These are public posts tagged with #smallpox. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Today in Labor History January 18, 1788: The First Fleet arrived in Botany Bay, Australia, with 736 convicts from Great Britain. It took over 250 days to reach its destination. The penal colony became the first European settlement in Australia. Mary Bryant, with her husband, children and 6 other convicts escaped the colony and eventually returned to England. Many believe the British deliberately brought people carrying smallpox on the voyage in order to decimate the indigenous population.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #australia #prison #convict #genocide #colonialism #smallpox #indigenous
A crushing blow to the #MakePolioGreatAgain agenda...
'Actively dangerous' RFK Jr. suffers blow as army of doctors line up against nomination
#RFK #ActivelyDangerous #NeverRFK #Polio #Smallpox #Monkeypox #H5N1
The prospect that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will have a…
Raw Story - Celebrating 20 Years of Independent JournalismMake Smallpox Great Again!
How smallpox claimed its final victim
#PresidentChumpDidThis #RepublicansDidThis #GOPKakistocracy #ResistFascism #GOPWeirdos #RacistGOP #NoRepublicansEverAgain #Smallpox #RFKjr #CDC #NIH #USPol
How did British medical worker Janet Parker become… any luck, you'll be able to dress up next Halloween as a smallpox victim--free of charge!
#PresidentChumpDidThis #RepublicansDidThis #GOPKakistocracy #Smallpox #Vaccines #PublicHealth #RFKjr #ResistFascism #GOPWeirdos #RacistGOP #NoRepublicansEverAgain #USPol
@NatureMC aye, when I was a small child you often saw people badly affected by #polio in the UK, too. By the time I was an adult it had more or less completely disappeared from view – which I'm afraid must mean that a lot of the people who had been affected must have died.
Vaccination is SERIOUSLY good medicine – horrible diseases, including polio and #Smallpox, have ceased to be problems.
Happy Smallpox Eradication Day!
"35 years ago, on December 9th, 1979, humanity declared victory."
We will never know their names.
Laneless#QuizOfTheDay: Edward Jenner, often called the Father of #Immunology, is credited for developing the #Smallpox vaccine.
Which virus caused smallpox?
A. Echovirus
B. Variola
C. Aichivirus
D. Cosavirus
Knowledge Zone Quiz - Quiz of the day
Knowledge Zone#OnThisDay The eradication of the #Smallpox virus was certified (1979).
Birth Anniversary of American computer scientist Grace Hopper (1906). She led the development of COBOL, an early high-level #Programming #Language.
Birth Anniversary of #English #Poet John Milton (1608).
Today is International Anti-Corruption Day.
Today in Labor History November 30, 1803: The Balmis Expedition left Spain to vaccinate millions against smallpox in Spanish America and Philippines. The mission lasted from 1803 to 1806. The Spanish brought smallpox to the Americas, decimating the indigenous populations. Edward Jenner pioneered the vaccine in 1798. At that time, about 400,000 Europeans died each year from smallpox. And it was the cause of one-third of all cases of blindness in Europe. In the 1770s, a smallpox epidemic wiped out 30% of the Indigenous peoples of the Puget Sound region. And overall, some historians estimate that smallpox wiped out over 90% of all indigenous people of the Americas, in one of the largest genocides in history.
#vaccine #vaccination #publichealth #genocide #indigenous #smallpox #spain #colonialism
When #WHAuden invited Austrian friends to come to #NYC in the mid-1960s, he reminded them to bring a vaccination certificate.
Would this most likely refer to #smallpox vaccine? #Tubercolosis? #Poliomyelitis?
#TIL: The #European and #Spanish #settlers tried to kill the natives in #America by gifting them blankets infected with #smallpox.
There are really no red-lines for these monsters. I won't be surprised if they #ceasefire in #Gaza, then poison the food aid! Especially after looking at the "celebration" that erupted post the #pager #terror attack with "respectable" media labelling it a "genius" plan!
There is a well-known event in the history of science…
wanaen.comMVA-BN Vaccinee (or Imvanex): The First Mpox Vaccine to be prequalified by WHO
The mpox vaccine MVA-BN Vaccine (i.e., Modified Vaccinia Ankara vaccine manufactured by Bavarian Nordic A/S) has become the first Mpox vaccine to be...........
#BavarianNordic #DRCongo #Imvanex #ModifiedVacciniaAnkaravaccine #Mpox #mpoxvaccines #MPVX #MVABNvaccine #smallpox #WHO
The mpox vaccine MVA-BN Vaccine (i.e., Modified Vaccinia…
Scientific EuropeanWhat was the primary #mode of #smallpox #transmission? Implications for biodefense,
Although, "respiratory #droplet" transmission was generally regarded as the primary mode of transmission, the relative importance of large ballistic droplets and fine #particle #aerosols that remain suspended in air for more than a few seconds was never resolved.
The mode of infection transmission has profound implications…
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govOn Aug. 14, 2024, the World Health Organization declared…
www.rawstory.comMpox declared public health emergency in Africa with fears of spread across borders | The Independent
Compared with the same period last year, cases are… Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before a joint session of Congress this week. Among other things protestors did in DC, they spray painted graffiti on a monument to Christopher Columbus, including the words, “Hamas is coming” in large red letters. In colossally poor taste, Christopher Columbus replied, “bring it, I’ll bring the small pox.”
#news #satire #parody #comedy #sketch #SketchComedy #BenjaminNetanyahu #hamas #ChristopherColumbus #SmallPox
“In falling ill, I seemed to have crossed a dark lake, and to have left all my experiences, mingled together by the great distance, on the healthy shore.”
Excerpt From
Bleak House
Charles Dickens