MusiqueNow :pride: ✡️ 🇵🇸 :anarchismhebrew:

Somebody shoulda listened to zayde (9 months ago... )

#RobertDeNiro #FuckTrump #NYC #NewYork

(Ignore any mention of #GenocideJoe)

Mar 09, 2025, 00:25 · · · 0 · 0

I know y'all have seen this but I just have contribute to the endorsement.
#robertdeniro #oscars #trump #academyawards

Tor Kingdon

#ZeroDay on the #Netflix with the innimmitable #RobertDeNiro. Yes. One thousand times yes. They didn't need the flash-forward hook in the cold open (which is almost as tired and lazy as it-was-all-a-dream endings), but they hooked me in Act I of episode 1.

Kenneth M Sweeney

What a strange pile of nonsense #ZeroDay turned out to be. It just seemed as if the whole team got bored two episodes in and decided to thd path of least resistance with its plot. #RobertDeNiro

Peter "Poly" Paterson

Robert De Niro is awesome!!!
Last night he was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, talking about his heroes: the U.S. Capitol Police Officers, Brazil, and Zero Day.
1) I am totally with him on those absolute heroes who who don't get the recognition they deserve.
2) Brazil is my favourite movie of all time!!! I need to watch it again. In December of this very year, 2025, Brazil will be 40 years old!
3) Until this interview I did not know of the limited series TV show "Zero Day" on Netflix. Now I am excited to watch.
Of course now Bananarama's excellent song "Robert De Niro's Waiting" is stuck in my head:
#RobertDeNiro #TheLateShow #StephenColbert #Heroes #Brazil #HarryTuttle #ZeroDay #Bananarama #RobertDeNirosWaiting

Zero Day (American TV series) - Wikipedia :dfm:

In der neuen Netflix Serie jagt Robert De Niro nach einem Cyberangriff die Verantwortlichen im Namen der US-Regierung. Die dritte Staffel „Reacher“ lässt den muskulösen Militärermittler Undercover gehen, um einen Gangsterring auszuheben, Und bei Paramount+ gibt es die Teenie Komödie „Eurotrip“

#AlanRitchson #Cyberangriffe #Eurotrip #Komödie #Reacher #Roadtrip #RobertDeNiro #ZeroDay #WasLäuftHeute

Speckled Band

🎥 True Confessions (1981) stars Robert De Niro as a Monsignor whose brother - played by Robert Duvall - is an LA homicide detective. He probes a grisly killing with links to a wealthy donor to the Catholic Church. Currently included with Amazon Prime in the U.K.

#robertdeniro #noir #neonoir #cinema #film #1980s #80s #robertduvall #movies #films #joandidion

Feb 16, 2025, 22:00 · · · 0 · 0

#NowWatching #FilmMastodon 📽️ 🎬
#TheUntouchables (1987)
During Prohibition, Treasury agent Eliot Ness sets out to stop ruthless Chicago gangster Al Capone, and assembles a small, incorruptible team to help him.
#AndyGarcia #SeanConnery #KevinCostner
#CharlesMartinSmith #RobertDeNiro