Kathe Todd-Brown

Curious about the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon across the United States? Of course you are! Wang etall 2024 agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.co used a combination clustering and random forest approach to upscale point estimates of soil carbon stocks. #SoilCarbon #Upscale #SciLit

I'm a co-author here! Join me on a read through of this paper 1/n

Abdelkrim Bouasria

Proud to be part of this work where we (Yassine Bouslihim et al.) explored the effect of high resolution covariates in mapping the variability of soil organic matter and pH in northern Morocco.

Many thanks to Yassine Bouslihim and co-authors

Give it a try and best read!

#machinelearning #soilscience #soilcarbon #soilfertility #digital_soil_mapping #agriculture #morocco #randomforest

Kathe Todd-Brown

Geostatistics in soils are often ignored with significant opportunities for misinterpretation of carbon storage resulting from interventions. Slessarev etal 2023 doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16491 takes us back to stats class, highlighting regression to the mean effects and normalization artifacts. #SoilCarbon #SoilPractices #agricultural #CitationMine #Geostatistics #SciLit

Kathe Todd-Brown

Soils are old growth forests are NOT necessarily at steady state. Gaines in soil organic carbon stocks (~30%) were are seen in one southern China preserve from 1979 to 2003. Zhou etal 2006 science.org/doi/10.1126/scienc #SoilCarbon #SoilPractices #SoilSampleDesign #SciLit

Kathe Todd-Brown

Deep soils respire only 10% of total CO2 (>30cm) despite holding most of the SOC (~50%). Fresh litter also tends to stay on top and not make it's way deeper (13C tagged litter addition). Wordell-Dietrich etal 2020 doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-6341-202 used 2m deep and 1.6m diameter soil observatories to continuously monitor soils at 10, 30, 50, 90 and 150 cm; measuring CO2, SOC, 13C (tagged surface litter addition), and 14C. #SoilDataSource #SoilCarbon #DeepCarbon #SciLit

Vertical partitioning of CO2 production in a forest soil

Abstract. Large amounts of total organic carbon are…

Kathe Todd-Brown

Soil fractionation offers one way to try to tease out soil carbon dynamics beyond bulk. Using a linear-mixed effects model and large soil carbon database ( #ISRaD ) Heckman et al 2021 [doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16023](htt found that depth was critical in explaining soil carbon stocks and persistence. Many traditional ClORPT variables were also explanatory, except for NPP, though their effects of different fractions differed. #SoilCarbon #DataCollection #Reanalysis #sciLit

Kathe Todd-Brown

Soil carbon estimates associated with #agricultural practice shifts need a portfolio approach to measurement, monitoring, and verification. But it is not a hopeless case and deeper data (on sample design, practice description, etc) can help. Bradford et al 2023 sciencedirect.com/science/arti looked at high density (0.1 ha sample-1) sample collections from 45 fields to support power analysis for #SoilCarbon shift detection. #SoilBGC #DataScience #SoilSampleDesign

Kathe Todd-Brown

#AGU23 Ginn (Washington State U): Generalizing compartment models has a long history. Track age in compartment leading to a advection-like model and convert decay rate as a function of age in compartment.

#Math #CompartmentModels #SoilCarbon


Freedom from the Well-Mixed Compartment.

Most land carbon cycle models are compartment (or…

Tomislav Hengl

We helped Kimberly Cornish (Food Water Wellness Foundation) develop methods for monitoring SOC stocks for large areas and at high spatial resolution. It's been a tremendous effort and we learned so much. You can now also follow the key results from here: facetsjournal.com/doi/full/10.

Majority of inputs / outputs are available for viewing via: g3w.soils.app/en/map/alberta-s

#SoilCarbon #Monitoring #OpenAccess

David Emde

Hey science peeps! Interested in #soilcarbon and #climatechange? Listen to some of the heavy-hitters talk about the limits to carbon storage on September 7th.


Confluence Mobile - Afris Wiki

John Englart

Just finished skim reading this study on urban lawns and grasslands soil carbon sequestration. It is an important meta-analysis contributing to addressing urban climate emissions.

"High soil carbon sequestration rates persist several decades in turfgrass systems: A meta-analysis." (OpenAccess)

I did a fair amount of reading on Soil Organic Carbon from turf grasses when I researched my literature review on Synthetic Turf in 2021, and this article pulls a lot of information from numerous studies together..


#SoilCarbon #CarbonSink #CarbonSequestration #Lawns #Turfgrass #Emissions #ClimateSolutions #ClimateCrisis

Kathe Todd-Brown

Moving towards a measure-able #SoilCarbon model, the MEMS #model centers mineral saturation as a primary driver SOC dynamics. Robertson etal 2019 bg.copernicus.org/articles/16/ showing that model-data integration doesn't have to be complicated.

#ScientificLiterature #Biogoechemistry

[[Personal note: Ok I will acknowledge that I don't entirely agree with all their approaches/conclusions here, but still a good paper to read.]]

Unifying soil organic matter formation and persistence frameworks: the MEMS model

<p><strong class="journal-contentHeaderColor">Abstract.</strong>…

Carsten W. Mueller

First toot - Hi Mastodon, here comes a #SoilScientist who will mainly post about #Science and #SoilCarbon in particular. ...and, you´ll see I always try to illustrate the work of our research group with some photos ;) #Rhizosphere #ClimateChange #Rewilding #MAOM #POM #SoilOrganicMatter #Mycorrhiza

Peter Fairley ⚡✍️ 🚴‍♂️ 🌍

A decade ago I scrutinized a gathering wave of 'advanced' biofuels for @nature (it's still one of my most cited works).
Today I'm back in Nature with a sober assessment of the R&D and smarter regulations required to put biofuels back on a socially + environmentally-beneficial path: nature.com/articles/d41586-022
#biofuels #biomass #cellulosic #soil #soilcarbon #lca #iluc #landuse #ethanol #renewablediesel #lcfs


"Beneath our feet, a vast network of fungus spreads like a web. Mycorrhizal fungi connect the roots of plants to the surrounding soil, facilitating the exchange of water and nutrients for sugars from the sun and playing a vital role in the health of terrestrial ecosystems. Now, this “wood wide web” is getting a conservation boost."

#Conservation #ClimateChange #News #Environment #Fungi #Biodiversity #SoilCarbon


Mycorrhizal fungi, nature’s ‘wood wide web,’ get a $3m conservation boost

Beneath our feet, a vast network of fungus spreads…

Conservation news

"... agriculture’s largest contribution to climate change stems from ... synthetic nitrogen fertiliser. By reducing ... chemical fertilisers and substituting it with high-quality organic fertilisers, half of all agricultural greenhouse gas emissions could be prevented while simultaneously building humus."

#AndreaBeste, PhD in Agricultural Sciences


#ClimateChange #Organic #SoilCarbon

A Soil Scientist’s Perspective - Carbon Farming, CO2 Certification & Carbon Sequestration in Soil A Soil Scientist’s Perspective - Carbon Farming, CO2 Certification & Carbon Sequestration in Soil

Carbon farming is a new buzz word, hotly debated in…

Agricultural and Rural Convention