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Multispectral Remote Sensing Expression of Lineaments and Alteration Minerals in Part of Crystalline Rock Units of Southwestern Nigeria - Implication on Gold Prospecting
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #ASTER #Gold #Hydrothermal #HydrothermalAlteration #Lineament #Landsat #ETM #EnhancedThematicMapper #phyllic #Ilesha #schist #belt #geology #mining #Nigeria #naturalresources #mineral #mineralresources #golddeposits #aerogeophysical #remotesensing #geophysical #spatialanalysis #geomorphology #geomorphometry #alteration #propylitic #argillic #mineralogy #XRD #structuralgeology #lithology #PrincipalComponentAnalysis #PCA #prospecting #fracture #joints #faulting #Multispectral #Lineaments #Crystalline
Ecological Modeling, Biogeography, And Phenotypic Analyses Setting The Tiger Cats’ Hyperdimensional Niches Reveal A New Species
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #biogeography #ecology #phenotype #tigercat #hyperdimesional #species #tigercat #tigrinus #model #modeling #ecologicmodeling #multidimensional #niche #spotting #coat #principalcomponentanalysis #CentralAmerica #SouthAmerica #oncilla #pardinoide #Andes #genetics #distribution #monitoring #habitat #characterisation #savannah #mountains #forest