土星衛星エンセラダスの海は生命にとって金属不足? | JAMSTEC | 海洋研究開発機構 yayafa.com/2238108/ #SCIENCE #Science&Technology #Technology #テクノロジー #科学 #科学&テクノロジー


【次世代機「3DO」登場】マンガで振り返るゲーム業界:3DO REALが発売された日(1994年3月20日) – GAME Watch yayafa.com/2238102/ #3DO #ClassicGame #SCIENCE #Science&Technology #Technology #クラシックゲーム #テクノロジー #科学 #科学&テクノロジー

Peter Riley

MARCH 21 IS THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY of #Tennessee law that it is unlawful for any public school teacher “to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals."

Four months later: #ScopesMonkeyTrial, of substitute teacher John Scopes; remained on the books until it was declared unconstitutional in 1968.


#Evolution #Darwin #educationworkers

Mar 19, 2025, 23:44 · · · 0 · 0
Bytes Deutschland

bytesde.com/895697/ Monopedal -Roboter kann wie ein Eichhörnchen springen und landen – sogar auf winzigen Zielen #Science #Wissenschaft

SETI Institute


Griffin Academy educator Daniel Peluso is a semifinalist for the 2025-26 U.S. Fulbright Scholars Program.

Peluso, an astrophysicist, educator, and musician, was chosen for his project proposal, "Celestial Harmonies: Blending Modern Pop & Traditional Music to Share Aboriginal Sky Knowledge."

Peluso has also been accepted as an Affiliate for the SETI Institute’s Artist in Residence program.

#science #scicomm

Vallejo educator seeks to recreate music with Aboriginal communities

VALLEJO — Griffin Academy educator Daniel Peluso is…


In 1929, Motonori Matuyama showed evidence that the earth’s magnetic field had reversed polarity in the distant past. Scientists say that we might be on the verge of another reversal. #Poetry #Science #History #PlateTectonics #MagneticField #Matuyama (sharpgiving.com/thebookofscien)

Walk News

walknews.com/830997/ ベテルギウスが「超新星爆発」を起こしたら地球は一体どうなるのか? – GIGAZINE #Science #Science&Technology #Technology #テクノロジー #科学 #科学&テクノロジー

Daniel Pomarède

Beautiful shot captured yesterday by Curiosity in the canyon between Gould Mesa and Texoli Butte

#Mars Mar. 18, 2025 (Sol 4484)
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk

#Curiosity #rover #Sol4484 #GaleCrater #science #STEM #astrodon #planetaryscience #canyon #GouldMesa #TexoliButte #Mastcam #geology #photography