
Me playing #Satisfactory for the second time: "This time everything is gonna be soooo organized"
50hrs later...
"oh no"

Mar 14, 2025, 22:15 · · · 0 · 0
Arnel Šarić Sharan :verified:

CIV je imao “još jedan potez”, Satisfactory ima “još jedan proizvod” štih izgrađen na optimalnom sistemu koji igrače a) postepeno i jasno gura ka novim, kompleksnim rješenjima i b) čini da igrači osjećaju da su uradili nešto, ma kako taj cilj bio mali u cjelokupnom procesu

#Satisfactory #Gaming #VideoIgre

Satisfactory: Uistinu zadovoljavajuće - Onaj Koji Kuca

Zvuk pneumatike i uvrtanja šarafa; simfonija neorganskog…

Onaj Koji Kuca
Matt Kilgore

Got Satisfactory Friday night at around 10PM, I already have 30 hours in the game... Talk about an immediate addition to one hell of a game.

#satisfactory #gaming


Had so much fun last summer playing #satisfactory with a bunch of friends. Good times.

Marcus The Board Gamer

69? Nice! #Satisfactory #VideoGames (Yes I know, rookie numbers and all that)


No, *you* just started another game of #Satisfactory after topping out the first world in 240 hours 😅


Me: "Look at the crazy proxmox homelab I built last week, it has over a dozen interlinked containers and VMs spread across four local machines and some cloud assets."
[ spends 15 walking through the setup ]
Friend: "Good to see you found something to do after finishing Satisfactory."

#proxmox #homelab #satisfactory #VM #linux #jellyfin


#Satisfactory...i think the last game (other than puzzle/word games) i spent this much time on was Skyrim😋


I actually spent most of today’s time playing in my son’s game.

I made myself useful by just prepping resources for MAM research for him.

Needed a ton of Raw Quartz for making Crystal Oscillators.

Meanwhile, he was tearing down his whole starter setup. Which I forgot to get a screenshot of.

He decided he wants to rebuild everything out on a platform, off the side of the cliff.

I proposed the idea of a little sub-floor for power generators.


Iron Plate.

Iron Rod.

Sie Reden!

Die stille, langsame, aber umso gewaltigere Softwarerevolution, angetrieben von koffeinhaltigen Erfrischungsgetränken, unschuldigen Träumen von einer besseren Welt und KEINEM #SEX:


33 Jahre LINUX!

Vorsicht: There be penguins!

PulseAudio-Gerät frei für Episode 90 - Der Pinguin hat die CD gefressen!

#podcast #siereden #linux #suse #redhat #ubuntu #satisfactory #walkofftheearth

Episode 090 – Der Pinguin hat die CD gefressen! – Sie reden!

@rich 102h in #satisfactory is nothing. Don't worry, it will be more soon. 😂


Me: "Hmm, #Satisfactory is on offer, let's give it a go"


Oh no


Oh man - liquified material lines. You combine ground up coal and water and send it through a pipe. I believe they experimented with this IRL in #Ohio. #satisfactory


Thank god you don’t need to specify motor starter/drives for conveyor lines in #Satisfactory.

Especially if you have extremely long lines as well as lines that have lots of on/off switching (feeding other machines) that would if not sized correctly rapidly wear out both drive motors and electrical contactors.

はーしぇる。 :sabakan: :freebsd:

v1.0.0 リリースでプルトニウム廃棄物から FICSONIUM に加工できるようになって完全消費できるようになったとはいえ、


はーしぇる。 :sabakan: :freebsd:





I want to 3D print a “power shard” module from #satisfactory.

I just need to find filament that’s metallic gray and something transparent and shiny for the shard bit itself. Maybe even have a coverable opening on the bottom so someone can light it from the bottom.