Terence Eden

🆕 blog! “Ter[ence|ry]”

My name is confusing. I don't mean that people constantly misspell it, but that no-one seems what I'm called. Let me explain.

British parents have this weird habit of giving their children long formal names which are routinely shortened to a diminutive version. Alfred becomes Alf, Barbara becomes Babs, Christopher becomes Chris - all the way down to the Ts where Terence becomes …

👀 Read more: shkspr.mobi/blog/2025/03/teren

#FIRE #meta #personal


My name is confusing. I don't mean that people constantly…

Terence Eden’s Blog

Mi amigo Elon siempre fue un farsante


Hubo un tiempo en que los magnates de la tecnología se dedicaban a lo tecnológico y los políticos, a la política. Puede que intuyéramos, unos más y otros menos, que había alguna relación entre unos y otros más allá del […]


Mike Coats 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🌍♻️

My latest blog post: GNU Terry Pratchett


In honour of the impact he's had on my life, I’ve joined the ranks of similarly nerdy sysadmins and enabled the x-clacks-overhead header on all my sites. GNU Terry Pratchett.

#books #discworld #personal #terryPratchett

GNU Terry Pratchett

In honour of the impact Terry Pratchett's had on my…



Wer wundert sich da, wo doch sämtliche #Spitzentechniker gefeuert wurden. Die kann man nicht so leicht ersetzen - auch nicht ein #ElonMusk. Das #Sabotage-#Risiko senkt man auch nicht gerade durch eine solche #Personal-#Politik.

#x #twitter


«I called it the greatest heist in human #history. All of human #culture is being ingested into these #AI models for the #profit of a few technology companies. (...) Not just #books. All of #science. All of our cultural knowledge. All of #personal knowledge. This is #BigBrother but not exactly as #Orwell imagined. It is not a government, but a large tech company that will know more about us and the world than a human could possibly comprehend.»
#capitalism #llm #democracy

I have been an AI researcher for 40 years. What tech giants are doing to book publishing is akin to theft

Companies claim this is ‘fair use’. I think it’s a…

The Guardian

Próxima charla en Tres Cantos


El próximo miércoles día 19, a las 19 horas, tendré el placer de volver a dar una charla en Tres Cantos organizada por Ciencia con Tres enCantos con el título «Transporte ¿100 % eléctrico?». Intentaré responder de forma amena a varias cuestiones complejas […]

#divulgación #noticias #personal #transporte #trenes

Alberto Chimal

En otra red me dijeron (como parte de una encuesta) que debía escribir un #artículo acerca de #culturas que se destruyen a sí mismas. Lo haré, y aquí dejo, de aperitivo, una nota reciente.

#cultura #actualidad #racismo #migración #personal #México #EstadosUnidos

American Dream

Una historia de la vida real y un horror del presente.

Alberto Chimal

Happy #InternationalWomensDay !! One of me is a ghost woman named ila! Shes had a very... complicated several lives 💀 but we couldn't be here without her. Somebody has to be the life of the party ^w^! #dandylionocs #osdd #humanart #art #personal

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv

*~*"Time In A Bottle"*~*

🌐🌏💜⌚🕰️⌛💫🛐💁‍♀️*If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you!👉

🌐🌏❤️⌚🕰️⌛💫🛐💁🏿*But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with!🌐🌏🩷💗💫👉

#World #Friends #Personal #Relationship #GOD #Time #Change #Eternity #Together

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv

*~*"Time In A Bottle"*~*

🌐🌏🩷⌚🕰️⌛💫🛐💁🏽‍♂️*But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with!👉

🌐🌏💜⌚🕰️⌛💫🛐💁‍♀️*If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you!👉

#World #Friends #Personal #Relationship #GOD #Time #Change #Eternity #Together

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv

*~*"Time In A Bottle"*~*

🌐🌏🩷⌚🕰️💫⌛🛐💁🏼*If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you!👉

🌐🌏🩷⌚🕰️⌛💫🛐💁🏽‍♂️*But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with!👉

#World #Friends #Personal #Relationship #GOD #Time #Change #Eternity #Together

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv

*~*"Time In A Bottle"*~*

🌐🌏🩷⌚🕰️💫⌛🛐💁🏼*If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
'Til eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you!👉

🌐🌏💛⌚🕰️⌛💫🛐💁🏾‍♀️*If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you!👉

#World #Friends #Personal #Relationship #GOD #Time #Change #Eternity #Together

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv


*~*"Time In A Bottle"*~*

🌐🌏🩷⌚🕰️💫⌛🛐💁🏼*If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
'Til eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you!👉

#World #Friends #Personal #Relationship #GOD #Time #Change #Eternity #Together

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv

🌐🌏⏰⌚🕰️⌛💛💁‍♀️*Sharing the Lyrics to the following song to celebrate Our Time Change Today!👉*"Time in a Bottle" is a hit single by singer-songwriter "Jim Croce"👉🌐🌏💙💁🏿*DEAR BELOVED FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD AS WE BELIEVE!*& HAVE A SPECIAL PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD WE CAN ALL HAVE THE TIME TO SPEND TOGETHER FOR ETERNITY!*WOULDN'T THAT BE AWESOME!?!*Amen!🤗👉

#World #Friends #Personal #Relationship #GOD #Time #Change #Eternity #Together

Alberto Chimal

"Storytelling" for a "shortform special".
"Longform episodic #content".
The contempt #Hollywood studios have for their own #movies and #shows –and for any notion of them as #art, of their creators as #artists– is obscene. 🤮
#personal #opinions #culture #capitalism #media

Mar 05, 2025, 15:28 · · · 1 · 0

@knud Die #Polizei und #Justiz brauchen nicht mehr #Daten, sondern mehr #Personal und eine bessere #Verwaltung.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg

Unsere Zentrale

💡 Der #Präsident des Landesarchivs hat seinen Sitz mitten in #Stuttgart. Hier sind auch die Abteilungen Zentrale Dienste und Archivischer Grundsatz angesiedelt. Sie kümmern sich um die Bereiche #Organisation, #Personal, #Haushalt, #IT, #Recht sowie archivfachliche Grundsatzfragen und die abteilungsübergreifende Bildungs- und #Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Aufgaben rund um #Digitalisierung und die Bereitstellung innovativer Informationsangebote runden das Profil ab.

Diese Infos und viele mehr, finden Sie auch in unserer neuen Imagebroschüre.

👉 landesarchiv-bw.de/de/landesar


Alberto Chimal

Pues que ayer di clase sobre #terror latinoamericano contemporáneo para un grupo en línea del #INBAL. Salieron a relucir #autoras y #autores de varios países (de una sabrán inmediatamente al ver la foto) 😉 y también hablamos de desigualdad, miedos antiguos y vida actual. Qué gusto. ¡Gracias! 😃

#personal #literatura #literaverso #LiteraturaDeTerror #LiteraturaDeImaginación #LiteraturaLatinoamericana