Daniel Huppmann

The #SharedSocioeconomicPathways (#SSPs) have become an integral component of #IntegratedAssessment and #Climate research - and now, it's time for an update of the underlying #GDP & #population projections.

Visit data.ece.iiasa.ac.at/ssp for the SSP Release 3.0 (January 2024) and register for the webinar (February 8, 15:00 CET) at iamconsortium.org/event/joint- ...

Daniel Huppmann

The #SharedSocioEconomicPathways (#SSP) are the foundation of #ClimateChange #Mitigation research - but the underlying national projections:chart_with_upwards_trend: of #GDP and #population are outdated...

So the #IAMconsortium & #ICONICS are starting an update & review :memo: process! Please contribute and comment on the review-projections!
:point_right: data.ece.iiasa.ac.at/ssp