Amitai Schleier

Sure, practice #refactoring so that your code is likely more amenable to the next needed change.

But don't sleep on how it also makes *you* likely more amenable to the next needed refactoring.


Programming Quotes

Don't comment bad code rewrite it.

— P. J. Plaugher, Brian W. Kernighan

#commenting #refactoring

Johannes Brakensiek

Als Pfarrer fühl ich mich ja auch wie son #OpenSource #Maintainer, der keine Zeit hat #PRs zu mergen, weil er ständig mit #DevOps beschäftigt ist.

Ein organisatorisches #Refactoring steht an. Und da das nicht ohne die Inhalte geht, müssen wir da eben auch* ran.

*Zuerst, aber wir müssen selbst coden. Die Wissenschaft verteilt keine Thesen mehr.

#kirche #reform

Programming Quotes

DRY Don't Repeat Yourself Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

— Dave Thomas, Andy Hunt

#dry #refactoring

Programming Quotes

It's not at all important to get it right the first time. It's vitally important to get it right the last time.

— Dave Thomas, Andy Hunt

#refactoring #specification

Toni Aittoniemi

One thing for my job I’m looking forward to about #AI: Refactoring large systems

Doing a refactoring that involves hundreds of classes and multiple changes of infrastructure has been a thing that can take weeks, even months.

However, if you have good test coverage, you can let an LLM can do the drudge work for you and just verify it did what it said it did.

TTD is a must anyway, if you use LLM’s for helping you werite code.
#programming #refactoring #unittests

Andrew Stellman 👾

I’ve been thinking about how rarely code stays the same. Every system I’ve worked on, no matter how well-designed, has evolved over time (except for the ones that got cancelled by management after months of development!).

#AI #MachineLearning #Coding #SoftwareDevelopment #OpenSource #Refactoring #CodeQuality #CSharp #Java #FOSS #DevCommunity #Programming #SoftwareEngineering

Haderach C. Kwisatch

"When you watch a senior engineer work with #AI tools like Cursor or Copilot, it looks like magic. They can scaffold entire features in minutes, complete with #tests and #documentation. But watch carefully, and you'll notice something crucial: They're not just accepting what the AI suggests. They're constantly:

- #Refactoring the generated #code into smaller, focused modules
- Adding edge case handling the AI missed
- Strengthening type definitions and interfaces
- Questioning architectural decisions
- Adding comprehensive error handling

"In other words, they're applying years of hard-won engineering wisdom to shape and constrain the AI's output. The AI is accelerating their implementation, but their expertise is what keeps the code #maintainable.

"Junior engineers often miss these crucial steps. They accept the AI's output more readily, leading to what I call "house of cards code" – it looks complete but collapses under real-world pressure.…"

Bruce Sterling @bruces (

*They AI-magically automated all the code production,…

Ted M. Young

Today's Live #Java Coding Stream starts in about 15 minutes on

I'll continue working on putting JitterTed's TDD Game online (https://tdd.card). Join me for Java, #SpringBoot, #TDD, #Refactoring, #htmx, and more.

It's Monday, so don't expect much. 😄

JitterTed - Twitch

Ted M. Young is a Coding Coach, Technical Trainer,…

Programming Languages Delft

Master thesis by Hendy Liang: "Property-Based ASTs: Enabling Language Parametricity in Refactoring Tools"

"By leveraging Tree-Sitter, a parser generator that creates parsers that produce generic, property-based ASTs, this research adapts Renaissance, an existing industrial refactoring tool, to support multi-language extensibility with minimal additional effort."

#LanguageParametricity #refactoring #treesitter #thesis

Property-Based ASTs | TU Delft Repository
Chris C

SaturdayMP Show 65: Something's Rotten at the Gilded Rose: A Python Refactoring Tale

In this episode I tackle the famous Gilded Rose Kata as practice for my upcoming Dev Edmonton JavaScript, Python & Ruby Meetup presentation. One of the great things about the Gilded Rose Kata is the different ways to "solve" it. What would have done different than me?

Presentation repo:

Same refactoring but with C#:

Gilded Rose Kata (in many languages):

I'm posting this video the day before the presentation. Thank you to the Dev Edmonton JavaScript, Python, & Ruby Meetup for asking me to present.

Meetup Link:

Dev Edmonton:

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#saturdaymp #saturdaympshow #python #refactoring #gildedrose

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Ted M. Young

#Java Live Coding

Today's stream starts in an hour (19:00 UTC), where I'm creating the Online version of JitterTed's TDD Game (, working on the Play Card feature.

Join me at

#SpringBoot #htmx #TDD #Refactoring #BoardGame

JitterTed's TDD Game by Ted M. Young

Have fun learning how to do Test-Driven Development…

Ted M. Young
Ted M. Young

#Java Live Coding Stream

Today's stream starts later than usual (in an hour), so tune in at 21:00 UTC at for more coding, confusion, #TDDing, mistakes, #Refactoring, #SpringBoot, and #htmx.

I'll also be trying out #Junie, the IntelliJ IDEA AI agent!

JitterTed - Twitch

Ted M. Young is a Coding Coach, Technical Trainer,…

#refactoring #development

Nel codice: Non ti limiti a risolvere i bugs, ma cerchi di rendere il codice più pulito e robusto. Nella vita: Non ti fermi al problema, ma lavori su di te, imparando dalle difficoltà per diventare una versione migliore di te stesso