CommissionDesFinances ?
#Insoumis #GiletsJaunes

Caisses de grève on Twitter

“"Ce qui me fait très peur c'est de voir des insoumis…

Frances Fitzgerald MEP

❗️Transparency matters❗
My speech to MEPs on the lessons learnt from the #PandoraPapers and other revelations.
We must continue to work with our international partners to stop tax evasion and money laundering.


Paul Tang

Many congratulations @NielsFuglsang for successfully concluding your investigative report into the #pandorapapers! 🎉💪
With great recommendations on how to address tax avoidance by the global rich 👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Niels Fuglsang: The European Parliament just adopted a series of proposals to fight tax havens.
Good things including recommendations on cooling off periods for tax officials findings jobs as private tax advis…


Jean Gautier

Scandale des #PandoraPapers : 11.300 milliards de $ seraient cachés dans des paradis fiscaux, où en sont les enquêtes du fisc sur les précédents scandales ?
Pourquoi la bourgeoisie a peur d’un #Nupes à la #CommissionDesFinances ?

Caisses de grève on Twitter

“"Ce qui me fait très peur c'est de voir des insoumis…

Tito Till

I'm listening to this interview with #PandoraPapers whistleblower Mike Gill and he mentions the papers were published by a group of journalists at

So I go to the website and look at donors. I don't recognize many of them except Soros' #opensocietyfoundations but that's all you really need to know.

So Pandora papers are another OP? Weird they would name them something so close to Panama papers. I thought they were the same until today.


The yacht Mimtee, owned by Najib Mikati, sailed for 10 hours over 166 km. During this travel, the boat produced at least 14 tons of CO₂. Its journey ended near MARSEILLE (France).

Najib Mikati is a Lebanese politician and businessman, and three-time Prime Minister of #Lebanon whose current term began in September 2021. He has been subject of multiple corruption accusations and was charged with illegitimate gains. Najib Mikati was named in the #PandoraPapers investigation.

Jean Gautier

Scandale des #PandoraPapers : 11.300 milliards de $ seraient cachés dans des paradis fiscaux, où en sont les enquêtes du fisc sur les précédents scandales ?
Pourquoi la bourgeoisie a peur d’un #Nupes à la #CommissionDesFinances ?

Caisses de grève on Twitter

“"Ce qui me fait très peur c'est de voir des insoumis…
